p411 vs references


to answer a situation you just put forth...

If I have two possible p411 clients ask to see me within a relatively close time frame, if one is an actual appointment request, I book with him first. (over someone who has simply just sent me a message on P411 or a pre-screen)

If both are appointment requests, I ask if either are flexible with their time.

If both a just messages, I work with them on the time.

OK's are OK's. Yes, I do look at the OK's and if they are providers I know, especially like my doubles partner, or THN, or Jules, Redheaded Julie ect...then I usually know they are pretty cool guys and if they can't work with my schedule to see me that day, then they will find time to book with me at a later time or especially on another day.
David...now I get your point. And thanks.

It is not completed appointments per se, but refreshing the Okays from providers I have seen in the past. I did not / have not considered that. Maybe they would accommodate my Okay request again to keep them up to date. But without the financial incentive of my fresh visit, I never considered asking, thinking it was an unfair burden on them.

to answer a situation you just put forth...

If I have two possible p411 clients ask to see me within a relatively close time frame, if one is an actual appointment request, I book with him first. (over someone who has simply just sent me a message on P411 or a pre-screen)

If both are appointment requests, I ask if either are flexible with their time.

If both a just messages, I work with them on the time.

OK's are OK's. Yes, I do look at the OK's and if they are providers I know, especially like my doubles partner, or THN, or Jules, Redheaded Julie ect...then I usually know they are pretty cool guys and if they can't work with my schedule to see me that day, then they will find time to book with me at a later time or especially on another day. Originally Posted by tntangie
If they are p411 appointment requests for around the same time frame, that is a good idea to see if one or the other are flexible on the time. I was just giving an example of if you HAD to schedule with and see one, most providers, regardless of who the OKs are from, are going to schedule to see the one with the more recent OKs than the one whose last OK was 6+ months ago. Even tho you really will never be 100% sure about a client, the more recent the OKs, the better your comfort level is probably going to be.

The guys you might to be concerned about are the ones who keep their p411 and eccie profiles separate, as they obviously have something to hide. Now, I am sure that a provider or Gina herself will correct me if I am wrong here: The sequence of getting an OK on p411 is like this, he scheduled, he showed up, he respected the provider's time and her person, he had and gave the proper donation and he had clean hygiene, period.

David...now I get your point. And thanks.

It is not completed appointments per se, but refreshing the Okays from providers I have seen in the past. I did not / have not considered that. Maybe they would accommodate my Okay request again to keep them up to date. But without the financial incentive of my fresh visit, I never considered asking, thinking it was an unfair burden on them. Originally Posted by johnjay
Providers are not suppose to update their OKs unless you see them again for an appointment, but as we all know, what you are suppose to do and what you do are not always the same, although that may work if you go that route, especially since no one will actually know but the two of you if a provider grants you an update to her OK if you did not actually see her for another session. If you try that, you better not get caught and you know what they say about secrets, if more than 1 person knows, it is not a secret anymore!

Back to the original topic, I prefer p411 for references rather than just giving a couple of the ladies names, because I do not have to give names (1 less step in the process of setting an appointment), and most providers have a preferred method of contact for reference check and I gave another provider another type. Not to mention that ANYONE (LE, ect.) can sign up for free account on eccie, but not a member of p411 as they have to be referred by at least a couple of current and active p411 members. Another thing is if a client/provider is a bad person, steals or B&S, as long as they keep in between the lines of the forum guidelines, they can keep their account on here, but on p411, Gina and her staff take those things seriously and kick the person from p411. Even so, before making that drastic step, Gina is very good at smoking out members with an agenda who give false info to try to tarnish a name to further that agenda.
Over the years, I have been on many sites including p411.

I've come to realize that none of these is hassle proof. Over time women retire. Some close accounts and go UTR. I started out my hobby life in the DFW area many of the women I have seen are no longer around or not active.

Even with an extensive review history going back 10 years may not be enough to pass some women's verification.

These sites come and go.

I've just narrowed it down to a simple TER account. I don't hobby a lot. But when I do I just cross my fingers and hope I pass verification and a woman follows through.
I just got chased down by a hobbyist asking me to reply to a reference request from two and a half hours ago.

