Is it OK to talk about federal law enforcement on here?

Next Best Thing's Avatar
He actually made a lot of good points. But that wasn’t mine, I really don’t care about his. Mine was that you’re a cuck....glad u agree. Originally Posted by trojantide
Why would I care what you think I am.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I am curious what liberal male lesbians think about expropriation of property against rightful land owners as a reasonable response to perceived anti-socialism occurring one and half generations ago?

Karl Marx is becoming kool as hell to Democrats and their little friends a half a globe away.

Nelson Mandela is a friend of the liberal media and of the pussified loudmouthed minority in America today.

Donald Trump and the MAGA movement is trying as hard as it can to tip-toe it's way around all of the sanctimony and all of the hatred toward middle-class Americans and CNN and MSNBC are doing all they can to undermine this.

South Africa is in the midst of a genocidal siege against the white minority.

Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and Maxine Waters love this shit.

For those conspiring against unrepresented white farmers in South Africa, who are as prejudiced against the politically powerless minority as their equals in Zimbabwe, I say fuck you.

I will do, and am doing, 100% of what I can to fight for your enemies, who are being attacked by pieces of shit who are far more contemptible than wolves in sheep's clothing.

#hihaters, #you'llgetyours, #retardedfatamericanliberals, #thankyoucandaceowens, #MAfuckingGA.


Next Best Thing
Next Best Thing's Avatar
preaching to a bunch of fellas who fork over their money to have sex with traditionally non attractive females. After being heavily screened. Whew Originally Posted by Carlos Danger
Carlos I'm doing it again.

Ceremony's Avatar
I am curious what liberal male lesbians think about expropriation of property against rightful land owners as a reasonable response to perceived anti-socialism occurring one and half generations ago?
Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
They think their indignation is righteous.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
One of the most noticeable things about the Democratic Party over the course of the last 15 years or so is the refusal to cooperate with any elected leaders who do not represent their agenda. This would be bad enough if the Democrats even had an organized agenda whose foundation was built on anything other than power-mongering, but it isn't. It's become clear that their game plan is the following:

1) Dispute the legitimacy of the results of any election that they lose.
2) Conduct active and widespread media smear campaigns once it becomes evident that #1 is ineffective.
3) Join hands with those outside the party who most radically oppose elected officials and their appointees, regardless of whether their new friends are communists or regularly commit murder.
4) Feign outrage at all times.
5) Always appeal to the lowest common denominator (illegal immigrants, criminals, racists, whiners, homosexuals, sexually-ambiguous he-shes or she-hes, etc).

This while San Francisco transforms itself into West Calcutta, nominations of Social Democrats/Communists, infiltration of politically corrupted hit people into federal law enforcement agencies, calls for the dissolution of government agencies designed specifically to keep terrorists outside of our borders so it becomes more difficult for them to commit large-scale acts of violence against lawful American citizens, and the further marginalization of fake news salespeople.

Thank God for our great President.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Trey Gowdy KO1 Peter Strzok.

Strzok looked like he was about to burst into tears at any moment.

Totally outclassed.

Gowdy for King of America.
Ceremony's Avatar
He is rather good at eviscerating people.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Gowdy is so obviously the star of the show everyone else on the Republican side should just get the fuck out of the way and watch the master at work. Hypnotizing a veteran FBI supervisory agent into saying he didn't know what he himself meant when sending lovey-dovey texts to his Olive Oil look-a-like girlfriend was yummy.

This said, Matt Gaetz did a swell job baby-stepping Strzok into calling Robert Mueller's actions into question, to say the least.

A little disappointed in Jim Jordan although I would like to see JJ walk up to the ridiculous desk Strzok is sitting behind and strangling him into a coma. Jordan did have a highlight moment when he squeezed Bruce Ohr's name out of Strzok. This is very close to a check mate moment and I wish Gowdy was the one confronting Strzok, the weasel, on this.

Andy McCabe is looking like a member of the Keystone Kops alongside Bruce and Nellie Ohr, two cocksucking whores for the Clinton machine.

More Gowdy please.
Yea ..just like he made history with Benghazi
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Yea ..just like he made history with Benghazi Originally Posted by keeponrisin
Right. Tell Seth Rich and tell Vince Foster while you're at it. Oh yes. I'm sorry. You can' tell either one of them. They were both murdered and are now dead forever.

Trey Gowdy is one of two or three members of The People's House that tells it like it is and who won't back down to an entitled imperial pussified coward like Peter Strzok and who will look him in the eye and tell him to fuck himself in a Congressional hearing. You can count people with balls like this on one hand. The Donald is one of them as it is.

Hopefully Hillary lives long enough to charm the Democrat Party morons into nominating her again in 2020 so we're assured of four more years of AMERICAN GLOBAL DOMINANCE.

Finally US pride after 20 years of placating progressive Europe and submission. Now we finally have our inclusive/male/accomplished/proud/winning AMERICAN GREATNESS.

Thank you Donald Trump. You are the greatest US leader of my lifetime. Never thought I would see something like this, especially after 8 years of that shameful idiot that preceded you.
Trey Gowdy's legacy

2.5 years and 7.8 million dollars investigating Benghazi

result- no wrong doing found

oh.. he's not afraid to insult people

I can't wait to hear what you say about little hands trump when he gets done blowing Putin next week
throw out that confederate flag and fly the hammer and sickle
Plastic Man's Avatar
says a dumb ...shit who be hangin on moronic ...maxine waters every racist word
Ceremony's Avatar
throw out that confederate flag and fly the hammer and sickle Originally Posted by keeponrisin
Isn't that the history of the Democratic party in a nutshell?
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Trey Gowdy's legacy

2.5 years and 7.8 million dollars investigating Benghazi

result- no wrong doing found

oh.. he's not afraid to insult people

I can't wait to hear what you say about little hands trump when he gets done blowing Putin next week
throw out that confederate flag and fly the hammer and sickle Originally Posted by keeponrisin
Right again.

Except how many illegally obtained FISA warrants were obtained to spy on a presidential campaign in that case, and the latest FBI/DOJ stunt has already exceeded nearly 3 times that figure already. And let's not forget about the ridiculous piece of "evidence" used to get the ball rolling in the witch hunt here, who paid for it, and how disingenuous the bitter liberal press has been in misrepresenting this as a pathway for impeachment.

How did Hussein Obama assemble his cabinet again? How much has Hillary's speaking fee go down now that her ability to peddle influence has dramatically decreased? Can you say depleted uranium? Isn't Donna Brazile afraid to turn the lights out in her house at night after what happened to Seth Rich, the other Bernie Sanders supporter who didn't just sit idly by after the truth came out about Clinton and Debbie Wasserman buying the Democrat nomination and kicking Sanders and his millions of votes to the curb?

Yellow cake please.

You sound like Maxine Waters and you probably don't even know it. Worse yet, even if you do know it, you probably don't see anything wrong with this, which is a sad commentary on the de-nutted Democrat party.

Trump has confronted North Korea, and he has confronted Russia, and will again.

Hussein was too busy entertaining George Clooney and John Legend (whoever that is) in the White House to bother going on the offensive with these folks. That and he was probably afraid of them. And how did sending disgraced scumbag John Kerry (like Clinton, another piece of shit who could not accept election results) to Iran to bend over and take an anal rape from Iran work out, and how much did that submissive deal cost Americans in both dollars and in international credibility among people and sovereign states that are not fully pussified?

I hope Trey Gowdy is elected President of the United States one day, but he would probably prefer to be a private citizen after his current term expires unfortunately.
TheClouding89's Avatar
The title on this topic is very misleading. WOW