hoe into a housewife

Thanks for the intel Diomidis...next time, SPELL THAT SHIT RIGHT! Now focus on the OP's Q (damn y'all are some ADHD mofos here)!
time for bed.

OH, and, put that damn Sig line back into English (translate that muthafucka...damn it). I likeded it dhat shit! Thanks Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
Okay, I will let you pull me onto your trollbridge one last time. The name is spelled with the proper English transliteration of the Greek. So, with your attempt at thread derailment behind us...back on topic.

The inherent fantasy of the hobby means that both provider and hobbiest are not going to show their true personae BCD. Each is going to withhold and fib in order to keep their private life just that. Sure, if there is great rapport, they could talk about everything under the sun. However, the majority of us go into these scenarios prepared to keep things above board, meaning we try to keep the hobby side and civilian side separate.

Now, if you'll excuse me I have a high horse to ride off into the sunset on. Gotta really get him into rehab for his toad licking addiction...
Most of these women become the former because they have absolutely no fucking clue how to do the latter...just sayin'... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
NOT TRUE! I can cook and clean just as well as suck n' fuck lmao
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