Boltfan's Avatar
Coming out of vacation absense to make a quick comment...

I spent an evening non-BCD with Brooke less than 10 days ago. With the exception of a different hair color (it was blonde when I saw her) she looks just like her pictures. While it was non-BCD we had some flashing antics so I know her body does look like her pics as well. She is young, crazy and fun but someone who mis-represents their looks, I don't think so.

Now back to your regularly scheduled drama...

BTW, It sure has been nice here in SD, 70's since I arrived. I hear there is a heat wave hitting DFW. Now that is some good timing.
Not all of the guys that jumped on her side did so in a WK fashion. Those that did are fairly obvious and their credibility is zero. They might as well change their name and start over. This girl has been down this road before as have her WK's. I never commented on what happened because I wasn't there. Just noticed trends, and if you don't then you have blinders on.
berkleigh's Avatar
Wow..."like sands thru the hourglass, so are the days of our lives".............well I met Brooke a few wks back at the Pool Party and about 2wks @ the Social. I honestly thought she was prettier in person than her photos. While she and I briefly introduced ourselves, she seemed very nice. Now....SJ...I met him 4 years from 'ole what's her face....she has changed her name so many times...Kristin Keys I believe if she is around. I actually drove her to the session, met him and another young lady that accompanied him and quickly was on my way. He seemed very excited and full of energy when I met him. I've heard bad things about him but coming from the source I dunno if I would believe it. He also was on "Berks Myspace" and we said hello a few times but that about it. Now it seems to have just been a bad session and I could tell from meeting SJ the first time he liked to be in control. Maybe Brooke didn't know how to handle that and it rubbed her the wrong way. It happens. Been there. Experienced that. They just didn't click. It happens. Seems as though shit was blown way out of proportion. I however would like to know how her roomate has access to her account??? That's a NO - NO BROOKIE and shame on you for that. We value our privacy here. WTF?
Just to make this fair, SJ does in fact, have a history of some questionable behavior with ladies back on ASPD, so I wouldn't be so quick to defend his impeccable reputation, because it is not untarnished. Brooke does not have any history of going ape shit on hobbyists. Why was he the first?

Just to be fair.
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Now it seems to have just been a bad session and I could tell from meeting SJ the first time he liked to be in control. Maybe Brooke didn't know how to handle that and it rubbed her the wrong way. It happens. Been there. Experienced that. They just didn't click. It happens. Seems as though shit was blown way out of proportion. Originally Posted by berkleigh
That's sorta my take too. Truth always lies in the middle.... unless it's me telling the story, then every word is true.
Guest100610-2's Avatar
Shyster Jon is an intereting character for sure. I have seen him many times. There were time when things were great and times where things were aweful. When he wants to be he can be very generous and be the sweetest man ever, but at other times he can be very demanding and verbally violent. Ive never had him physcially hurt me but he has threatened me before and called me every name in the book when he gets upset if things aren’t 100% his way.

It has been said that another provider whom I have met and played with him and this provider in a doubles session. It was said that he also threatned her to tell her whole family and the two of them had some major conflicts with in one another. They both loved each other and it didn't work out in the end. She was another sugarbaby/escort. He helped her with a car and an apartment and with a few legal cases but I think there was some damage done on his and her end done to each other. I know he was banned on the old board for a long time for his behaviour. He claims he asked to be removed from the board but a MOD told me he was banned from his behaviour with her.

I met him back in 2006 Way before I ever became an escort. It was on a sugar daddy/Sugar baby basis.
I saw him for a while and things were fine but I moved on with my life and stopped seeing him for a while because of his behaviour twards me when I wouldn't do what he wanted.Then around 2008 we re united and saw each other a few times. He helped me get furniture for my apartment. He helped me get my appartment. He really helped me get on my feet and for that I am very thankful. I put an end to things when he called me in the middle of the night drunk asking if he could come stay at my place ( I have a child ) Which that is a big no no.He felt he had that right since he helped me get the place. I told him no and that really threw him over the edge. We really haven’t seen each other much since then. We occassionaly say hello but haven’t seen him in a couple of years although he invites me to lunch from time to time. I still like the fellow but man he could sure piss me off. Im sure he would say that I pissed him off for not submitting to his every need.

So there are things in which I am thankful for but he isn’t always the most pleasant person to be around. but we all have our warts. We all have bad days. That doesn’t make us a bad person. I don’t think shyster means any harm. Maybe it was just a bad day? Maybe bad chemistry?

In Brooks defence, I have heard shes a very nice provider and alot of fun from one or two of my clients that have seen her.
Yes!!!! Dannie, you come through like a real star! I'm an AMP guy, but there's not much drama in that forum. The Coed Forum is always great entertainment, especially since I haven't had much to do lately. I know many of you like you're television characters - people that you don't really know, but feel like you do. Anyway, Dannie, I am one of your biggest fans. I would almost go through the inconvenience of a P411 and all that crap just to meet you.

