I have never met her. Sorry. Only meant to say that there were a few ladies already vouching for this gent.
shazzan's Avatar
I post reviews when
1) I have a bad experience, so that others may not
2) mostly when I have a superlative experience; I wish it was every time the planets align and magic happens. A bad day at the hobby is still a good day! Originally Posted by
I got to disagree with you on, "A bad day at the hobby is still a good day!" It really depends on how bad the day is. Case in point is the this old review link below, and I've read about much worse experiences. I find that my shitty days are the ones I go into the most detail about. Still_Looking, while this review is longer than what most expect or want, I think it is one of my better reviews.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I also have to reiterate, corroborate and otherwiseate what Maxeen said.

She never mentioned any personal details of anybody to me, nor was she asked to. Again, this entire episode might be a misunderstanding -- I'm willing to give it that much -- but questioning the discretion of proven longtimers just isn't Kosher. We don't out each other here. (And live). Period!

The only leaking came from ME in my car, in my chorts, on my way home, remembering the sheer bliss of my steamy session in the Max Headroom!
rCoder's Avatar
Note To Myself:

1) Don't start any threads
2) Don't post any reviews
3) If you keep quite long enough someone will most likely prove your point Originally Posted by Still Looking

Wrong lessons.

Participate however you want (within board rules).

Da plane! Da plane!
Still Looking's Avatar
There several things going on here. I'll list them in no particular order.

1) This Board is an on line entity for Everyone, Hobbyist, Providers, Advertisers & Spectators.
2) As any social network there are good people and there are bad.
3) When someone steps forward and voices their opinion, the likely hood of someone disagreeing with him or her is almost guaranteed.
4) There are TWO Hobbies here.

Personally ECCIE is bad ass! I'm very pleased a provider turned me on to it. Craig's list, Back Page and agency's seem to be a night mirror wading through all the scams and BS. This site offers ads from legitimate providers and in most cases real pictures. Now how wonderful is that?

I started this thread in a hopes to be thought provoking and pose the question... Is it really necessary to beat up on anyone new or vet? If you read the entire thread it is painfully obvious that some members were in total agreement with my thoughts which like everyone I'm entitled to. Then there were members that disagreed but communicated that in a very civil, kind, non-threatening and professional manner. Then there were the members that disagreed and felt it necessary to make this a personal attack. I certainly am not going to single anyone out. Reading the thread delineates exactly who has what opinion and how they CHOOSE to publicly forward that insight. Do I think by starting this thread I was going to change anything? Absolutely and emphatically not. But I am certain I made my point. You can ask someone to stop using bold in a very nice way. Or you can do it in a way that could potentially piss them off or even prompt them to continue just because of how you brought it to their attention. I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but I have enough drama in my life, I don’t need any more. The last thing I want to do is piss someone off or cause problems.

There are two hobby’s here. One is the ECCIE name sake. People looking for people. I’m sure no one disagrees with that. (But who knows?) Then there is another hobbyist. He is the guy / gal whose satisfaction is the internet / board its self. They seem to claim ownership and an almost addiction with the site itself and what gets posted.

There seems to be a coalition here that keeps a watchful eye on everything that flies through the air. And justifiably everything is processed and evaluated. That is not in question nor the issue I was confronting. While it is 100% Ok to disagree with anything or anybody, is really necessary to do so in such a crappie way? I say no! And because that’s the way I feel, I’ll just step aside and move to the sidelines where I probably belonged in the first place. Reading some of the ROS’s is beyond a shadow of a doubt hilarious. Some of the threads are bad ass. The members here are NOT the problem, I’m the problem. I just don’t fit in. I will be perfectly content joining the crowd just sitting back and get entertained.

Guys I apologized if I offended anyone with my posts, my reviews, with my original post about a provider or by trying to fit in where I really don’t belong. Have fun like you have always done. It’s your right to do so. Hey keep in mind, you take my thoughts to Starbucks along with $3.00 and get a large coffee with room for cream.

Providers…. I will continue to review the ads. I’ll get to you as fast as I can

Whispers's Avatar
.......Have fun like you have always done. It’s your right to do so. Hey keep in mind, you take my thoughts to Starbucks along with $3.00 and get a large coffee with room for cream. Originally Posted by Still Looking

You kind of nailed that. No one is going to change because of anything you have to say.

The only thing you are going to write on here that will provoke any thought will be the ROS portions of your reviews.

Noone will give you any real credibility until you've been around the board for a while. It doesn't matter how much you write.

At the moment, people simply don't and won't trust you because it APPEARS you have come on here with some sort of agenda.

A couple of well written reviews and basic contributions would have you on your way a lot faster then the approach you have taken.

You have been the subject of a few conversations offline and you've probably taken a few steps backwards with this post.

Unless you are trying to line yourself up as newest and whitest of the white.

There are personalities that have been around these boards for years as well as those here for weeks and even days.

Before you try to mold a community and influence opinions you need to be a part of it.