I'm have been at work all morning and just now looking at my batphone. I could understand if it had been days and no reply from a request but a few hours??? Really???

P411 would be very beneficial to them both!
I just got chased down by a hobbyist asking me to reply to a reference request from two and a half hours ago.

I'm have been at work all morning and just now looking at my batphone. I could understand if it had been days and no reply from a request but a few hours??? Really???

P411 would be very beneficial to them both! Originally Posted by thathottnurse
How dare you not put your life on hold to immediately address someone else's request to facilitate an activity they engage in their spare time! Shame on you!
I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And doggone it, people like me.

Even if I'm not waiting by the keyboard to give a reference. I'm still....okay.

Imma whore. I have shit to do. I'm not even remotely organized. My reading and writing lack efficiency-like qualities. But most noteably, I really don't give a fuck about anyone else than myself. If I did I would have a real job or some dumb shit like that. Did any of that make sense? Awesome.

P411 Rocks.
I'm good enough. I'm smart enough. And doggone it, people like me.

Even if I'm not waiting by the keyboard to give a reference. I'm still....okay.

Imma whore. I have shit to do. I'm not even remotely organized. My reading and writing lack efficiency-like qualities. But most noteably, I really don't give a fuck about anyone else than myself. If I did I would have a real job or some dumb shit like that. Did any of that make sense? Awesome.

P411 Rocks. Originally Posted by thathottnurse
Lmao! That response was totally worth it!

I just got chased down by a hobbyist asking me to reply to a reference request from two and a half hours ago.

I'm have been at work all morning and just now looking at my batphone. I could understand if it had been days and no reply from a request but a few hours??? Really???

P411 would be very beneficial to them both! Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I know.

Especially when guys want to see me after 11pm at night.

Like all providers are up that late at night and are going to answer a PM or a text message.

GET P411 GUYS. Or whitelisted on TER or something. LOA uses Verify Him, which I haven't signed up for yet, but it's supposed to be a good system as well. I don't know much about it. But there are ways that are better than relying on one of us to vouch for you within an hour or two of you wanting to be seen by another provider.

Yes, I will verify a client I have seen and will see again. I will do my best to do it in a timely manner. Can I do it in the middle of a test at school? No way jose. Can I do it when they text me at 1030pm and I am konked out when I go to bed at 9pm on a school night and then get up at 4am to do homework, because I work better first thing in the morning? Sorry guys! My personal life comes first, as it does with most of the girls on this board.
Jules Jules Jules love that girl
corona's Avatar
Will you please stop bumping old topics?
No I will not I'm sick of reading about vi I want to bump til that old trash thread is gone

I'm bumping the girls threads

Why do reward vi with negative behavior and you attention she craves and ignore the ones doing it right

I do hope everyone helps follow suite
Pistol Man's Avatar
Some of us, Pistol Man, for example have only 2 reviews on ECCIE. All reviews on the previous board were lost. Of late (last several years) I have simply stopped writing reviews and post very little mainly due to increased (how shall I say this) lack of civility among posters. Besides, I may simply wish to savor the time spent with a lady and enjoy it for myself-selfish, I know. And I am also a little lazy; it takes longer to write a good review than it did to have the experience!

So I look at P411 as a key to open doors. I always contact a lady via P411. I may reference an ECCIE ad or not. I am under the impression that a long list of OKs, some as old as time itself, whether from a well known retired lady or a lady currently active on the scene will ease my access to new adventures and set the potential new source of adventure ease.

As far as the cost? I consider it a cost of doing business, another way to communicate, a way to smooth out the bumpy road to new adventures. I think P411, or something like it, is required to ease the pursuit of the greatest hobby ever know to man (or woman).
Now that I'm a p411 member, that's the way to go for me. Easy screening and all your ok's are there. I look through eccie for providers and if they have a p411 profile that's a huge bonus for me.
I know I will not see any providers who are not on P411....not because it is so secure but because I "think" it is more secure than Eccie....

I know..I know...there is mixed reviews about Gina and her policies....but until there is some other highly trusted site..it is what it is...