Farm Bailout so far has doubled the Auto Bailout of 2009

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How the Cool Kids of the Left Turned on Elizabeth Warren

By RUAIRÍ ARRIETA-KENNA Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

let's explore for a moment some of your beloved leftist drivel ...

"But as the 2020 election gets closer, others fear there won’t be a progressive politics after Bernie, much less a socialist future, if the rift between Democrats and democratic socialists stays this wide. Kazin, who wrote a history of the left in America and is currently writing a history of the Democratic Party, worries that Jacobin’s current strategy could hurt the cause in the short term as well as the long one. “I’m not someone who thinks that we should never criticize anyone on the left,” he said. “But right now, I think a big danger actually is a divided Democratic Party.”

the revolution is already eating itself from within .. before it even begins.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-08-2019, 03:12 PM
Every tax is wealth redistribution? You really are as clueless as your posts!

Heres your sign.. So you just admitted you like and want more taxes!! and promote policies that produce more income equality.
Your own words in commie red you fucking commie! Major gotcha moment Originally Posted by winn dixie
I did not say I liked taxes.

All taxes are a redistribution of wealth....there I said it again. Are you having trouble with that concept?

The problem with Capitalism is not Capitalism but Cronyism or Crony Capitalism which Tiny spoke of.

No matter it Capitalism or Communism they all lead to Putin like totalitarianism. If we continue to give the office of President more and more power we will become Russis.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Yes. "Make everyone poorer" in this context means "make everyone worse off." Originally Posted by Tiny

The Forbes 400: The Definitive Ranking Of The Wealthiest Americans

Besides MacKenzie Bezos, 18 other newcomers join the ranks, including Tim Sweeney, whose video game company Epic Games is behind the wildly popular Fortnite; private equity dealmaker Orlando Bravo, who is the first Puerto Rican-born billionaire; and Anthony Wood, founder of streaming technology firm Roku. The minimum net worth needed to be part of the exclusive club is unchanged from last year at $2.1 billion; the average net worth of a Forbes 400 member has risen to $7.4 billion, up $200 million. At these heights, a record 221 American billionaires, ranging from Michael Jordan and Jay-Z to Sheryl Sandberg and Kylie Jenner, fail to make the cut. For the full methodology of the 38th annual ranking of America’s richest, see here.

Bernie Sanders' Economic Plan: A Second Bill of Rights

Critics who don't "feel the bern" can no longer dismiss him as an angry "communist" with no understanding of American values. His platform has already made mainstream ideas like Medicare-for-All and will no doubt be used by future leaders hoping to take it forward.

Marijuana Reform

In 2015, Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced the first standalone bill to remove marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act and make it legal. Sanders, who believes the current law disproportionately targets African Americans, was also the first high-profile 2016 presidential candidate to call for marijuana legalization on the federal level.

Just sayin'
eccieuser9500's Avatar
let's explore for a moment some of your beloved leftist drivel ...

"But as the 2020 election gets closer, others fear there won’t be a progressive politics after Bernie, much less a socialist future, if the rift between Democrats and democratic socialists stays this wide. Kazin, who wrote a history of the left in America and is currently writing a history of the Democratic Party, worries that Jacobin’s current strategy could hurt the cause in the short term as well as the long one. “I’m not someone who thinks that we should never criticize anyone on the left,” he said. “But right now, I think a big danger actually is a divided Democratic Party.”

the revolution is already eating itself from within .. before it even begins.

BAHHAHHAHAAYGHAAAAAAAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I can't argue with that there. "Butt" you know the GOP (just out of respect) is eating itself right now from the orange peel on the outside.

Not exactly sure about that turn of phrase; it just sounded funny in my head. This is a Hell of a time we're living in. Ain't it?

  • oeb11
  • 12-08-2019, 04:08 PM
"Mainstream ideas like Medicare for all"
Even the DNC is backing off - realizing the horrendous cost, and the fact that the DPST Plantation Unions do not want their hard fought private insurance thrown on the trash pile by Socialist DPST's
DPST's - go for it - MEDICARE FOR ALL - Platform plank No. 1

Jack Nicholson wipes back tears!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I can't argue with that there. "Butt" you know the GOP (just out of respect) is eating itself right now from the orange peel on the outside.

Not exactly sure about that turn of phrase; it just sounded funny in my head. This is a Hell of a time we're living in. Ain't it?

