just a comment. i dont follow local politics too much so i know little about Judge Hidalgo, but i think what happened in the midterms was the urbans and the suburbans were so fed up with trump that they just voted the straight dem ticket. (that's what i did, and for the same reason.) so if a blue dog had been running for the judge position, pretty sure a blue dog would have gotten elected.
Originally Posted by pxmcc
Hidalgo ran unopposed in the primary because the dems didn't think they had a chance against Ed Emmet. She was a throw away candidate. She rode the Harris county Betomania blue wave straight ticket vote into a narrow win over the incumbent behind a lackluster turn out by over confident Republicans.
Some way that if Emmet had just torn down the Astrodome like the citizens voted for he'd likely be managing Harris County with the same kind of leadership he managed it during several other disasters. Maybe