Git Yer Red Hots! Red hot lies! Fresh off da presses!!!

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Why don't you pick a couple of "misleading stories" and share them with us and we can debate whether they are misleading or not. What's that, you don't have the time or inclination to verify what you post? Oh, OK... Originally Posted by HedonistForever

Yo HF! That copy-pasta from Wikipedia probably taxed both brain cells they got. I would be surprised if they had enough stem function to even manage breathing after that much effort. Probably all tuckered out now, panting in a fetal position.
  • oeb11
  • 09-18-2020, 03:24 PM
HF wrote well nd satirically.

You are correct - WYID - the DPST's have not enough brain cells to comprehend.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Some news is easy to tell it is fake. Like anything that states something like: Joe Biden thinks... Obviously fake. But there are some where you cannot tell if art is imitating life or life is imitating art or whether there is really a difference.

This is one of those moments that is difficult to decide. Maybe you have seen this or something similar:

Kamala Harris: After We Impeach, We Round Up The Trump Supporters

“…and in conclusion, I am confident that if we stop being mean to these poor souls, they will come around and be productive members of society. There are no bad people, only bad judicial systems. That’s a whole new story that shall be written later.

Of course, there are exceptions. Like Cheeto. He’s just bad and we will impeach! There is so much evidence against this guy, the mind boggles.

And once he’s gone and we have regained our rightful place in the White House, look out if you supported him and endorsed his actions, because we’ll be coming for you next. You will feel the vengeance of a nation. No stone will be left unturned as we seek you out in every corner of this great nation. For it is you who have betrayed us...

****************************** **************

It then attributes a quote from Pulp Fiction; the path of the righteous man... Basically, a simple internet search shows the article/material was entirely debunked (hell, even Snopes debunked it). It originally came from a satire piece from August 2019. Yet the link above was actually updated in May 2020 on CNBC. Why? Are they lazy? Shoddy? Slow news day in the middle of Muh Corona? It is almost word for word of the original satire piece. So why post it in the first place and then update it without retraction, clarification or correction?

Frankly, the part that makes it all the more challenging to fathom is that we all know that is actually how and what they think and we cannot ever think otherwise. They really do want to destroy the country and the people who stand in their way. Crazy talk. Huh? Well... Let's examine reality. Antifa comes to mind. Their patsy BLM rings a bell.

Then, there is this recent tirade (October 9, 2020):

Propagandist Keith Olbermann Releases ISIS-Style Terror Declaration Against Trump and His Supporters

...Olbermann recently released an ISIS-style video in which he demanded for the Trump administration to suffer along with his supporters and elected officials close to the president.

“Trump can be and must be expunged. The hate he has triggered, the Pandora’s box he has opened, they will not be so easily destroyed,” Olbermann said to start off his rant. He would quickly grow more unhinged from there.

“The task is two-fold. The terrorist Trump must be defeated, must be destroyed, must be devoured at the ballot box. And then, he and his enablers and his supporters and his collaborators, and the Mike Lee’s, and the William Barr’s, and the Sean Hannity’s, and the Mike Pence’s, and the Rudy Giuliani’s, and the Kyle Rittenhouse’s, and the Amy Coney Barrett’s must be prosecuted and convicted and removed from our society while we rebuild it,” he added....

...“Remember it. Even as we dream of a return to reality and safety and the country for which our forefathers died, that the fight is not just to win an election, but to win it by enough to chase, at least for a moment, Trump and the maggots off the stage and then to try and clean up what they left,” Olbermann said.

“Remember it, even though to remember it means remembering that the fight does not end November 3rd, but, in many ways, will only begin,” he concluded.

****************************** **************

So, if you think the Left-tards are simply misguided or misinformed or misunderstood or that once they come to their senses after the election they will see the light and we will all have a Kumbaya moment and we will all be reunited as Brothers and Sisters:

Quit that stupid-shit thinking!

These people are evil, desperate to regain ultimate power that they will wield with impunity to destroy everything standing in their path to that power and we cannot ever forget this.
  • oeb11
  • 10-12-2020, 06:18 AM
WYID - all One must do to divine the intentions of the DPST's is listen and read
They make it clear their plans for racist, marxist Autocratic rule - in which deviation from their political orthodoxy is a crime punishable by spilling the blood of every republicn and dissenter of their world marxist Utopia.