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Nope. the GOP is backing Trump. recall Trump won without the full unfettered might and support of the GOP in 2016. Now he as it in spades. there are a few Never Trump republicans out there but they aren't a factor. who cares what Mitt Romney says? he's a two faced ass who kissed Trump's regal ass when he won. Jeff Flake? he's a .. wait for it .. FLAKE! and he isn't in the Senate anymore either.

meanwhile the Democrats are tearing themselves apart like rabid wolves who have been starved for a month. they are splintering the base with their extreme leftist bullshit and thus losing the one thing they needed the most going into 2020 .. one centrist candidate that could rally the Democratic base of moderates (sorry Kool Kids!) and draw in a majority of Independents. then swing some lukewarm on Trump Republicans and you might have a serious threat to Trump.

forget all your leftist goon babble. you'll be nearing retirement age before this country swings that far left .. if it ever does at all.
  • oeb11
  • 12-08-2019, 04:20 PM
TWK - +1
I do pray you are correct.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-08-2019, 04:22 PM
Nope. the GOP is backing Trump. recall Trump won without the full unfettered might and support of the GOP in 2016. Now he as it in spades. there are a few Never Trump republicans out there but they aren't a factor. who cares what Mitt Romney says? he's a two faced ass who kissed Trump's regal ass when he won. Jeff Flake? he's a .. wait for it .. FLAKE! and he isn't in the Senate anymore either.

meanwhile the Democrats are tearing themselves apart like rabid wolves who have been starved for a month. they are splintering the base with their extreme leftist bullshit and thus losing the one thing they needed the most going into 2020 .. one centrist candidate that could rally the Democratic base of moderates (sorry Kool Kids!) and draw in a majority of Independents. then swing some lukewarm on Trump Republicans and you might have a serious threat to Trump.

forget all your leftist goon babble. you'll be nearing retirement age before this country swings that far left .. if it ever does at all. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The same thing was said about the GOP field in 2015, boy.
  • oeb11
  • 12-08-2019, 04:31 PM
ftw - care to provide the reference.

Nonetheless - DPST media will communicate anything - no matter the lie- as long as it fits the DPST narrative.

A thought - the previous ftw avatar and hh/yr would get along quite well.

Made for each other.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The same thing was said about the GOP field in 2015, boy. Originally Posted by WTF

of course it was, boy. are you stating the obvious or trying to make a point? every republican and his mother and Trump wanted to run in 2016 to succeed Obama. as i said here several times, the 2020 Democratic cycle in the rush to take on Trump would make the 2016 Republican scrum look like a Sunday school class taught by Jimmy Earl Peanuts Carter. and it has. tell me i'm not right.

this is worst case scenario for the Democrats. upwards of 30 people running at various points and more entering even as the obvious bottom feeders dropped out. there are still too many running, most without any real chance. yet it drains away the ideal goal that one candidate emerges and takes a clear lead in delegates to avoid a brokered convention. the primaries haven't even started yet so we will see but so far there are way too many candidates. each one can garner small numbers of delegates that take away from the top enders who want to go into the convention with enough delegates for a first ballot nomination. remember this is exactly what Trump did in a 16 man field in 2016.

the press said it was impossible for Trump to get the nomination. then they said it was impossible for him to win. then they said it's impossible for him to renegotiate trade. they said it was impossible for him to keep the markets strong. yet he's done all of that.

i predict as gnadfly has that no one pulls out in the Democratic primaries even with this murky "super-delegate" weird ass shit that Clinton used to fuck Bernie in the ass in 2016 to have the required number of delegates before the convention. worst case possible. brokered convention. could go on for days and days and days. and it raises the possibility of the nightmare of all nightmares ... Hillary sticks her wrinkled old tiddies into the game and really fucks it all up.

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Nope. the GOP is backing Trump. recall Trump won without the full unfettered might and support of the GOP in 2016.

If it'snot (fat-finger left uncorrected, "typing" too fast) eating it's from the outside in, then it's just morphing into something new.

You misunderstand the left as much as I want to pin the right. Macron is a prime example. Our (you and I) skirmish crystalized it. You think Macron is some weird Fenchy losing control. Do you know why Paris is "The City of Light"? Mass enlightenment. Worker resistance.

Now he as it in spades. there are a few Never Trump republicans out there but they aren't a factor. who cares what Mitt Romney says? he's a two faced ass who kissed Trump's regal ass

"Presidents are not Kings."

when he won. Jeff Flake? he's a .. wait for it .. FLAKE! and he isn't in the Senate anymore either.

meanwhile the Democrats are tearing themselves apart like rabid wolves who have been starved for a month. they are splintering the base with their extreme leftist bullshit and thus losing the one thing they needed the most going into 2020 .. one centrist candidate that could rally the Democratic base

You misunderstand the base. The old guard is fading into extinction. The yuppie class should not have been mislead by the evil Ronald Reagan. They gave-in to their baser instincts. Alá Gordon Gekko. It should have been Gondon Salamander. Or some other type of lizard.

of moderates (sorry Kool Kids!) and draw in a majority of Independents. then swing some lukewarm on Trump Republicans and you might have a serious threat to Trump.

