New poll numbers for Biden

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The most popular President in history, 81 million votes, has historically low polls numbers in just 15 months. Libtards are still trying to defend this fraud in office. Because they’re lazy and stupid. It doesn’t take much critical thinking to figure out they’ve been duped. They choose to keep their heads stuck in their ass.

Where it belongs Originally Posted by bambino
Liberals have always been duped. Trump is no longer President and they still aren't happy. They constantly mentioned Trump and try to discredit anything about Trump because they are afraid of Trump and anyone who supports him. They know Biden is weak and it's hard to defend him so they use Trump as a scapegoat to bolster Biden. The Democrats had an opportune chance to replace Trump with a young dynamic candidate but instead they chose an old worn out jagoff who in fifty years of Political office has always been viewed as an idiot and never accomplished anything worthy of him being elected president, but here we are nursing a pathetic administration. It's time these stupid Liberals stop entertaining this charade and own up to the fact that their hatred for Trump has fucked them in the ass. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Wow NBS "Meet the Press" announce today Easter Sunday 2022 Biden Job approval rating 38%. handling inflation 35% Latino's in Nevada support drops from 70% to 50%

Before the election everything NBC stated was true according to Dems. It's been such a joy to see Chuck Todd have to report what a total failure Biden has been for the last 15 months. An hour later CBS "Face the Nation" has had to do the same Originally Posted by tman1847
... Too right, mate! ... some o' the liberal lads just
don't care to see. And we're NOT giving them the poll
numbers from Fox or Breitbart - but numbers from
Rassmussen and Gallup. ALONG-WITH the poll numbers from
DEMOCRAT sources - CBS, MSNBC, and the Times and the Post.

Can't really be any more FAIR than that!

#### Salty