The question of multiple fake reviews

FirePhoenix's Avatar
Sadly shit getting real scary! But at least I know about it now.
Little Monster's Avatar
If anyone knows where she is moving to and the regional site whore's use there please share it so that they can be made aware of her history.... Originally Posted by Whispers
Whispers shut up
Skip_8's Avatar
Whispers shut up Originally Posted by Little Monster
You wouldn't be such a white Knight if you knew how much shit she talked about you when drunk.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Am I or have i went talking about all of your business or what you have said about others? I have a feeling a lot more people would be pissed off at you than anyone would be at me. Think about what's at stake for them.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Again I didn't go that route. I didn't go the fake crying victim route. I didn't go the fuck you over in RW route. I didn't give the MODS RW info route. I chose the hardest and least provable way possible because it effects the integrity of the site itself.
Little Monster's Avatar
You wouldn't be such a white Knight if you knew how much shit she talked about you when drunk. Originally Posted by Skip_8
Oh trust me I've heard all about the wonderful things she has to say about me. My post had nothing to do with white knighting smart one. Anyone who suggests the we follow someone around just to find out what board they are joining just to drag their dirty laundry out needs to step away from the keyboard and stfu. Learn to think before you post sir.
Oh trust me I've heard all about the wonderful things she has to say about me. My post had nothing to do with white knighting smart one. Anyone who suggests the we follow someone around just to find out what board they are joining just to drag their dirty laundry out needs to step away from the keyboard and stfu. Learn to think before you post sir. Originally Posted by Little Monster
"Anyone who suggests the we follow someone around just to find out what board they are joining just to drag their dirty laundry out needs to step away from the keyboard and stfu."
Ain't gonna happen.
He thrives on all the 7th grade mean girl bitch ass fuckery.
With his SO,GF,SB and strippers,how does the dude have the time or even inclination to come to a escort review board and pontificate and bloviate?
Man must have the stamina of a Roman Gladiator!
Whispers's Avatar
Originally Posted by Observing
Ya know ma'am..... For a handle that you try to present over and over as being male...... Most of your pics used to show your support of statements made by others are of females..

I guess I should open my previously formed opinion of you being a female posing to the possibility that you are actually a biological male with the mind set and gender identification of being a female. I had never really consider you could be a tranny before today.
Whispers's Avatar
Whispers shut up Originally Posted by Little Monster
Whispers's Avatar
Again I didn't go that route. I didn't go the fake crying victim route. I didn't go the fuck you over in RW route. I didn't give the MODS RW info route. I chose the hardest and least provable way possible because it effects the integrity of the site itself. Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
You presented absolutely no usable or provable information here that could in anyway affect the integrity of the site and staff commented on your earlier supposition long ago.

Would you care to comment on what has been recently stated regarding your last "moving" timeframe?
Whispers's Avatar
Oh trust me I've heard all about the wonderful things she has to say about me. My post had nothing to do with white knighting smart one. Anyone who suggests the we follow someone around just to find out what board they are joining just to drag their dirty laundry out needs to step away from the keyboard and stfu. Learn to think before you post sir. Originally Posted by Little Monster
Actually the concept of posting warnings in other cities and regions to alert guys there of a provider coming to their area that can possibly be perceived as a threat to their safety or have a negative financial impact on their hobby budget has been around since the early days of ASPD.

We see it regularly in the Alert section and other private areas and are often thankful for it.
Some guy was recently banned after admitting he posted a very negative and fake No review on his ATF, because he didn't want anybody seeing her lol. Seems like fake reviews, if proven, get a nice ban Originally Posted by EAfan4ever
Who was this fake reviewer, and how did you find out?
Skip_8's Avatar
You presented absolutely no usable or provable information here that could in anyway affect the integrity of the site and staff commented on your earlier supposition long ago.

Would you care to comment on what has been recently stated regarding your last "moving" timeframe?
Originally Posted by Whispers
It started as an unwarranted cry for attention by putting up a thread with FALSE allegations. When people poked a hole in her theory she went from "I KNOW the past 6 moths all reviews are fake." to "Well, the latest AMP one is fake "

Then when pressed for proof again a Bullshit answer.

I Can easily prove the review in question and have already volunteered to help the MODs should they decide to look into the matter Knowing full well that the false accuser will face some sort of discipline.

Said accuser is trying to shift attention to other things such as trying to play the victim when the victim in this case is yours truly.

I didn't ask for this attention while any questions wrt reviews could have easily been handled with discretion.

HOwever, someone is clearly butthurt and wants my attention any way she can get it. That's pathetic.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Completely untrue skip and you know it. 1# thing you always said to do was -deny,deny,deny.2# when making a fake review look at the last 10 reviews and you can made a realistic review. You said that.3# I was with you during the first 2 fake reviews 4# you don't write reviews in chick's you bang 5# remember I know what your friendship is about 6# to bring in RW info I would have to tell them what you do for work and finding info after that is child's play 6# you also say that everyone has a that one family member
FirePhoenix's Avatar
How much RW info do YOU want the Mods to have? Start thinking pass your ego and anger.