Follow the Leader!

Yssup Rider's Avatar

... Blimey! ... A clean sweep today! ... Missouri, Michigan,
and Idaho... All the caucuses...

I don't reckon I ever heard of Idaho... They make potatoes there?

I also sent a message to the Trump campaign
that it surely might be a kind gesture to
maybe let Nikki win one of these things.
We'll see what happens.

And there was Leader Trump - in Virginia, and surely must have
called Fani "Fani" like 5 or 6 times while mentioning their case.
I was shaking me head - and then Trump corrected things and said it's really pronounced "Fon-nee".
A bleedin' Rockhampton Riot!

... Oh, and lemme mention - NY Times/Siena poll has Trump
five (5) points ahead of Biden and way ahead on the issues!

#### Salty
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... Blimey! ... A clean sweep today! ... Missouri, Michigan,
and Idaho... All the caucuses...

I don't reckon I ever heard of Idaho... They make potatoes there?

I also sent a message to the Trump campaign
that it surely might be a kind gesture to
maybe let Nikki win one of these things.
We'll see what happens.

And there was Leader Trump - in Virginia, and surely must have
called Fani "Fani" like 5 or 6 times while mentioning their case.
I was shaking me head - and then Trump corrected things and said it's really pronounced "Fon-nee".
A bleedin' Rockhampton Riot!

... Oh, and lemme mention - NY Times/Siena poll has Trump
five (5) points ahead of Biden and way ahead on the issues!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Anyone else noticing Nimarata is losing weight and she's not even wolfing down any delegates while at the same time, GEPOTUS is a member of the clean plate club and not even packing on the pounds? Maybe delegates are low in calories.

At least it proves that Nimarata is from another planet that doesn't have oxygen. Would explain how she keeps on giving second place victory speeches after Trump sucked all of the oxygen from the contests, if you can even call them that, based on the results.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
No. Haven’t noticed.
Anyone else noticing Nimarata is losing weight and she's not even wolfing down any delegates while at the same time, GEPOTUS is a member of the clean plate club and not even packing on the pounds? Maybe delegates are low in calories. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Come to mention there, mate... I HAVE noticed the Nikki
is looking rather thin and drawn these days.

... See, there was a lot of sweetness and calories for her
early-on, as she surely enjoyed the "Classic" Koch as
her campaign was being heavily funded.
... And she was even sweet and polite.

But now, I can sense that she's not enjoyin' "Diet" Koch.
As this new libation lacks any sweetness and taste.
And Funding.

... So THAT has made Nikki "thin" and mean-spirited.

#### Salty
... I'm glad to see Trump's people surely agreed with me
and let Nikki win the DC "republican" caucus...

And that's why Trump remains The Leader.

#### Salty
... Blimey! ... A clean sweep today! ... Missouri, Michigan,
and Idaho... All the caucuses...

I don't reckon I ever heard of Idaho... They make potatoes there?

I also sent a message to the Trump campaign
that it surely might be a kind gesture to
maybe let Nikki win one of these things.
We'll see what happens.

And there was Leader Trump - in Virginia, and surely must have
called Fani "Fani" like 5 or 6 times while mentioning their case.
I was shaking me head - and then Trump corrected things and said it's really pronounced "Fon-nee".
A bleedin' Rockhampton Riot!

... Oh, and lemme mention - NY Times/Siena poll has Trump
five (5) points ahead of Biden and way ahead on the issues!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
No, they don't make them they grow them. I just want you to understand that. Carry on.
adav8s28's Avatar
No, they don't make them they grow them. I just want you to understand that. Carry on. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Lev17, Nice avatar. Did you hear Laura Ingram of Fox News? "12,000 text messages, what were they talking about in those messages" it sounded like she was jealous that no man has texted her 12,000 times.
adav8s28's Avatar
Come to mention there, mate... I HAVE noticed the Nikki
is looking rather thin and drawn these days.

... See, there was a lot of sweetness and calories for her
early-on, as she surely enjoyed the "Classic" Koch as
her campaign was being heavily funded.
... And she was even sweet and polite.

But now, I can sense that she's not enjoyin' "Diet" Koch.
As this new libation lacks any sweetness and taste.
And Funding.

... So THAT has made Nikki "thin" and mean-spirited.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
If Nikki gets hammered on Super Tuesday, she will probably kiss the ring and drop out. Then she could get back to eating two square meals a day and regain the lost weight.

If it has to be a republican president I would pick her over Trump. She lost her home state (South Carolina) to Trump. In Nevada she ran against herself and still lost, that's a problem. I don't see her doing that well on Super Tuesday.
Lev17, Nice avatar. Did you hear Laura Ingram of Fox News? "12,000 text messages, what were they talking about in those messages" it sounded like she was jealous that no man has texted her 12,000 times. Originally Posted by adav8s28
Oh I must have missed that episode. I am glad I did.