I need a boyfriend/not so much a hobbyist ?

Jusanotherdude's Avatar
My ATF has been happily married for several years, has two kids... Originally Posted by Wakeuр

Wait...... aren't you the same that had admitted issues w/someone Hobbying while having a SO?

Just wondering..... I don't give a shit either way, (cause we all know you're an asshole anyway...)but I thought I remembered you saying that once upon a time.......

Dawn has it right on point here....... Shit has about a 0.0001% chance of not going completely fucking sideways....... But if you don't mind the drama and are the gamblin' type..... roll them fucking dice!

Jusanotherdude's Avatar
BUT, I'll be damned if I'll sit idly by while you out my wife

You may own this board (or co-own with me, per carkido), but when you fuck with my bride, the gloves come off. It's on now, bitch! Originally Posted by TexasGator

I dunno....... something about that shower cap and her sexting gets me going...... is it just me?

dearhunter's Avatar
Wakeup don't mind associating with fornicators......he just ain't one.
[quote=LexusLover]#1: I'm not bashing a provider "because she's been pret there is a distinction between getting pregnant (barebacking) with a wife or SO with whom one is living AND getting pregnant by a .... "co-worker" .....

her casualness with barebacking is what I was addressing, not "MOTHERHOOD"!

What are you saying ? That I got pregnant while I was providing?
I was "7months" pregnant when I started providing!
I was a waitress when I became pregnant at a restaurant, I'm really confused about your comments, and I'm sure it's not just me.

For the record, I didn't get pregnant while providing any kind of service. And for you to say that is bashing and slandering my character. You remind of someone on here.....same character...different handle..hmmm ?

Someone needs a hug

quote[LexusLover]its about judgment, poor judgment. Its about thinkiing about what impact those revelations may have on people in later life, when they find out about their parent or parents.
boardman's Avatar
The only thing funnier than a good hooktard meltdown is when fucktards and/or hooktards get in a pissing contest on a SHMB over morals, decision making and judgement.

Hey, you know who would've loved where this thread is headed? A1.
I am going to go out on a limb here but I think what she is looking for is a male friend who she can hang out with, talk with about anything, who is not judgmental of this source of income, who for lack of a better word be her White Knight / safe call if something does go wrong (eg: she gets stranded at location or worse)

I have one lady whom I have that sort of relationship with.

You would be surprised how valuable it is to ask someone of the opposite sex a question pertaining to how their gender would react in a situation Originally Posted by Spirit13
I understand this one I'm kinda looking for this as well.Sometimes a males point of view can help,or sometimes you just want a guy to talk too.Feel free to give me feedback with what you think...
Wayward's Avatar
I understand this one I'm kinda looking for this as well.Sometimes a males point of view can help,or sometimes you just want a guy to talk too. Originally Posted by Taylor_Renea
Hi Taylor you look very lovely today, how do you feel about living in a cage?

Back in the day on ymmv, that interaction with males and females, really did help a lot of women getting into 'this thing of ours'. For providers to market themselves successfully it is really helpful to get feedback on what they are doing or not doing correctly. If you as a provider can actually trust the human involved its even better.
dearhunter's Avatar
Why the fuck was LOTK doing bb in a restaurant........that sounds kind of kincky......shoot me a PM baby.....you have potential.

For the rest of you........I have been waiting for St. C to see the value that is in front of him.....he was supposed to set up a "Ask the Fucking prophet" column in the national forum ages ago.......I guess the "like button" took priority......whatever.
You know ive been trying my hardest to think of what to say about this one, so here it goes. I dated a hobbiest once and learned my lesson. So I gave up on dating, having one nite stands, and boyfriends. So I know this is kinda pitiful, but my job is my replacement boyfriend. Oh yeah, I also have my best girlfriend that comes close to having an SO. Thats it.
I need a man for advice, love, friendships and support, everything a "normal" female wants in a man I want. . . Originally Posted by LadyOfTheKnight
So your on a hobby board looking for a boyfriend? Well I'm sure your getting a lot of PM's from this thread.....but rest assured they dont want to be your boyfriend, they just want to get "free" pussy on the side. Originally Posted by allofamber
That shit ain't free, that is hard fucking work. Sounds like she wants a fair trade to me. Quit giving her bad advice.

Wakeup's Avatar
Wakeup don't mind associating with fornicators......he just ain't one. Originally Posted by dearhunter
Exactly. JAD, I think men who hobby while they are in a committed relationship where the woman doesn't know are pieces of shit. Same goes for the women, but if both parties are cool with it, I am too. But just because I think those people are pieces of shit doesn't mean that I don't like them, it's their choice and I just have my own opinion about them. Hell, if that was the case I'd have even fewer friends than I do now!
I understand this one I'm kinda looking for this as well.Sometimes a males point of view can help,or sometimes you just want a guy to talk too.Feel free to give me feedback with what you think... Originally Posted by Taylor_Renea
Exactly! I have discovered a long time ago that men and women are not so different when it comes to how they would react in certain situations.

To prove this I created a small 5 question essay, handed it to 5 different lady friends who range in age from 23-52, all have different backgrounds, different life experiences etc.

Yet all their answers were about 70% the same to the questions. 70% puts me in a good position to figure out the rest.

Once a lady has a good understanding of the "man-cave" and we guys have a good understanding of the "Powder-room" things get easier.
Wayward's Avatar
Hell, if that was the case I'd have even fewer friends than I do now! Originally Posted by Wakeuр
You don't have any friends, so please define that null set with your fancy mathing.
chicagoboy's Avatar
What are you saying ? That I got pregnant while I was providing?
I was "7months" pregnant when I started providing!
I was a waitress when I became pregnant at a restaurant, I'm really confused about your comments, and I'm sure it's not just me. Originally Posted by LadyOfTheKnight
Why the fuck was LOTK doing bb in a restaurant........that sounds kind of kincky...... Originally Posted by dearhunter
Maybe she was introduced to Rick Pitino.
Wakeup's Avatar
You don't have any friends, so please define that null set with your fancy mathing. Originally Posted by Wayward
E = {x : x2 = 9 and 3x = 6}

You are correct that "E" is a null set, but solving for "x" number of friends yields that at any particular instant in time I have either 2 or 4.5 friends (Wayward counts as 1.5 friends in my universe), I just can never have 6.5 friends. Of course if we're discussing this null set in terms of Euclidean n-space geometry then things obviously have to change.