An intriguing question for mature providers

Thanks blaze ,
just stating things ive learned by listening to other ladies now if i could just learn to do the same things that ive learned id be worthy of your praise .
I think we just loose that loving feeling sometimes no matter what and no matter how hard u try sometime its just too late to get it back but i do believe everything i wrote its just hard to find someone to let you do it
as the famous poet once said - If you cant love the one you want - love the one your with !!
It's not just differing opinions. In almost every post I've ever read by Chella (and admittedly, she is somewhat new to this board, but apparently not new to this world), she has held men in extreme contempt. Contempt...and hate. Yet she continues to make her living off men...the beings she hates. It creates a basic response of distaste on my part, and I'm afraid I lash out at the conduct on her part.

So, you see, it's not differing opinions. It's attitude and acceptance. She has an ugly attitude toward men in general and does not accept them (except for their cash). Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

Charles, I can certainly understand how you could draw that conclusion but I think you may be too harshly critical of Chellablaine. Consider the following comments which she made (2/27) in the "Do you think . . ." thread:

"Breastluvr, I met my soulmate once, and lost him, but I would have kept him forever. PTSD from his Military career was our demise. This also caused him to have performance issues, and his injuries and chronic pain. Sex wasnt that great but I didnt care, everything else was great and I was happy. But the demons won.

He would die if he knew I was in this biz now. And when my next soulmate comes along, he will never know.

Id love to have them (characteristics) all in once person, preferably a guy who looks like Jason Statham lol, but that isnt realistic. Ill take a not so great sex life if he is a REAL man in other ways. There has to be more than just sex.

I plan on taking what I have experienced here and in my real life and embracing a future love, hoping it has made me a stronger and much wiser person."

It seems like there could be a lot of residual pain underlying the anger and bitterness to which you allude.

Post quotation noted. I'm willing to consider I was wrong. Guess time will tell.
London Rayne's Avatar
It's not just differing opinions. In almost every post I've ever read by Chella (and admittedly, she is somewhat new to this board, but apparently not new to this world), she has held men in extreme contempt. Contempt...and hate. Yet she continues to make her living off men...the beings she hates. It creates a basic response of distaste on my part, and I'm afraid I lash out at the conduct on her part.

So, you see, it's not differing opinions. It's attitude and acceptance. She has an ugly attitude toward men in general and does not accept them (except for their cash). Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I know her "personally" as in we have hung out many times and know each other's famiilies. She does not hate men...she hates men's excuses for why they do things. Just like you hate women's lies and manipulations, she feels the same about "some" men.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Ooooooohweeeee I'd hate to piss London and Chella off at the same time in the same room...... lol. Can Y'all imagine....
Chellablaine's Avatar
OMG I do not Hate men,not even close! And I am not new to this board at all, or new to other boards either. Im new to you and obviously you cant handle a strong willed woman who doesnt bow down to some guy with a lil green.

FYI...I do this because I want to! If I were desperate for money I would see anyone and everyone. I have one of the most strict preferences and still have a waiting list when I leave a city. I happen to be educated with a career, own a company, and could walk away from this today and live quite comfortably. Not all providers are below you, and some of us do have substantial investments to fall back on.

As far as pain...havent we all had some type of relationship pain? Of course, and we work through it however we can. Yes breastluvr you are correct, but in no way am I jaded. If I were I still wouldnt have faith that Ill meet "the one" in the future and live happily ever after. Its men like Charles that I cant stand...insecure and looks down on women in a degrading way in order to make himself feel superior.

All I think is that men(and women) should just own what you do. Stop making BS excuses for it. If your a dawg, then dont fool yourself by justifying it otherwise, and the same goes for women. Im pretty honest and never sugar coat anything. But those, like London, who truly know me, know I have a heart of gold.

so Charles, dont try to analyze me, you will just get frustrated, as I change daily...and what I type out here is not to be taken to the heart, for hun if someone on the net makes you that angry and hateful, maybe you need to focus on yourself, and not worry about me. Of course, Im the kind of person if I see your weak spot I might poke it just for fun to see you get your panties in a wad like a sissy haha.

But all in good fun of course!

Oh and Eccieaddict, he told me to "GFY" which is go fuck yourself. This created the animosity as I did not at any point tell him anything ugly, and I still refuse to stoop to his hateful level.
London Rayne's Avatar
I thought GFY meant "good for you." I need to brush up on my acronyms.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Chella- Naomi pointed that out to me earlier so I now know what it means now....

London, hell that isn't on the damn accronym What are we suppose to do. I just didn't even pay attention to it
London Rayne's Avatar
Ooooooohweeeee I'd hate to piss London and Chella off at the same time in the same room...... lol. Can Y'all imagine.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Yea, that would not be a very good idea lol.

Ever hear of the "Bayou Mafia?" Just sayin.
Chellablaine's Avatar
Uhh yeh, what London said...not a good idea. Id never take a road trip with her because we are so feisty we would hurt each other lol

Haha, I know when Im being told to go fuck myself, LOL...typical of the "lil man"

If I were truly a manhater, then I wouldnt enjoy the freaky fetish I have with you guys in my massage, or not watch the clock, or enjoy totally pampering a mans body. I totally love it! Its fills this need I have to touch...just lay on your tummy and let me see those muscular shoulder blades and a fine ass! YUM!

If I werent allergic to latex Id be such a whore.haha...for FREE! Money doesnt mean much to me. What I make off this goes towards my total retirement in a few years. I want to live out the rest of my life enjoying it...and not working into my 50's or 60's. Then again if I can hook a man to take care of me, then Id totally rock his world with my "mature" self. I think I still got what it takes.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Wow! Hate I didn't get in on this from the beginning, but I will say that it has been my experience that "life" does change people. We change our attitudes, our beliefs, and sometimes our morals. Experiences often change our perspectives. How I feel about many things in life has changed throughout the years.

As for some women stopping the intimacy during different times in their lives, I dunno. It has yet to happen to me and right now, I just can't see it happening, however, I did have a fella cut me off for four years, and what a frustrating four years that was. LOL I can identify with the gents when it comes to this issue. It will NEVER happen to me again as anyone I am involved with will know that doing so is grounds for me to find sexual satisfaction elsewhere....period. FTDS! (eff the dumb sh*t)
London Rayne's Avatar
Oh said "eff" instead of the word lol. I am rubbing off on you.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
MAX- I know what you're saying.... What I meant by people not changing was that normally when you are courting and then get married (especially if married quick), when you start to see a change in the other person it's usually just the part of them that they have kept hidden and didn't let you see that side of them for fear of not having you. It wasn't really a change as much as it was just hidden.
London Rayne's Avatar
I think guys know off the bat that I am a little fireball not to be messed with. I trick them by never spending more than 24 hours with them, and I have never lived with a man unless we were every time lol.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Cheater!! lol

I think guys know off the bat that I am a little fireball not to be messed with. I trick them by never spending more than 24 hours with them, and I have never lived with a man unless we were every time lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne