Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-25-2013, 11:08 AM
I have little doubt we will hear of Zimmerman sometime in the next 10 years involved in another shooting. Originally Posted by txrancher1
And i've got $1000 that says he'll be claiming "the other guy/girl started it".
Will Boner's Avatar
You got yer Z haters; and you got yer T haters; and these are the two extremes that dominate the discussion both here and in the media

And IMHO between you got most folks who believe this was just a very sad outcome between an idiot and a thug. Call these equal opportunity haters.
LexusLover's Avatar
You got yer Z haters; and you got yer T haters; and these are the two extremes that dominate the discussion both here and in the media
Originally Posted by Hugh Jardon
I don't think anyone really "hates" either one ... I think our country is deeply divided on a number of issues and the conflict is angry and vicious at times ... so I think if there is "hate" it is not toward "Z" or "T" but to the proponents or opponents of either side against the other. "Z" and "T" are done with their fight. There is nothing to "hate" about either.

It is the proponents or opponents of either side who are still doing battle ...

.. ever been in one of those disputes that got outrageously loud and then all of sudden everyone sat back and asked what was the fight about .... it was sort of funny at the time.

It is tragic that killing goes on. It's tragic that folks put themselves in a potentially harmful situation. Why do we continue the tragedy?
LexusLover's Avatar
And i've got $1000 that says he'll be claiming "the other guy/girl started it". Originally Posted by Doove
Trying to take candy from a baby I see. Good hedge bet.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-25-2013, 02:48 PM
I don't think anyone really "hates" either one ... I think our country is deeply divided on a number of issues and the conflict is angry and vicious at times ... so I think if there is "hate" it is not toward "Z" or "T" but to the proponents or opponents of either side against the other. "Z" and "T" are done with their fight. There is nothing to "hate" about either.

It is the proponents or opponents of either side who are still doing battle ...

.. ever been in one of those disputes that got outrageously loud and then all of sudden everyone sat back and asked what was the fight about .... it was sort of funny at the time.

It is tragic that killing goes on. It's tragic that folks put themselves in a potentially harmful situation. Why do we continue the tragedy? Originally Posted by LexusLover
well said
I B Hankering's Avatar
Whirlaway...Zimmerman is a killer. He didn't follow his instructions not to follow the kid when he received his training as a watchman. He didn't follow his instructions not to follow when told by the dispatcher. He was the aggressor with a gun...the kid was armed with a package of skittles. The kid's fault was his inability to defend himself against a crazed gun totting idiot.

There was another man at the scene of the accident that helped pull the family out of the van. Nobody was seriously injured. They would have lived. Your're another example of fools defending a killer. I have little doubt we will hear of Zimmerman sometime in the next 10 years involved in another shooting. These people can't help themselves, sort of like OJ. Originally Posted by txrancher1
There's that word again: "watch"! Zimmerman was "watching" Martin to see where he was and what he was doing: just like the dispatcher asked him to do. The jury ruled Zimmerman "not guilty" of murder or manslaughter and didn't find he broke any laws by "watching". Zimmerman did not confront and engage. After all, what is the purpose of a "Neighborhood Watch" unless someone actually engages in "watching"?

I don't think anyone really "hates" either one ... I think our country is deeply divided on a number of issues and the conflict is angry and vicious at times ... so I think if there is "hate" it is not toward "Z" or "T" but to the proponents or opponents of either side against the other. "Z" and "T" are done with their fight. There is nothing to "hate" about either.

It is the proponents or opponents of either side who are still doing battle ...

.. ever been in one of those disputes that got outrageously loud and then all of sudden everyone sat back and asked what was the fight about .... it was sort of funny at the time.

It is tragic that killing goes on. It's tragic that folks put themselves in a potentially harmful situation. Why do we continue the tragedy? Originally Posted by LexusLover