Obama won because of the obama phone, or more precisely, the perceived entitlements that some urban people are given will continue under obama, while a romney administration would try to reform welfare and end entitlements. Originally Posted by lostforkatehttp://www.salon.com/2013/04/10/why_..._obama_phones/
http://www.salon.com/2013/04/10/why_..._obama_phones/ Originally Posted by SpinShooterSo I guess giving out free phones doesn't work for republicans anymore. Maybe they should try toasters.
Some even have to be so childish as to attack others spelling or even the use of a BOLD font. LMAO!!! Pretty petty and pathetic. Originally Posted by rke324Perhaps i was commenting on you for using bold font, or perhaps i was commenting on the people who mock the people who use all caps, while saying nothing to/about you.
Another source saysActually Reagan, who Corporations had in their back pocket, first proposed NAFTA in the 80s but it got nowhere because the general consensus back them was NAFTA was bad because American Jobs would be lost and American jobs back them were still considered an important component of our National Defense/Security. Folks who went through WWII realized the USA NEEDS a strong Industrial sector. Sadly that notion is considered passe now.
So I guess blame can't be solely placed on republicans for that mess. Originally Posted by GP
Dr luv,So Obama is a hero because of what Bush did. And Roosevelt. And Lyndon Johnson.
If u look at the whole of my quote, it says people percieve entitlements are from Obama. My take from the obama phone girl, was not that the phone was given to her by Obama, but a segment of people who are looking for hand outs, identify themselves with Obama, and he is their HERO. Originally Posted by lostforkate
Dr luv,You also said that it was those perceived entitlements, That caused "URBAN" people to vote for Obama. What about the country and suburban folks who received free phones, How would you say they voted? If you actually read the salon article referenced in post #78, you would see,obama cut the program about a half a billion dollars over the last 2 years. So in your " free phones for votes model of voting", how did those that lost their phones vote? The fact is that republicans have been buying votes with tax cuts for years, much to the detriment of the country.
If u look at the whole of my quote, it says people percieve entitlements are from Obama. My take from the obama phone girl, was not that the phone was given to her by Obama, but a segment of people who are looking for hand outs, identify themselves with Obama, and he is their HERO.
If I never met anyone like the obama phone girl, I would take it with a grain of salt. But as someone who has managed 100s of people ovee the last 20 years, I can tell u some people have a sense of entitlement like the obama phone girl did for her hero. I would say it is about 10%.
Best regards -LFK Originally Posted by lostforkate