Selling Virginity

You are a self admitted liar, but you are also a pathological liar, from my observations. You are not a virgin nor are you stupid enough to ever believe ANY person would ever have sex with you and pay you. Your posts tend to indicate you are lacking self dignity, have a need for attention, and you are confused on how to fulfill your needs.

Might I suggest a first step: start over, stop posting altogether, stop seeking negative attention, and discover integrity.
Hey, anyone wanna buy my boat!
burkalini's Avatar
This thread is like reading Mad magazine. It's funny. It's weird. It's sad and it should be out of business.
I don't know. I'm consistently blowing it. I think she tried to give me a second chance, and I blew it, again. I texted like 20 times in one day and started crying. I don't even know why. It just happened. I fugged it up.
burkalini's Avatar
How about a suggestion to the rest of us. How about we make this line the last in this thread. No one reply anymore. Let him talk himself out. Let's let this thread die a deserved death.
Alright, guys, I'm being serious.

I texted that girl that I like and told her that it's my birthday today (it actually is), and she actually texted me back. She said that we were cool. Does she want the D or nah?

I'm getting my PhD in how to penetrate hoes with my D.

The physics is actually very interesting. If we model the African penis as a cylinder, we can approximate its volume with π(r^2)h, where r is the radius and h is the length. The negro can be modeled as a rigid rotor rotating at a constant angular frequency.