What's your addiction?

I am addicted to decorating I love to go to thrifty stores and Craigslist to search out unique finds...

MajicPlayground's Avatar
Starbucks. Every. Single. Day. ��
A good clean trimmed pussy grinding on my face...
el guero's Avatar
Women.... Is there anything better??
A good clean trimmed pussy grinding on my face... Originally Posted by Warptcuck
I can get under that.
Caffeine and hot women
myren1900's Avatar
I won’t reveal the her name ..
and I love sharing some quality Pinot Noir with her

A cute young woman with naive eyes, soft lips and a submissive attitude. The ones that really miss that daddy and want you to replace them and will do almost anything to keep you happy. I can't enough of those
Sweets. I love cookies, cakes, and ice cream. When I get stressed, I’ll eat a sweet to relax. I also get anxious when I go to long without a fix lol

Also Powerade and Gatorade. I’ve been drinking it almost every day for the last 15 years.

Also Powerade and Gatorade. I’ve been drinking it almost every day for the last 15 years. Originally Posted by PrinceBlah
Do you like the BODYARMOR Sports Drink?
