The Greatest Generation storms the World War II memorial

Wow...what a truly revealing statement by an O'Blunder acolyte. Disgusting. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
You know what's funnier. WTF is a TEA turd too. Cruz wants to link health insurance to individuals and not to businesses and get rid of business tax incentives. SAME AS WTF!

You know what's funnier. WTF is a TEA turd too. Cruz wants to link health insurance to individuals and not to businesses and get rid of business tax incentives. SAME AS WTF! Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Whirly? Is this really about the WWII memorial?

Please provide an intelligent answer.

Or go shove a tea bag up your ass!

Or both.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar

I will tell you what I DO know first hand. Two friends of mine now have health insurance for the first time in years. Both have preexisting conditions that prevented them from getting it. They suffered through things that they should have been able to get treated pretty easily, but could not. One also was a passenger in a car wreck--the ER sewed her up but she has nerve damage and broken facial bones. No ER care for either of those since they are not life threatening--they told her she really should see a neurologist and an oral surgeon, but for the last two months none would see her because she had no insurance. I paid for her to see a neurologist two times who told her she wouldn't suffer more damage--but unless she had insurance there wasn't anything to be done about the pain. Pain that is incapacitating after she is standing more than a few hours. Fortunately her employer is letting her work 3 hrs a day, but that's a pretty big hit to the paycheck--and she was one of those hand-to-mouth people when she was working a full day.

Today, day two of the changes, she saw a neurologist and has been able to start treatment. Finally. Originally Posted by Old-T
Well, I hate to tell you this, old t, but you're a liar. The effective date for Obamacare coverage is January 1, 2014. Too bad. I thought you had more integrity than these other clowns, but you are just like them. Break out your "homo" and "poop" jokes. We know what you are now.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
and you're an asshole whiny.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
and you're an asshole whiny. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Being called an asshole by you, Assup, is like being called fat by Chris Christie.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-02-2013, 11:34 PM
You know what's funnier. WTF is a TEA turd too. Cruz wants to link health insurance to individuals and not to businesses and get rid of business tax incentives. SAME AS WTF! Originally Posted by gnadfly
Difference is, I do not want congress to link it to government shutdowns or not raising the debt limit.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Federal employees working to keep wheelchair bound veterans out of our open public parks......................... ...and the Obamazombies smile with pleasure !

Even Bill Clinton wasn't this low during his shutdown.....

During the last government shutdown which lasted from December 16, 1995, to January 5, 1996, President Clinton did the right thing and signed into law – with the full support of congressional Democrats – a compromise measure to ensure the veterans’ programs were funded.........But NOT OBAMA !
[/COLOR] Originally Posted by Whirlaway

You are a true moron.

It's not a public open park. It's a national monument.
There is a big difference. Learn it.

Once again you don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. You build your argument on bullshit but not one your fellow douche-bags says anything to you because you're screaming about Obama. They let you walk around with a huge piss stain on your pants and no one tells you (actually it's because they don't know the difference either).
Lucky for you I'm here and more than willing to point out your piss stain.

You're welcome.

Plus, since the youngest WWII veteran is at least 85 years old, the majority of the people at the memorial that day weren't WWII vets.
The public space has no perimeter fence, does NOT require an entry fee, there are no external controls to enter or leave the space.............the very definition of open !

Your an idiot !!!!!!!!!!!!!

And are you seriously claiming it isn't a public space ??????????????????????

And don't forget; The Obama White House received a special request to let this group have access........................ ..the Obama White House denied the request !

Not only did Reid say FUCK YOU to our vets; but Obama did as well !!!!!!!!!!! I guess you are okey dokey with that !!!!!!!!!

I'm not !!!!!

FACTS JACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Republican cry babies.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 10-03-2013, 08:13 AM
Well, I hate to tell you this, old t, but you're a liar. The effective date for Obamacare coverage is January 1, 2014. Too bad. I thought you had more integrity than these other clowns, but you are just like them. Break out your "homo" and "poop" jokes. We know what you are now. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
COG, I am not going to argue with you about the start date for Obamacare. You typically have those facts correct so I will take your word for it. I have my own coverage that will continue unchanged so it isn't something I have paid great attention to.

But as to her coverage, her is what I know:
--She went to a health fair/affordable health care sign up event at a community center in her area
--Besides getting, in her words, "lots of smiling people behind the desks who didn't really know what would happen next", she said she kept asking what this would do about her specific situation. Knowing her she can be pretty damn stubborn at times and eventually they brought over a guy who seemed to know more
--He gave her a Dr's name and phone number. She called the office and was seen yesterday. I know because she called me and asked I could pay what she said was the $100 deductible by cc over the phone. I did--this is a lady I trust implicitly to be honest, if not always to make the best decisions.
--She called again afterwards to tell me they did x-rays, want to set up a follow-on MRI, and start neuro therapy sessions.

I asked her how much more it will cost her. She said she told them she has no money and didn't want to find out she was getting treatments she couldn't afford. She said $20 per visit.

Is this really covered under Obamacare that you are saying doesn't start coverage for three months? I don't know. Is it a medical equivalent of legal pro bono work? I don't know. What I do know is that as a direct result of her signing up for health care she IS getting seen--something that was weeks of frustration getting nowhere before that. Call it whatever you wish.
Old T; you didn't need to post paragraph after paragraph....all you had to do is type:

Your right COG; my prior post was unreliable bullshit, please ignore my post !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Typical Whirlyturd! Riding on the backs of honored American veterans to make his point.

when did you serve? we haven't heard anything about that yet.

When did you volunteer for any veterans activities?

Push a wheelchair?

You're a hypocritical cocksucker, using this one little item to brand your latest outrage!

shame on you
Where did Obama serve ?

Where did Reid serve ?

It is sad you stand with guys who didn't serve and say FUCK YOU VETS NO MEMORIAL VISIT FOR YOU!

Don't get pissed at me; send your donations to the group that is honoring WWII Vets !