If you had to bet who do you see winning the GOP nod???

Did any body ever stop to think that if things get so bad that the only thing "worth" anything is gold, then what you had better be invested in is a good shotgun and the will to use it.

Why? Because a can of Pork and Beans will be worth more than a pound of Gold, and someone will be willing to kill you for it.
TexTushHog's Avatar
It's not a credible poll at all because the presstitute who wrote the article totally forgot a candidate, what is that guy's name? Oh yeah she forgot to mention Ron Paul's name. Not a peep! You can tell she values her job security. What and the hell ever happend to freedom? People who have maximum security are in prisons, think about it. The presstitutes "write what their told." Funny how she mentioned Sarah Palin's name though, who's not even in the race and will probably not even be in the Persidential race. They just love to hoodwink the public with their mind games. Doesn't everyone just love the good ole U.S.A.? The land of the free. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
Polls are meaningless this far out. But the polls show Paul and Bachman doing slightly worse than the slightly less crazy GOP candidates.

CPT Savajo's Avatar
I seen the poll, and it is meaningless at this point in the game but it does give good feedback. However mainstream corporate controlled media who have to write what their told to write have to admit that Congressman Ron Paul is a frontrunner. The big wigs know he is and their scared. The people writing most of those negative articles about Ron Paul know it's a fraud, their freedoms are being suppressed and their cowards to do anything about it, but it's either that or they can stand in the unemployment line. The country doesn't need a Bush Jr. version 2.0 in Rick Perry, or a Mitt Romney.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I seen the poll, and it is meaningless at this point in the game but it does give good feedback. However mainstream corporate controlled media who have to write what their told to write have to admit that Congressman Ron Paul is a frontrunner. The big wigs know he is and their scared. The people writing most of those negative articles about Ron Paul know it's a fraud, their freedoms are being suppressed and their cowards to do anything about it, but it's either that or they can stand in the unemployment line. The country doesn't need a Bush Jr. version 2.0 in Rick Perry, or a Mitt Romney. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
CPT I see you are a strong supporter of Paul and that's cool and I agree with you on a lot of things you mentioned. One of the biggest mistakes the GOP made and is still making is taking Sarah Palin as a legitimate contender- she is the least prepared to lead and the weakest in that field but yet she is one of the most popular and is being pushed as if she's a viable candidate. It's sad when the world knows more about Palin then they do Ron Paul and comparing those two is like comparing Ice Cream to Manure, but hey the GOP and the media made Palin bigger than life.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
CPT I see you are a strong supporter of Paul and that's cool and I agree with you on a lot of things you mentioned. One of the biggest mistakes the GOP made and is still making is taking Sarah Palin as a legitimate contender- she is the least prepared to lead and the weakest in that field but yet she is one of the most popular and is being pushed as if she's a viable candidate. It's sad when the world knows more about Palin then they do Ron Paul and comparing those two is like comparing Ice Cream to Manure, but hey the GOP and the media made Palin bigger than life. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
aren't purdy girls always popular?
CPT Savajo's Avatar
CPT I see you are a strong supporter of Paul and that's cool and I agree with you on a lot of things you mentioned. One of the biggest mistakes the GOP made and is still making is taking Sarah Palin as a legitimate contender- she is the least prepared to lead and the weakest in that field but yet she is one of the most popular and is being pushed as if she's a viable candidate. It's sad when the world knows more about Palin then they do Ron Paul and comparing those two is like comparing Ice Cream to Manure, but hey the GOP and the media made Palin bigger than life. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
I am a strong supporter of Congressman Paul. To me he is the only one who makes sense, has any dignity, and can't be bought off. He's been warning the people for a long time that this country would soon be in a huge financial mess and he was right! If Obama would have kept his word and taken the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan like he said he was going to do he may have my vote in 2012 but thats not happening. Since he lied to the American people it's obvious that he serves other interests.

I don't see Sarah Palin coming into the Presidential Race and I'll tell you why. The media whores are pushing her off as a viable candidate just so they can persuade her to come in and steal voters away from Congressman Ron Paul. It's all just a ploy. What we have today is a Presidential Reality Show. Their's no doubt the media whores love flocking to her so they can get their 45 degree angle photo shoot. The woman is a walking talking box, she always has a camera stuffed in her face no matter what she's doing. Their trying to use the mantra that sex sells, atleast McCain did when he chose her as his Vice President. Their trying to convince every hard dick out there that, "this is what you want." She would be a weak candidate and she probably knows that she wouldn't win, thats why we haven't seen her enter. If we do see her enter it's because the establishment and the status quo are throwing everything at the American public to stop Congressman Ron Paul's growing success. If she enters i'll know that she was bought off and paid for by the GOP. Since Romney and Perry represent the status quo and are doing decent right now in the polls I don't expect to see her enter the race.

Palin isn't blind to whats going on in the political arena, she knows the media is screwing Ron Paul and perhaps she actually wants him to win. She just isn't saying it publicly because it would destroy her politically. I could imagine that all of the campaigning and running around gets old quick, even for the political whores who want to suck this country dry.

As far as Obama, I believe he's going to need the Miracle on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to be reelcted. He's going to have to change serious tactics to win. I don't think he can win with Biden as his VP. Their going to have to do something drastic to pull this off. The markets would either have to rally to epic proportions and the unemployment number would have to be cut in half. This is a crazy idea, but could you see Obama having Oprah Winfrey as his VP for 2012? There would be no better way to sell the Presidency and force it down the throats of Americans who would probably buy into the hoax hook, line, and sinker.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I am a strong supporter of Congressman Paul. To me he is the only one who makes sense, has any dignity, and can't be bought off. He's been warning the people for a long time that this country would soon be in a huge financial mess and he was right! If Obama would have kept his word and taken the troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan like he said he was going to do he may have my vote in 2012 but thats not happening. Since he lied to the American people it's obvious that he serves other interests.

