Israel is the United States’ biggest welfare recipient

I hope you are generously sharing them with YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE, so you won't have to say "I told you so" next year.

As for asking for "handouts" and "retarded" people passing them out ... how much of the current deficit generated in the past six years went to Israel? See if this helps. If you will notice the "fine" print, YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE made a promise in 2013 of continued support for the Israeli military, and assistance was also promised to Arab countries.

$30 billion over 10 years beginning in 2007 when it was agreed. $30 billion out of about $8 trillion in deficits, about $7 trillion of which was generated in the years YOUR MAN IN THE WHITE HOUSE has been there. That's pissing in a hurricane.

"Almost all current U.S. aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance."

I guess you would rather have a jobs program for the ISIS crowd. Meat cutting and barbecuing classes? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Obama's only supporting them to ensure Dems keep winning presidential elections. He or someone in his Administration called Bibi chicken shit last year and they were right. If supporting Israel means keeping Republicans out of the White House to avoid sending this country back to the stone age like the Taliban and it's views then I say support them.

It would mean death and destruction for America if a Republican were elected. So no matter how much I may not prefer to see another Clinton, it's the lesser of two evils compared to the loons on the right running for POTUS.
lustylad's Avatar
Unfortunately for you neither of the above is true ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Winners with dicks don't say colossally stupid things and cut and run when someone calls them out on it... so yes, you are a dickless loser...

Even Bill Murray noticed it:

LexusLover's Avatar
Obama's only supporting them to ensure Dems keep winning presidential elections. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

Did you learn this knowledge from your top secret sources over in the Middle East?

Or do you have special knowledge coming from a mind reading expert in the White House?

This "classified" intel should not be released publicly or you may be stripped of your high security clearance.
LexusLover's Avatar
Winners with dicks don't say colossally stupid things and cut and run when someone calls them out on it... so yes, you are a dickless loser... Originally Posted by lustylad
Whiners with dicks don't either, and he keeps whining about the PM from Israel ...

... exercising his 1st amendment rights in the United States.
Whiners with dicks don't either, and he keeps whining about the PM from Israel ...

... exercising his 1st amendment rights in the United States. Originally Posted by LexusLover
If I'm dickless then it means you're extra dickless

I dont write book responses like Lazy lad
lustylad's Avatar
I dont write book responses like Lazy lad Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

TRANSLATION: I haven't read a book since Horton Lays an Egg and I don't intend to start again now. The only thing I read nowadays are left-wing wacko blogs in order to pick up buzzwords and talking points so I can come on here and fawn effusively about my Messiah Barack Hussein Obama. Sometimes when a LWW blog explains a bewildering subject like the Middle East and tells me the latest focus-group-tested talking points, I get very confused. I mean, there are sunnis and shitheads and Saudis and Persians and Libtards (or is it Libyans?) and lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Has anyone noticed how Iraq and Iran are like twins - just change one fucking letter! I learned that playing scrabble. So forgive me if I fuck up every once in a while and confuse enemies and friends. I mean, they're all frenemies, right? But if that Lustylad catches me making a big booboo I will set my dick on fire before I admit being wrong! Oh wait, I forgot - I don't have a dick! Oh well, you get my drift....
TRANSLATION: I haven't read a book since Horton Lays an Egg and I don't intend to start again now. The only thing I read nowadays are left-wing wacko blogs in order to pick up buzzwords and talking points so I can come on here and fawn effusively about my Messiah Barack Hussein Obama. Sometimes when a LWW blog explains a bewildering subject like the Middle East and tells me the latest focus-group-tested talking points, I get very confused. I mean, there are sunnis and shitheads and Saudis and Persians and Libtards (or is it Libyans?) and lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Has anyone noticed how Iraq and Iran are like twins - just change one fucking letter! I learned that playing scrabble. So forgive me if I fuck up every once in a while and confuse enemies and friends. I mean, they're all frenemies, right? But if that Lustylad catches me making a big booboo I will set my dick on fire before I admit being wrong! Oh wait, I forgot - I don't have a dick! Oh well, you get my drift.... Originally Posted by lustylad
That was very funny. But Zany writes funny stuff too. Especially about his imaginary Middle Eastern friends that give him advice on Geopolitricks or is that Geopolitics, oh well kit doesn't matter.

LexusLover's Avatar
..about his imaginary Middle Eastern friends ......
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
aka "confidential sources high up on the information food chain"
lustylad's Avatar
Gee I hope zanziliar's imaginary Middle Eastern friends don't die on him like Manti Te'o's girlfriend did.
LexusLover's Avatar
Gee I hope zanziliar's imaginary Middle Eastern friends don't die on him like Manti Te'o's girlfriend did. Originally Posted by lustylad
Unless he is talking to them in person they are at risk of losing their "clearance."

Then he won't know shit for sure!