Yssup Rider's Avatar
He refused to raise taxes when Texas faced a record $10 billion budget shortfall in 2003. Instead, he was the first Texas governor since World War II to sign a budget that lowered state spending (and has now done it twice). As governor, Perry has used his line item veto to cut over $3 billion in proposed spending. He led the battle to pass the country’s most sweeping lawsuit reforms, closing the door on junk lawsuits that had been making trial lawyers rich while driving countless doctors either out of the state or the profession all together. Since Texas voters approved these reforms, malpractice claims and premiums have fallen and access to healthcare is increasing across the state as doctors have applied in droves to practice in Texas. PERRY FUCKED THE MEDICAL ASSOCIATION SEVEN WAYS TO SUNDAY AFTER THEY ENDORSED SANCHEZ IN 2002. TORT REFORM WAS NOT HIS BABY. IT WAS BEGUN BY BUSINESS, AGRICULTURE AND MEDICAL INTERESTS IN 1987, WHILE PERRY WAS STILL A DEMOCRAT.

In 2005, Perry signed a historic $15.7 billion property tax cut for homeowners and businesses that also included new taxpayer protections against appraisal increases. In 2009, Gov. Perry secured a tax cut for approximately 40,000 small businesses in Texas and protected the Rainy Day Fund for future challenges.

I think a lot of jobs have also been created during his tenure, and the rainy day fund is way up, thanks to his effective regulation of the oil and gas industry, which is a game changer for America. Shale oil production needs to be effectively regulated and not snuffed out, like the liberals want to do. Other states have shale oil but aren't getting it out of the ground safely or with reasonable environmental controls. HAVE YOU BEEN TO ANY OF THE COMMUNITIES IN TEXAS WHERE THEY'RE SAFELY FRACKING THE SHALE? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Perry has been a fucking bully since Day 1, and a vindictive prick who has pulled the same kind of shit with numerous organizations that he did with the Travis Co. DAs office. However most of them were forced to bend over and take it up the ass.

Thanks for the research JLHomo. My, you picked a fine source for it.
Here is a great Rosemary drinking song.

Here is a great Rosemary drinking song. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if this goes to trial it will be all about Perry, not Limburgh. (She has already plead guilty and has done her time. As well she should have!)

Try to pay closer attention, Dipshit!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but if this goes to trial it will be all about Perry, not Limburgh. (She has already plead guilty and has done her time. As well she should have!)

Try to pay closer attention, Dipshit! Originally Posted by bigtex

You don't like that Rosemary drinking song? Here is another...ENJOY!

LovingKayla's Avatar
HI GUYS!!!!! I'm just dropping in to say hello. I noticed the title of this particular thread and was thinking of Judge jeanee (sp) Who said, "A grand jury could have indicted a ham sandwhich."

But honestly I have been completely buried with life in general that I have no idea what's happening in the news AT ALL. I gotta say.... I'm way happier.

Miss yall. Hope your week is just incredible.
You don't like that Rosemary drinking song? Here is another...ENJOY! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Perhaps you should send the link to Perry's Republican Prosecutor. I suspect that he will agree with the rest of us that the link is irrelevant to the Perry indictment and more importantly that Hanoi COG's ATF, "Sweet Ass" IIFFY is a Dipshit!

While you're at it, send the link to the Judge if it goes to trial. Let him (or her) make an official ruling that you are a Dipshit!
HI GUYS!!!!! I'm just dropping in to say hello. I noticed the title of this particular thread and was thinking of Judge jeanee (sp) Who said, "A grand jury could have indicted a ham sandwhich."

But honestly I have been completely buried with life in general that I have no idea what's happening in the news AT ALL. I gotta say.... I'm way happier.