The Kool Kids are where it's at. You're Alex P. Keaton. And his children now have to reap what he inexcusably sowed. Remember Bright Lights, Big City?

forget all your leftist goon babble. you'll be nearing retirement age before this country swings that far left .. if it ever does at all. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I hope, as you ASSume, I'm still alive when the country pendulates back to the "right" side.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I hope, as you ASSume, I'm still alive when the country pendulates back to the "right" side.

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

then work hard, embrace capitalism and move outta da ghetto, hoodkat!
eccieuser9500's Avatar
then work hard, embrace capitalism and move outta da ghetto, hoodkat! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

I don't need to work hard to keep living. I'll always eat and sleep comfortable. My problems is that I live "hard". You know what I mean? YOU know what I mean.

  • Tiny
  • 12-08-2019, 06:31 PM
You misunderstand the left as much as I want to pin the right. Macron is a prime example. Our (you and I) skirmish crystalized it. You think Macron is some weird Fenchy losing control. Do you know why Paris is "The City of Light"? Mass enlightenment. Worker resistance. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Paris is the city of the enlightnened. That's why French GDP per capita adjusted for purchasing power is 25% less than the USA.

Francoise Hollande preceded Macron as President of France. Hollande politically is a lot like Sanders or Warren. He borrowed ideas from the same school of French economists who advise Sanders and Warren, although he did not carry those ideas as far as they would. He had to backtrack and lower taxes, because the experiment was a total failure. Macron lowered them some more. Macron is right of center, not a leftist.

Regarding your earlier post about billionaires, I'm looking at the Bloomberg Billionaire Index. The top 10 includes the following Americans,

Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerbeerg, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Charles Koch. Why does the USA have one of the most dynamic economies in the world? Because people like these have created world beaters like Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Koch Industries. Sanders' 8% wealth tax and Warren's 6% wealth tax would have done what? Robbed capital from the most successful capitalists, who have created lots of jobs and grown the American economy. And given it to the federal government to spend on itself. Maybe we could have even more wars and bridges to nowhere. Leave the capital with the capitalists.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Paris is the city of the enlightnened. That's why French GDP per capita adjusted for purchasing power is 25% less than the USA.

Do you consider good credit purchasing power? Is leveraging speculatuon against current spending a good idea? I'm far from an expert, but when that doesn't work who should pay the default? Can you say "too big to fail"?

Francoise Hollande preceded Macron as President of France. Hollande politically is a lot like Sanders or Warren. He borrowed ideas from the same school of French economists who advise Sanders and Warren, although he did not carry those ideas as far as they would. He had to backtrack and lower taxes, because the experiment was a total failure. Macron lowered them some more. Macron is right of center, not a leftist.

I know Macron is right of center. Not a leftist. He's giving-in to pressure though.

France’s Weekend of Discontent: Yellow Vest and Pension Protesters Gather

Mr. Macron has promised to standardize 42 public and private pension schemes into one state-managed, point-based plan. But for many protesters, nothing less than the future of their vaunted social safety net is at stake. Many fear losing money and having to work longer before retiring.

The protests have already unleashed days of public transportation chaos that halted trains and led to canceled flights.

Regarding your earlier post about billionaires, I'm looking at the Bloomberg Billionaire Index. The top 10 includes the following Americans,

Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerbeerg, Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Charles Koch. Why does the USA have one of the most dynamic economies in the world? Because people like these have created world beaters like Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and Koch Industries. Sanders' 8% wealth tax and Warren's 6% wealth tax would have done what? Robbed capital from the most successful capitalists, who have created lots of jobs and grown the American economy.

There weren't so many to "rob" before we let it get out of hand. You say robbed. I say borrowed. It's a tax. Do they get it back?

Look at all that yellow. Signaling Caution.

‘Go back to work’: outcry over deaths on Amazon’s warehouse floor

Amazon denied that Billy Foister died at the warehouse and said he was treated “within minutes”.

“The passing of the employee did not occur at the facility. The employee experienced a personal medical issue (heart attack) and lost consciousness. Several trained team members quickly responded and administered CPR and AED until local emergency responders arrived, within minutes, and took over. The employee was then transported to a local hospital for further treatment, where he was later pronounced deceased,” said an Amazon spokesperson in an email.
E-mail. How quaint.

And given it to the federal government to spend on itself. Maybe we could have even more wars and bridges to nowhere. Leave the capital with the capitalists. Originally Posted by Tiny
Sure. Maybe they can trickle down some, instead of inflating their stock. Let's leave it up to them to decide what to do with it.

Preface: I'm "three sheets" right now after some good football. Not great but . . . .