The Highest Form Of Flattery?

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar

I see from the sig line that you have your Summer Itinerary all figured out. I hope we can be in the same place at the same time...

And...after looking at your Showcase, I had forgotten how hot your pics are. I'm sweating... Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I saw her first!
Well said, Charles.

Btw reading the threads on this board is WAY more entertaining then the reality tv shows on TLC, you guys are a riot, LOL.

xoxo Sophie Originally Posted by SophieSimone
I am glad you have a sense of humor Sophie.Now every time I think of my text getting copied I am going to picture a squirrel wearing a tiara.

I think that Charles is right. There is a big difference between copying someone's text word for word, or simply feeling inspired by another persons ideas where you can make them your own. I think that there is not much you can legally do about a direct copy unless you have a lot of money , and time to spend .

Aside from just ignoring it I still believe that the best way is to kill them with kindness.Ofer to help them with their own text if they are having problems. Chances are they will not take you up on your offer, but they may feel bad enough about upsetting someone who is being nice to them that they just move on to stealing someone else's text.
I still believe that the best way is to kill them with kindness. Originally Posted by Becky
Well where was your belief system last night?
Aside from just ignoring it I still believe that the best way is to kill them with kindness.Ofer to help them with their own text if they are having problems. Chances are they will not take you up on your offer, but they may feel bad enough about upsetting someone who is being nice to them that they just move on to stealing someone else's text. Originally Posted by Becky
Kind of a Christian concept:

Romans 12:17-21 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, Vengeance is Mine, I will repay, says the Lord. Therefore if your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (NKJV)
Well where was your belief system last night? Originally Posted by Ansley
Feeling a little protective of our pet, are we???

When it comes to Becky, there is no living being more important than Edward. So, your cute pet, however small and young, posed a threat on the Board. Becky had to protect Edward's reputation.
I take it you have a King James Version in your hotel room?
I take it you have a King James Version in your hotel room? Originally Posted by Ansley
As a matter of fact, that's what the Gideons left. But Google is much faster, and I get to copy/paste.

[BTW, that's the New King James Version I quoted.]
Feeling a little protective of our pet, are we???

When it comes to Becky, there is no living being more important than Edward. So, your cute pet, however small and young, posed a threat on the Board. Becky had to protect Edward's reputation. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Move in a little closer I have a secret that I don't want Becky to hear..... My dog is eight years old and being compared to a squirrel was a huge ego boost for him.
Well where was your belief system last night? Originally Posted by Ansley
I was being kind ,squirrels are awful cute.It was the other guy that called him a tree rodent:m f_tongue:lol
Feeling a little protective of our pet, are we???

When it comes to Becky, there is no living being more important than Edward. So, your cute pet, however small and young, posed a threat on the Board. Becky had to protect Edward's reputation. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
No truer words have ever been spoken.I saw that cute little squirrel in the picture, and I just had to insult the poor guy.For the record Edward is actually scared of squirrels.We have this one that hangs out by my condo who has chased us both a number of times .Squirrels can be bad asses when they put their nutty little minds to it.
Be careful. They are actually in the rodent family and can transmit rabies like foxes and skunks. You wouldn't like the treatment.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Sorry for off topic. I saw a jet black squirrel yesterday. I've seen grey squirrels, reddish and even an albino but this is the first black one I ever saw.
(Back to your regular programing.)
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Ezekiel 23:40
And furthermore, that ye have sent for men to come from far, unto whom a messenger was sent; and, lo, they came: for whom thou didst wash thyself, paintedst thy eyes, and deckedst thyself with ornaments,
OneHotMale's Avatar
Well well leave a discussion on fudging ones web-site for a day and come back to discussion on squirrel nuts! Ya'll do know another word for those are OHM. Originally Posted by WTF

Hey now at least I do have nutzzzzzzz. I wonder what some others excuse is.
OneHotMale's Avatar
I was being kind ,squirrels are awful cute.It was the other guy that called him a tree rodent:m f_tongue:lol Originally Posted by Becky

BTW Becky "I am the other guy" and what I mentioned about a squirrel being a tree rodent is spot on. What CS also mentioned about them carrying diseases and just overall being a general nuisance is spot on. My dad had a squirrel catching dog that was a sight to behold when he was stalking one. Damn I miss that dog.