The Mueller report

bambino's Avatar
Is the president a private citizen? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
He’s a citizen. Period
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Congressional Democrats’ emoluments lawsuit targeting President Trump’s private business can proceed, judge says

The emoluments cases, which could eventually end up at the Supreme Court, appear to mark the first time federal judges have interpreted these clauses and applied their restrictions to a sitting president. The lawsuits were early arrivals to what is now a wide range of investigations and legal battles over the president’s business interests and what information he and his family will be required to provide about them.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I don’t know if a vote of no confidence can be taken in the DOJ but I’d bet against him. Mueller states in the report that the Russians interfered in 2016 with sweeping and systematic attacks against democracy. In volume two there are separate incidents of trump’s behavior regarding Comey, Sessions and Mcgahn that is what me and 700 former prosecutors consider obstruction.

Obama in 2014 blocked efforts to retaliate against Russia to get Putin's approval of his Iran deal. So it's his fault Russia had any but very little influence on the election. and Russia was just paying back Obama and his cunt SoS Clinton for .. trying to influence a foreign election! Putin's. they call it revenge. bahhaaa

this is all on Obama isn't it? ALL OF IT.

I don’t think it’s asking to much to see the underlying evidence of those ten incidents. Private notes were taken by Mcgahn, Comey, and McDonald that should be questioned. I doubt a court will side with trump because Ty Cobb, trump’s lawyer at the time sent memos to everyone to cooperate with the SC.

it's asking too much. you, citizen serf have no need or right to see it. you wanna see it? be one of the 6 demonrats that can but won't and get back to us we with your illegal leaks.

Mnuchin is obstructing Justice by denying Congress trump’s tax returns but they will be leaked by a patriot before the courts have time to read the complaints.
I’m no Edgar Casey but I’d bet on that too. Originally Posted by Jaxson66

Congress needs one simple thing to see a citizen's taxes. A REASON. A legal one would be nice.

Sorry but Congress does NOT have a REASON to request Trump's taxes simply because he's the President and they don't like him.

Is the president a private citizen? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500


He’s a citizen. Period Originally Posted by bambino

which means citizen Trump has the full protection from illegal prosecution provided by the Constitution itself.


eccieuser9500's Avatar

Congress needs one simple thing to see a citizen's taxes. A REASON. A legal one would be nice.

Sorry but Congress does NOT have a REASON to request Trump's taxes simply because he's the President and they don't like him.
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid


It's basic civics man. C'mon!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar


It's basic civics man. C'mon! Originally Posted by eccieuser9500


you do realize your post makes it clear you want a totalitarian government that oppresses the people under an IRON thumb, yeah?

thank you comrade poster!!!
eccieuser9500's Avatar

You don't think we have that now?
eccieuser9500's Avatar

you do realize your post makes it clear you want a totalitarian government that oppresses the people under an IRON thumb, yeah?

thank you comrade poster!!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
According to you, balance equals totalitarianism.

To me, the . . .


You're welcome "il duce" poster.
According to you, balance equals totalitarianism.

To me, the . . .


You're welcome "il duce" poster. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
People don't have power under Totalitarianism, Socialism, Communism or any form of Government where the rule of law isn't adhered too by officials. It takes power away from the people. Thats why a person can be jailed for dissonance in these forms of Government. What I think you have been trying to do is impress people with subject matter you know nothing about. You apparently have been living your life in disarray and you think everyone else should as well. Most of us here know better.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
People don't have power under Totalitarianism, Socialism, Communism or any form of Government where the rule of law isn't adhered too by officials. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Then you must agree the Legislative branch has every right to check and balance the Executive branch. Right?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
House Judiciary votes to hold Barr in contempt for defying Mueller report subpoena

What I think you have been trying to do is . . .
Originally Posted by Levianon17

I B Hankering's Avatar
Then you must agree the Legislative branch has every right to check and balance the Executive branch. Right? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Your balderdash has no precedent with the Founding Fathers. You cannot cite where Congress ever had a problem with either George Washington or Thomas Jefferson continuing their pre-presidency avocations of selling tobacco, etc., to European markets.

Hence, the dim-retards in Congress are full of shit! There are IRS regulations that prohibit politicians from receiving personal tax records without a "valid reason", and these fucking dim-retards in Congress have made it abundantly clear that their pursuit is partisan; thus, invalid.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
According to you, balance equals totalitarianism.

To me, the . . .


You're welcome "il duce" poster. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

well thank you chairman Mao.

so .. how's that socialist revolution workin' out for ya?

eccieuser9500's Avatar
It's a work in progress.

Like this salutation, mein führer.

An EVOLUTION, not revolution.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It's a work in progress.

Like this salutation, mein führer.

An EVOLUTION, not revolution.
Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

eccieuser9500's Avatar
Your balderdash has no precedent with the Founding Fathers. You cannot cite where Congress ever had a problem with either George Washington or Thomas Jefferson continuing their pre-presidency avocations of selling tobacco, (i.e. et e.g. slaves) etc., to European markets.

Hence, the dim-retards in Congress are full of shit! There are IRS regulations that prohibit politicians from receiving personal tax records without a "valid reason", and these fucking dim-retards in Congress have made it abundantly clear that their pursuit is partisan; thus, invalid.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering

The founders had too much to lose in their stock and trade. The lot of them. Hence, no precedent. (I'm glad to read you can spell precedent)