Board personas and the hobby...

Wakeup's Avatar
I'll agree Peter.

Wakeup's Avatar
Very intellectually stimulating all, I'm going to go kill a few of my overabundant brain cells by watching football...
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
TransAm's Avatar
Wakeup, the fact that I don't share my hobby life with other parts of my public life doesn't make my board persona a lie. It makes the face I wear in public a lie. Arguably, we're all a LOT more honest here than we are in "real life". (You may be an exception given your relationship, but most of us aren't in that boat). But why ignore the fact that there are real people behind all of these personas? My guess is that, at least in this online world, you don't see much reason to connect the persona to the real person behind it. That's valid, it's just different from me.

As to my stupidity being based on the fact that I don't know what she said is true... how is that different from real life? Everybody lies, whether it be in the real world or on a SHMB. And if she were lying, it STILL hasn't cost me anything. Additionally, if she's not lying, the effort might have given her a little comfort. Is there something wrong with that? Why does the death have to "affect" me for my sympathy to be real? I'm not getting the connection there. I'm also confused by your rationale behind "the sympathy you feel isn't really sympathy, you just don't realize it." Why?

Regarding your last paragraph, you take for granted that we "place an overabundance of emotion upon the death of living creatures". This is valid opinion, but so is the opinion that we place exactly the right abundance of emotion upon the death of living creatures. I don't mourn when the sun goes down because it's going to come back up tomorrow. That's inevitable too, until one day a few million years from now when it's not. I don't cry when it stops raining because it will eventually rain again. I mourn the death of human beings because they won't be back. They're irreplacable. Now this doesn't make me more right than you. It's just my opinion. You may think it's wrong, but that doesn't make your interpretation RIGHT. It's just different. And your lack of emotional attachment to your fellow human beings might be the smarter way to go through life, from an emotional perspective. It's just not how most of us do it.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Does it really make any difference who I am if I have the correct donation and do no harm.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar

Yeah, you're a fucking freak...there would be blood... Originally Posted by Valerie
Well that's so sweet of you to say.
I doubt there'd be blood. Bites and bruises maybe. I'll bring bandages and tourniquets just in case though.
Beau Derierre's Avatar
GO cowgirls!!! Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds

Fixed that for ya sweetie!
Finally...dawn breaks! Now she's getting somewhere...I didn't say that "only" the board personas here were lies...I said that all of them here were lies... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
this would of course include WakeUp since he is on here too.

Online persona's are people's way of being someone they want to be but maybe they cannot be in real life...

we wear a mask of false bravado behind the ASCII and we say things to each other on here that we would not in person.

So lets face it.. if we had only 1 facet we would be boring..even a piece of paper has 2 sides, and an edge

And um... WU.... the interwebs was not invented by Al... it was started a bit further back and has been around since the 70's back then it was ARPnet, MilNet and DARPA..... so dust off that awesome 300 baud modem and lets seem some blazing speed!
Wakeup's Avatar
Oh my god spirit...really?
CarolinaGent's Avatar
A board persona would only affect my seeing someone if they portrayed themselves as treating clients poorly. For example admitting to double booking, blowing people off for bullshit reasons, or constant false advertising. The main factor in me choosing someone is if their looks appeal to me. I do admit that in my area, there really isn't a board that near as much discussion as the TX boards. On ECCIE the Carolinas section has little to no posting activity outside of ads and reviews. On TER the main ones who post in the discussions do not do much for me so it doesn't matter if they are annoying or the most engaging posters on the internet.

As far as personas reflecting what a person is truely like. I think of the SHMB persona as a facet of someones personality, just as someones work persona might be different than outside of their job. I've seen people who are managers be quite different at work than in their personal life. They might come off as cold on the job, where outside work with family and friends they can be quite warm and friendly. I try to not take the boards so seriously and not over think everything. And everyone has a right to their own criteria on who they want to see and how they choose.
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Fixed that for ya sweetie! Originally Posted by SensualSpecialist
Cowboys 24 Giants 17
You were saying?
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Cowboys 24 Giants 17
You were saying? Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
Yea with 12 flags! Pure luck..
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
Considering they retooled and shuffled their offensive line 12 flags is an improvement.
Gone are the days of Flozell Adams.
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Considering they retooled and shuffled their offensive line 12 flags is an improvement.
Gone are the days of Flozell Adams. Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
come fix my laptop!
DarthMaul's Avatar
Yes...It's a big put off.

I have enough real drama being a single parent.

GO COWBOYS!!! Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
Start another thread on that...not in this one.