The SC stepped in and said "they" will decide if Congress has this "right". The SC may very well say that a President must in all cases do what ever the Congress tells him to do. ....
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
A distinction should be drawn between the substantive issue and the procedural issue. In the case of whether any particular documents are "required" to be produced each case before the SCOTUS will stand on its own factual subject matter and decision regarding those particular and specific facts. But ....
The "obstruction" allegation has to do with whether or not the POTUS has the right to challenge the request by declining to respond and thereby putting the "ball" in the court of Congress to go to court and seek a court order requiring the POTUS to honor the request FOR THOSE PARTICULAR REQUESTS ... which will vary from time to time and President to President...and which has nothing to do with the substance or subject matter of the request.
(Which explains why the LOONS don't want a court opinion on it!)
The significance of the most recent case involving Trump's tax records and "support" for his returns is that the SCOTUS has now by at least 5 justices concluded that Trump does in fact have THE RIGHT to object to the request and thereby put Congress in the position of walking away (as they have done) or filing a lawsuit to obtain a court order compelling Trump to produce the information/documents/persons Congress sought by the request.
And SINCE Trump is exercising his right to object, there IS NO OBSTRUCTION.
Trump has NEVER been ordered by a Court to produce anything or anyone for the investigation to establish sufficient FACTS to support the issuance of articles of impeachment.
Since MadCow's Loony Faithful ON HERE adopt her speculative fantasies, I will make a safe assumption that the reason why PissLousy and her Loony idiots in the House did not pursue litigation to enforce any requests against Trump is: #1 they would lose, and #2 the litigation would not be final until after the 2020 elections ... AND LOSE WHEN A FINAL CAME DOWN FROM THE SCOTUS... irrespective of their forum shopping! And if their attorneys didn't tell them that 100% as a collective body ... they should be fired ... LIKE THOSE WHO HIRED THEM!