The DPST have gone full out renegade - abandoned the Constitution - and intend and have and will use terrorists to inflict their will to 'Rebuild" amerika in their own image.

and Woe betide any who stand against them .

Listen - and Read.

They are truly Leninist'Stalinist marxists who will run out streets red with blood if submitted to.

Civil War is coming!!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
WYID - all One must do to divine the intentions of the DPST's is listen and read
They make it clear their plans for racist, marxist Autocratic rule - in which deviation from their political orthodoxy is a crime punishable by spilling the blood of every republicn and dissenter of their world marxist Utopia.

The DPST have gone full out renegade - abandoned the Constitution - and intend and have and will use terrorists to inflict their will to 'Rebuild" amerika in their own image.

and Woe betide any who stand against them .

Listen - and Read.

They are truly Leninist'Stalinist marxists who will run out streets red with blood if submitted to.

Civil War is coming!!! Originally Posted by oeb11
Check your account numbers...
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...They are truly Leninist'Stalinist marxists who will run out streets red with blood if submitted to... Originally Posted by oeb11

Seems they already are doing so to me. Though they also seems to be the role model for Death Wish 10 or something. They will have a very short riot season left between the election before winter sets in. Then we will see what commitment they have to rioting in Minnesota in sub-zero temperatures.
rexdutchman's Avatar
lock and load , news from Wikipedia , we are living in Idiotcracy
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Let's compare two Covid inspired car parades that happened recently in Miami, FL.

Below is the entire Joe-mentia Hiden car parade in it's full glory. Don't worry, it's about 40 second of driving excitement.

You saw correctly, the whole parade made it through one traffic light signal. To find a comparable length video of the Trump car parade in the same city, I had to make two important selective decisions.
1) Only showing the Latinos for Trump cars

2) Only show a single parking lot staging area out of several. The entire parade length, caravan spans over an hour

Note: When I watched the below, it was followed by a Brazilians for Trump rally. I suspect the only Brazilian team Hiden is sporting is in Kamala's shorts.

Oh what the heck. Let's also offer up the Cubans for Trump car parade in Doral, FL

All similar, yet entirely different?!?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
According to TheGatewayPundit: There were 15 cars in the Joe-mentia Hiden car parade and 30,000 in the Latinos for Trump car parade in Miami, 2 days apart..

Let's compare two Covid inspired car parades that happened recently in Miami, FL.

Below is the entire Joe-mentia Hiden car parade in it's full glory. Don't worry, it's about 40 second of driving excitement.

You saw correctly, the whole parade made it through one traffic light signal. To find a comparable length video of the Trump car parade in the same city, I had to make two important selective decisions.
1) Only showing the Latinos for Trump cars

2) Only show a single parking lot staging area out of several. The entire parade length, caravan spans over an hour

Note: When I watched the below, it was followed by a Brazilians for Trump rally. I suspect the only Brazilian team Hiden is sporting is in Kamala's shorts.

Oh what the heck. Let's also offer up the Cubans for Trump car parade in Doral, FL

All similar, yet entirely different?!? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
It's 4 AM. Do you know what your talking point is today?? Welcome to Pravda beotches!!

Actually, I find this one a bit funny in it's double entandre meaning.
Time to Heal - Like on a leash like a dog
Time to Heal - Get over it, we stole it from you - aka simple mass hypnosis

This is how the echo chamber works to repeat a lie often enough to make some with reading and comprehension issues come to heal. All these coincidental headlines at the some time?!?

Heal boy! Who's a good little Comrade?
winn dixie's Avatar
Dims like giving it raw. Sick fucks
pfunkdenver's Avatar

still no evidence of voting fraud in the election. trump's lawsuits dropping like flies.

Wanna bet who's gonna be in the White House January 21st?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
At some point, you're gonna have to just let whiny little bitches be whiny little bitches.

No matter how much Trump rage tweets and our Proud Boys rage whine, Biden will be inaugurated on Jan. 20.

No legal challenges will stop that.

Just leave it alone, boys. Get laid or something...
HoeHummer's Avatar

Get laid? This bunch of geezers?

Yous have set a very high bar for the bitter WSNDs.
winn dixie's Avatar

Get laid? This bunch of geezers?

Yous have set a very high bar for the bitter WSNDs. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Lost that canadjun accent there yssup. thats lolling