Miss yall. Hope your week is just incredible. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
And a great big Eccie Political Forum Howdy to the Matriarch!
HI GUYS!!!!! I'm just dropping in to say hello. I noticed the title of this particular thread and was thinking of Judge jeanee (sp) Who said, "A grand jury could have indicted a ham sandwhich." Originally Posted by LovingKayla
That was Sol Wachtler, Chief Judge of the NY Court of Appeals. Not Judge Jeanie.
LexusLover's Avatar
That was Sol Wachtler, Chief Judge of the NY Court of Appeals. Not Judge Jeanie. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Like she said:

"I have been completely buried with life in general that I have no idea what's happening in the news AT ALL. I gotta say.... I'm way happier."

BigTitsLiarStalker knows the meaning of "Ignorance is Bliss" ....

................ in his daily euphoria.
I'm not going to comment on any of the debates about whether "Rick Perry is a bully" or "Rick Perry has been a bad governor", or "Rick Perry underfunds schools".

All of that is IRRELEVANT to what he actually did and to the idiotic felony charges that are being brought against him by politically motivated DAs.

Competent legal scholars across the board are aghast at what the DAs are trying to do. The charges are horseshit to put it mildly.

Here is a good round-up of commentary. Click on the other embedded links:

Some key quotes:
Eugene Volokh:

"[T]he Texas Constitution expressly reserves the veto power to the governor. The governor is entitled to decide which laws he “approv[es]” and which he disapproves — without constraint from the legislature, or from county-level district attorneys. The legislature certainly can’t make it a crime for the governor to veto its appropriation bills; that would deny the governor the power that the Texas Constitution gives him.

Nor can the legislature make it a crime, I think, for the governor to veto its appropriation bills as an attempt to influence some government official’s behavior — behavior that is commonplace in the political process, and that is likewise within the governor’s exclusive power to decide which bills to give his “approval.” To be sure, the legislature can make it a crime for the governor to accept bribes in exchange for a veto; but there the crime is the acceptance of the bribe, not the veto itself."

Jonathan Chait:

"The prosecutors claim that, while vetoing the bill may be an official action, threatening a veto is not. Of course the threat of the veto is an integral part of its function. The legislature can hardly negotiate with the governor if he won’t tell them in advance what he plans to veto. This is why, when you say the word “veto,” the next word that springs to mind is “threat.” That’s how vetoes work. The theory behind the indictment is flexible enough that almost any kind of political conflict could be defined as a “misuse” of power or “coercion” of one’s opponents. To describe the indictment as “frivolous” gives it far more credence than it deserves. Perry may not be much smarter than a ham sandwich, but he is exactly as guilty as one."

Bloomberg News:

"This would be ordinary partisan tit for tat, except that a law enforcement office is involved. Political disputes should be resolved in political venues — legislative bodies and public debates — not in criminal courts. If Perry’s veto is an abuse of power, then the state legislature could impeach him, as it did Texas Governor James “Pa” Ferguson nearly 100 years ago. Impeachment, however, is entirely unnecessary: The legislature could simply vote to override Perry’s line-item veto. For failing to do so, should the entire legislature be indicted? Of course not. Perry is guilty of partisan behavior, not felonious conduct."

These commentaries are spot on.

Perry is governor - like it or not.

And HE has the power to veto certain things - for ANY reason he wants.

If Barack Obams threatened to veto any immigration law as long as Ted Crus was in the US Senate, he is perfectly within his powers. Then it is up to Congress to override him. Or for Ted Cruz to resign.

And try to imagine the justifiable outrage if Republicans tried to bring FELONY charges against Obama for making the threat.

All the contrary arguments are just "Win At Any Cost" bile directed at Rick Perry.

Lets call her Rosie but she better stay out of my lane!

LexusLover's Avatar
The spurious prosecution provides a diversion from Obaminable's incompetence, and direct's the "hot light" on Perry.

Like the House of Representative's civil lawsuit ...

........... there should have been no indictment.
Here is a great SloppyRosie tune...

Here's a funny pic i found in my "funny pic folder".. enjoy!!
eat hot dog.jpg
Here's a funny pic i found in my "funny pic folder".. enjoy!!
Attachment 341196 Originally Posted by Babylee

That fake pic is funny...

Check out this real vid...