push ups? they have to be bullshitting you.Yup. At first I thought only 25, what a pu*ssy. Then I thought, hmm, must not be so bad. They reminded me that 99.8% of people survive it and it wasn't even as bad as the flue by comparison. (obviously no comorbidities) But yeah, Ibuprofen for 2 days. I was hoping to get info into so many other options. I am meeting them next week for lunch. Couldn't this week because of my own schedule. So stay tuned...
OTC ibuprofen? hmm interesting. their flu must've been mild. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
In the meantime, stay tuned the WHO fear-porn engine about the dreaded and predicted child maiming disease that maybe, might be coming his fall - just in case we all actually survive this B.S. on a slim 99.8% likelihood.
Pump up the volume. Pump up the volume. Dance. Dance. Dance.
Like good little Comrades...