Your last sentence of your last post tells more than everything else you've written.....

Providers…. I will continue to review the ads. I’ll get to you as fast as I can Originally Posted by Still Looking
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Listen to Whispers. If anybody knows how to dish it out (and take it) it's him. BTW -- I don't think he's talking about "white" sharks, either.

Meanwhile, again, take a deep breath and JOIN the community.

However, if you feel you really must step away, then vaya con dios and good luck!
Hello Everyone,

Still looking (Newbie) weighing in. I reviewed all the catagories and this one seemed best to post this!

First of all I would like to address the "ROS" part of the review. Once I was granted the coveted "Premium Access" I was able to review multitudes of "ROS" information. OMG it was simply amazing some of the stuff I was reading that won the admiration of community veterans. I'm not going to copy and paste or denote the review or author, but he was DATY till she O'd 5 times. Her juices ran down his neck, along his back and into a bucket that needed to be emptied 3 times. Come on lets get real. This is the kind of BS that gets praised and Premium Access? Being a FULL TIME Hobbiest I get a chance to meet several providers and I ask them about there experiences. In this case I actually knew this provider and asked her if something even close to this happened? She just started laughing!

This brings us to the next item. As a newbie I found out the hard way, no matter what you post there is always the chance you will get attacked. Hey guys everyone makes a typo. Some "ROS" are not meant to be a novel. Let it go. If it sounds like I have thin skin I don't. And it most certainly isn't just me thats drawing fire. Now I'm not talking about a few guys playing swords with words that happen to know each other and perhaps have even met at a social event. I'm talking about torpedoing anyone for even the slightest mistake. I got blasted for NOT posting reviews then for posting them. Along the way I was questioned about most everything. In a thread I mentioned instead of blasting someone, how about copy and past one of your best "ROS" and send it the guy via PM. Unless this community is to stay small and only for the select few, I would like to think practicing the Golden rule might apply here. What do you guys think?

As Dennis Miller would say " Its just my opinon, I could be wrong"

I'm not sure why but I feel like the sharks are circling the boat and fresh meat has just been thrown over board. We'll see!? Originally Posted by Still Looking
Maybe you were gettin blastin cuz you got haterz. Not everyone is able to hobby and see so many beautiful ladies like you ! Just blow it off and keep on havin fun !
SL, you are killing yourself. Just drop it and move along. You are trying so hard to justify yourself and your actions that you are projecting yourself as uningratiating.
I have been slammed so many times by men and women on these boards, I dont worry about it, I am not here to make 'friends' and when I piss a few off then so be it..I cant make everyone happy or see eye to eye on every issue...

I know I have been turned down or never received a reply from ladies who read my posts and think I am dick, well yes sometimes I can be, but lately my stress levels have been so low I am not looking for a 'fight' anymore.. I am slowly fading away to obscurity....
phaedrus's Avatar
StillLooking - keep posting!

My advice (to everyone): just ignore the posts that bother you.
Don't feel you have to respond to attacks or prove anything.
Be you.
I believe the silent majority appreciates reasoned posts and not stooping to the lowest common denominator.
PornPet69's Avatar
StillLooking - keep posting!

My advice (to everyone): just ignore the posts that bother you.
Don't feel you have to respond to attacks or prove anything.
Be you.
I believe the silent majority appreciates reasoned posts and not stooping to the lowest common denominator. Originally Posted by phaedrus
Great advice Phaedrus, SL if you like the community be a part of it. But if you can't take criticism then I'm sorry it probrably better to sit on the sideline. Someone always has something to say about something.
shazzan's Avatar
If you want to contribute to the If not...lurk. I never really got bashed when I first got on the board because I took the time to read some reviews, and put out a reasonable effort my first time out. I did make a couple mistakes and was corrected on it, but took it as constructive criticism. If you write something stupid, or less than completely useful, you will get flamed for it. This is the internet that is what happens, but the mods really do look down on vicious petty spats cause it makes the whole board an uncomfortable place. In general crap like this doesn't happen very often.

Most of us don't really like the amateur porn novels that some guys write, about the 20 orgasms they gave a provider, because it's annoying self-aggrandizing bullshit, but at least they put a little time and effort into their reviews. While I discount what a stud they try to make themselves into, they provide a very detailed account of what you can expect from a provider. Even though it's more detail than most of us really want, it's the effort that is appreciated regardless of the hyper-inflated ego of some posters.

Reviews that lack effort and quality annoy folks because they're essentially a waste of time. Both the writers and the readers. Do whatever makes you happy dude. But, by picking up your toys and going home, you're kind of proving the criticisms of you correct. One quality review, that's all it takes.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Inflating the review does NOT help the lady as someone said it will be seen as BS...

Still Looking....point 3 is spot for the other two points You are here for you so if posting is something you wanna do then dont stop
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'm just wondering why you've got green panties in a black and white photo, Vicky? I don't get all this modern shit!