Providing for the Common Defense ... is one of the very few tasks specifically spelled out for the Federal government in the Constitution. So while libs (like WTF) can find (or make up) many reasons to criticize small-government conservatives who happen also to be military veretans, they cannot truthfully accuse them of hypocrisy. . Originally Posted by mastermind238Oh yes I can. When that Defense becomes bloated and calls for enlistment to grave medical and educational opportunities. Yes I can citizen a person that calls for small government except in military spending and spending on his Medicare. Now read what I actually said and maybe you won't come on here sticking up for hypocritical shit.
How many Vets are at the welfare office or a homeless shelter? My point is numbnuts like JD and the Tea Nuts want smaller and smaller government. Do they not understand who that effects? My other point was that JD has gotten a paycheck from the US taxpayer his whole life. Yet he is the one bitching the most about large government.Should we just say all government workers are military and all they do is for the Defense of this country? Afterall, without the IRS, there would be no way to pay these veterans, yet these small government brainy wacks never seem to care for IRS government workers. So yes you and JD are hypocrites and not even smart enough to realize it. Talking to folks like you is like talking to Al Sharpton and his defense of welfare fuckers.
These Tea Nuts do not want you to touch their Medicare , yet they want to cut government spending. It makes no fucking sense and we do them no service by letting them say such stupid shit just because they are veterans of the military. Is this wtf our military is teaching them? Some God Damn new math where you can cut taxes and start wars and then bitch about the DEFECIT?
Originally Posted by WTF
After all, military service is specifically allowed for in the Constitution (as is delivery of mail). But garbage collection? And administration of welfare benefits? And just about any other civil service job not related to military or intelligence gathering? Not so much. Originally Posted by mastermind238See you do not read. The Tea Party does not want you to touch their Medicare. That was their very motavation to start their movement. That very thing you say is not in the Constitution.
Fighting for Big Oil to make money all over the world is not the Defense of this country btw. It is Defense of a very select few and their rich's paid for by the common mans blood.