Pandemic sucks Who is gonna take care of us sex workers now

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-09-2020, 09:09 AM
I've paid my taxes EVERY year since I was 16...

And I'm still going to be denied... Originally Posted by Gabrielle
What do you expect from a Senate that is dominated by the Thumpers who still believe it is their obligation to shove their morals on everyone?

A a president who has sold out to them for their support (and they overlook morality in him they would decry in anyone else).

Sad, pathetic, but so predictable. And all the while the RWWs scream about the Dems wanting to politicize the virus.
I thought there was a Political section for this kind of CNN - Huff Post - MSNBC bullshit
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-10-2020, 12:06 AM
Are you saying it is not a true statement about sexworkers workers? What part are you calling BS? Not sure what your point really is.
The Trump bashing is bullshit. If you want to do that go to the political forum. You didn't mention in the stimulus bill the dems forced $25,000,000. in IT funds so they could work from home and continue collecting their $176,000 paycheck. That's $45,000. each Congress person.
A little pricey don't you think. There's enough blame to go around both democrats and republicans with the stimulus bill. Every night the PPE shortage is Trump's fault. Where were the 535 Congress people who are suppose to be watching our back when Obama depleted the supplies and didn't replenish them. Sorry for the rant, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Just tired of all the negativity. Sorry for the ladies who are suffering
JRLawrence's Avatar
Ok this life situation sucks...I have had to cancel all my upcoming tours cause of the pandemic...ughhhh

Now is the time for loyalty and compassion

So if y'all wanna help a provider you know out in some way..emotional and financial..please do... we all need it!

Thanks! Much luv to all! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Hey Dallas,

It is difficult to be self employed. We assume that you know enough about business to have set aside investments for your own retirement, vacations and taxes.

If by now, you can't provide for your own needs during this crisis; you have not been thinking ahead. No, we don't mean BJ: I said ahead, not head.
DallasRain's Avatar
I do have some stash saved ..and have had some great guys helping me so I'll be ok
But it has changed my lifestyle quite a bit
I can tour many places,which is my bread n I have to do what I can at home which is basically to sustain me till I can start touring again!

I just have a lot of overhead right now...taking care of elderly mom financially and helping my kids n grandkids.... but I was raised to be a survivor in hard times so I will be ok.

Hopefully this will pass soon!!
The Trump bashing is bullshit. If you want to do that go to the political forum. You didn't mention in the stimulus bill the dems forced $25,000,000. in IT funds so they could work from home and continue collecting their $176,000 paycheck. That's $45,000. each Congress person.
A little pricey don't you think. There's enough blame to go around both democrats and republicans with the stimulus bill. Every night the PPE shortage is Trump's fault. Where were the 535 Congress people who are suppose to be watching our back when Obama depleted the supplies and didn't replenish them. Sorry for the rant, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Just tired of all the negativity. Sorry for the ladies who are suffering Originally Posted by littlerichard
I've no problem with then getting rid of the Trump bashing as long as they get rid of the Trump worshiping too.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-10-2020, 06:36 PM
That is very true. As was said, lots of blame to spread around, but this board is extremely tilted hard right. Such as saying only the Dems are happy to take a telecommuting bonus.

But even though the rightwingers are the majority here, and get far more posts reflecting their perspective, they are also the ones far more likely to scream "no politices", even on an inherently political topic.
A retailer I know was closed as non-essential. He's been selling $100 gift certificates for $50. His thinking is most customers will spend double the $100 when he reopens. Might not be a bad idea for the hobby.
  • SAFan
  • 04-11-2020, 01:35 PM
I thought anyone that’s filed a 2018 tax return can receive the $1,200? Doesn’t matter what your gig is, you just have to tell IRS you worked, and got paid this much money, and here’s a tax payment on the money you received. You can be a handyman, a waiter, a street vendor or even an escort. As long as you filed and paid your payroll taxes and federal income tax, you are good to collect the relief check.

I know a lot of restaurant waitstaff don’t report all of their cash tips. So that’s now going to work against them when they apply for unemployment. But I believe the federal government got them covered with the additional $600 a week. So as long as you paid your taxes, even for those in the gig industry like Uber drivers and handyman, you can apply for long as you filed returns properly every year.
  • SAFan
  • 04-11-2020, 01:35 PM
I thought anyone that’s filed a 2018 tax return can receive the $1,200? Doesn’t matter what your gig is, you just have to tell IRS you worked, and got paid this much money, and here’s a tax payment on the money you received. You can be a handyman, a waiter, a street vendor or even an escort. As long as you filed and paid your payroll taxes and federal income tax, you are good to collect the relief check.

I know a lot of restaurant waitstaff don’t report all of their cash tips. So that’s now going to work against them when they apply for unemployment. But I believe the federal government got them covered with the additional $600 a week. So as long as you paid your taxes, even for those in the gig industry like Uber drivers and handyman, you can apply for long as you filed returns properly every year.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I think some providers forget the knife cuts both ways - last 2 weeks i saw the future and in order to preserve some cash asked for a bit of a discount- not 1 provider accepted or agreed - now they want help - REALLY? I am glad all my shit is paid for and i have cash to last me 15 years and i dont make $300 an hour ! only the good providers will survive and come out ahead. Originally Posted by hardnready69us
But why should any one have to give a discount
if they offer it's one thing ?