Anyway, this thread has been very entertaining, but I have been disappointed in the lack of provider support for Brooke. I'm not a WK, just an interested viewer. Usually you ladies do a much better job in defending a fellow provider. Yall are good at circling the wagons and finding holes in the guy's story - especially if you don't like him. But for the most part you ladies have really deviated from the norm this time.

I mean, who the hell is this SJ? It's like he has godfather status. For all I know Brooke is a drama queen flake who writes like a sixth grader, but that doesn't mean she isn't telling the truth. She's no match in an argument with a badass laywer. And when do people ever believe an attorney who defends scumbags when he says he swears that he is telling the truth. Surely not cynical, professional working women. I mean, this guy just doesn't defend himself, but goes out of the way to crush this "poor" girl with skill that I haven't seen on this board before.

I want to be clear. I don't know what happened, but I'm surprised at the ladies that have come forth as character witnesses for SJ - and some of them don't even know him. (Damn, he must have some powerful mojo working) I'm also surprised that many, who always have vocal opinions on such matters, have been really quiet. But Dannie, you rock! It seems that some of the others may be afraid, but you aren't afraid to say what you think.

Just wanted to get my unsolicited $.02 in before the plug gets pulled on this one.
I met him back in 2006 Way before I ever became an escort. It was on a sugar daddy/Sugar baby basis
So Kristin, You met SJ when you were 17?
there is a lot of she said he said going on here..would think as usual the truth is somewhere in question is, unless Brooke is not telling the truth, she allowed someone to access the site using her account. Is that not a no-no? Is there a time out involved in this?
Guest100610-2's Avatar
So Kristin, You met SJ when you were 17? Originally Posted by freakwincy

No Sir, I was 19 years old since I was born in 1987. I had just turned 19 when I had met him august 2006.
He does like them really young haha! But Im sure he prefers ladies who are infact of legal age =)

I believe he was trying to be snarky since your age on your showcase is 21.
Guest100610-2's Avatar
I mean, who the hell is this SJ? It's like he has godfather status. For all I know Brooke is a drama queen flake who writes like a sixth grader, but that doesn't mean she isn't telling the truth. She's no match in an argument with a badass laywer. And when do people ever believe an attorney who defends scumbags when he says he swears that he is telling the truth. Surely not cynical, professional working women. I mean, this guy just doesn't defend himself, but goes out of the way to crush this "poor" girl with skill that I haven't seen on this board before.

. Originally Posted by huck finn

He's been known to do this type of thing before which is why he was banned for more than 6 months 2 years ago on ASPD long ago for outting another former provider and his threats twards me.

We provided the staff with emails and texts and PM's to show his negative behavior twards us ladies long ago. The staff Banned him for a long period of time on ASPD and he even admited that his temper was getting out of control and that he needed time away from this hobby. So he was not on the ASPD board for some time. Over time staff decided to let him back on.

I wouldn't say Shyster is a bad person, he can be very nice when he wants to be. However he sure does have a hot temper. If things aren't 100% his way, he's not a happy camper!
Guest100610-2's Avatar

I believe he was trying to be snarky since your age on your showcase is 21. Originally Posted by DecemberLove

OOPSIE!! Thats an Error! Thanks for pointing that out!! I shall go fix it now! Yes Im 23!
TexRich's Avatar
. I however would like to know how her roomate has access to her account??? That's a NO - NO BROOKIE and shame on you for that. We value our privacy here. WTF? Originally Posted by berkleigh
there is a lot of she said he said going on here..would think as usual the truth is somewhere in question is, unless Brooke is not telling the truth, she allowed someone to access the site using her account. Is that not a no-no? Is there a time out involved in this? Originally Posted by ZR1-Man

It seems that is being over looked a lot here other than a few like yourself, most here would be reprimanded. IMO, since this is nothing more than a bad session or 3some go bad with some hurt feelings and perhaps buyers remorse, the biggest foul here is that someone other than Brookie gained access to her account.
It seems that is being over looked a lot here other than a few like yourself, most here would be reprimanded. IMO, since this is nothing more than a bad session or 3some go bad with some hurt feelings and perhaps buyers remorse, the biggest foul here is that someone other than Brookie gained access to her account. Originally Posted by TexRich
While not minor in and of itself, it's kind of an aside to the main issue in this particular thread, imho. It having been brought up several times in this thread, I'm sure the mods will deal with the ancillary issue in due course. And while I agree that it's far more significant than a complaint that the deck chairs on the Titanic were kind of askew after she hit an iceberg, the real issue in this thread still remains the actual ship wreck reported in the OP and subsequently responded to by the other "participant" in the wreck.