Bashing Leslie Lane


this is almost better than a BBFS or STD thread!!!!.....
Elephant's Avatar
Anyone who has seen me has signed a confidentiality agreement. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Ahhh hell, I'm just joking!!! lol

Bad girl, Bad girl...getting these boys all riled up.

The reality's up to the gentlemen if they do or do not post a review. At this point, I'm not accepting new clients, need provider verification, or need reviews. So, I guess it's up to the gentlemen. They're out there.....

LatinMan's Avatar
Hey LL gloryhole is hiring. They like to tease in coed
nuglet's Avatar
I got your confidentially agreement right here!
Leslie Lane's Avatar
Oh, chicken nuglet!!! Does that come with ranch or bar-b-q sauce? On second thought...I'm craving some popcorn.

You better get your own. I have a feeling it's about to get hot and steamy in here. A little too hot, so I best be on my way. I'm a little on the shy side.

rrrabbit's Avatar
Ahhh hell, I'm just joking!!! lol

Bad girl, Bad girl...getting these boys all riled up.

The reality's up to the gentlemen if they do or do not post a review. At this point, I'm not accepting new clients, need provider verification, or need reviews. So, I guess it's up to the gentlemen. They're out there.....

L.L. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
Game over.

Ladies & Gents,

I will have a review up just as soon as I have time to write one!!
LatinMan's Avatar
Oh, chicken nuglet!!! Does that come with ranch or bar-b-q sauce? On second thought...I'm craving some popcorn.

You better get your own. I have a feeling it's about to get hot and steamy in here. A little too hot, so I best be on my way. I'm a little on the shy side.

L.L. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
Keep eating that popcorn. I'm sure that's the reason you can't get clients.
Oh, Lil Bubba....

You are so right. I just couldn't get ANYONE to pay my ridiculous price. That's why when it was 5+ then shot up to 7+ berries...and now I'm retiring.

I owe you a box of wine. I couldn't have done it without you. Cheers!!

*It was a goooood morning!!! A mighty gOOOOOd morning!!! Thank you.

L.L. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
ur welcome dear...but i dont drink boxed wine. it does not even make good sangria
whenever you want to go get that drink, let me know
Leslie, I like your beauty wit and charm but today i read this and you are a total contradiction. Make up your mind and decide whether you want to stay or go. It comes off as crazy an annoying. I have little patience these days and I'm probably not your type or have the deep pockets which you seek. If you'd have me at 3-4 bills, I could probably see you. You have fans so dont ruin it. From what I see you look gorgeous and I am sure you can command a lot more but save the drama for your mama. Originally Posted by LatinMan
well its about time you figured it out...

Those who have met me...know my situation and know that I will be retiring from the hobby and the boards in December.
nothing wrong with puttin a lil extra time in to get money for the will be back

As far as posting, well that I can't help. I want to stop, I do...but if a gent I know sends me a pm...and I look on the board, sometimes I can't help it!!! I guess the first step is to admit I have a problem.
id say you have several

I do see how I can come across as flaky. But the reality is, I'm still learning as I go. And you gentlemen have been on this journey with me. I had no master plan...This started and will now end in a span of less than a month. That's why it seems crazy. That and I guess I am a little coo koo. But that's the dork in me. Please know it's all fun and games.
flaky ppl dont usualy realize they are flaky
you are old enuf and been in the game long enuf your learning curve is far over
that is a lot of cock to take in, in one month to be able to RETIRE....even at 7 bills. so much for one or 2 guys a you stated in the beginning
CCFCCP...coo coo for coco sho

** wouldn't happen to be upset because YOU didn't get a discount?? I mean for 3 or 4 bills it seems like you would be okay with my drama.???? I've declined three sessions....that's 15+ berries. And if you were serious...and I would see you for 4...that would be 19+ berries I could have put in my basket. But...nope.
we have a math wiz on our hands...

This goes beyond money gentlemen. The name's 007...Leslie 007 Lane...Oh, wait no. Ummm....It's Lane...Leslie Lane.

L.L. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
review or not...i find it hard to believe you saw anyone...even if you asked your deep pocket grandads to not write a sure one of them would have to at least mention some BCD with you in the ML.
Yes...I'm humpty dumpty....and I will pumpy all over you.

Oh, good lord. Now I'm getting on my own nerves.

L.L. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
surprised it took so long
Elephant's Avatar
I will have a review up just as soon as I have time to write one!! Originally Posted by Metal Smith
Finally!!... and from a trustworthy source.

Ssshhh, between you and me...Lil chicken nuglet is right. Why???Because...umm...well, he told you so...that's why.

Gentlemen, I am real. I am UTR. Anyone who has seen me has signed a confidentiality agreement. So, there will be no reviews allowed. Absolutely none. Notta one., put your popcorn away. Those are my rules.

Now let it rip Bulldogs!!! Go fetch that bone!!! RUFF!!!

L.L. Originally Posted by Leslie Lane
anyone who as seen not admited it...unless it was seveal years ago
LMFAO...they signed an i know you are full of shit