I don't see Sarah Palin coming into the Presidential Race and I'll tell you why. The media whores are pushing her off as a viable candidate just so they can persuade her to come in and steal voters away from Congressman Ron Paul. It's all just a ploy. What we have today is a Presidential Reality Show. Their's no doubt the media whores love flocking to her so they can get their 45 degree angle photo shoot. The woman is a walking talking box, she always has a camera stuffed in her face no matter what she's doing. Their trying to use the mantra that sex sells, atleast McCain did when he chose her as his Vice President. Their trying to convince every hard dick out there that, "this is what you want." She would be a weak candidate and she probably knows that she wouldn't win, thats why we haven't seen her enter. If we do see her enter it's because the establishment and the status quo are throwing everything at the American public to stop Congressman Ron Paul's growing success. If she enters i'll know that she was bought off and paid for by the GOP. Since Romney and Perry represent the status quo and are doing decent right now in the polls I don't expect to see her enter the race.

Palin isn't blind to whats going on in the political arena, she knows the media is screwing Ron Paul and perhaps she actually wants him to win. She just isn't saying it publicly because it would destroy her politically. I could imagine that all of the campaigning and running around gets old quick, even for the political whores who want to suck this country dry.

As far as Obama, I believe he's going to need the Miracle on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to be reelcted. He's going to have to change serious tactics to win. I don't think he can win with Biden as his VP. Their going to have to do something drastic to pull this off. The markets would either have to rally to epic proportions and the unemployment number would have to be cut in half. This is a crazy idea, but could you see Obama having Oprah Winfrey as his VP for 2012? There would be no better way to sell the Presidency and force it down the throats of Americans who would probably buy into the hoax hook, line, and sinker. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
I disagree I think the GOP needs some epic miracle to happen to beat Obama- it would take a major meltdown of the U.S economy for Obama to lose. The GOP are not going to win just by saying: If I am elected we are going to have low jobs" that's not going to be enough.
In terms of VP- Obama is not going to change VP's- Biden sticks his foot in his mouth but he's a viable candidate with many years of experience so he's a non factor- no one makes huge decisions on VP candidates- unless they question the Presidents ability to run.
In 2008 they questioned Palin because she was dumb as hell ad mainly because McCain is old. If George Bush the elder was able to survive with Dan Quayle Obama could survive with Biden- no way possible he would choose Oprah that is just a cray assertion.
To answer Wellendowed. I think the nominee will be Governor good hair aka Rick Perry. That said i think President Obama will be re elected by default. During the debt ceiling debate, someone in the field should have been the grown up and said take the deal. I think President Obama would have been severly damaged had that occured. It feels like the President is playing chess and the gop is playing checkers. Rick Perry positions i don;t get nor care to understand. He said he is for smaller governmnet but tried to mandate a vaccine huh. He calls himself the jobs creator why is texas facing a huge budget deficit.
Every one of those pictures are, of course, fake, except the very first one. And I think it is the hottest one of all.
waverunner234's Avatar
Lol, doesn't matter if you are for or against Obama, that would be the show, Perry against Obama, I guess Obama will wipe the floor with Perry. One thing is very underestimated, Obama is an extremely smart man, and he will work the media in a way that Perry can only be Jealous of. Perry has Fox News, Obama has all the rest. Just like in 2008
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Americans just have to wake up to reality. http://video.foxnews.com/v/113300627...ring-ron-paul/ The major meltdown of the U.S. economy has already taken place and is still going on. Thats why we have gold at nearly $2000. There isn't another candidate in the field who has the answers to the problems America is facing like Congressman Ron Paul does. Obama doesn't have the answers, he represents the status quo to keep things going as they are. If Odumbo gets reelected, things will get worse in this country, but it will get better for the mega banks because they'll just continue to get bailed out. If your not in the inside circle of the multi billionaires club, your not in the club.

Obama probably will get relected. AND all you sorry ass peps will regret it. Can't say we did not warn you. Little over a year to find out.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Obama probably will get relected. AND all you sorry ass peps will regret it. Can't say we did not warn you. Little over a year to find out. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
let me ask you a serious question- how would you rate George W Bush's 8 years???? I mean let's get real- where were the massive jobs created as a result from his Tax cuts to the wealthiest 2%? What happened to Trickle down economics during the Bush years?
Some of you Republicans act as if Bush years were prosperous- and you want to go back to that crap????
let me ask you a serious question- how would you rate George W Bush's 8 years???? I mean let's get real- where were the massive jobs created as a result from his Tax cuts to the wealthiest 2%? What happened to Trickle down economics during the Bush years?
Some of you Republicans act as if Bush years were prosperous- and you want to go back to that crap???? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
This is about the future. I do not live in the past. Bush was and did suck. He was better than your sh3t. When 9/11 hit we are lucky he was the pres.

As far as the future. Us Republican types will not stand for any of the BS from the past. We are about AMERICA and our future. As I know you are too.

come on guy's. Let's get together.
waverunner234's Avatar
If your not in the inside circle of the multi billionaires club, your not in the club. Originally Posted by CPT Savajo
Give me some time, I'm trying to get there.