WOW!!! I had no idea that the guys here in Austin woud cancel this much!!

Beagle's Avatar
@SensualSophia, Thanks for the level-headed response offering a solution to the issue. This thread has taken a turn for the worse - vilifying the guys in Austin, and in turn, generating lots of negative responses. Reading subsequent posts by the OP made me wonder why this thread was started in the first place. Didn't look like it was an effort to comprehend the situation better or to find a solution. The focus was more on ranting.

@Gfelala, While I empathize with your situation, the way you presented the issue leaves much to be desired. A little tact goes a long way. If you wanted to show how crude guys from Austin can get - congrats, you've done a fine job. Hope you're proud of your self-fulfilling prophecy.
If the traveling providers who experience NCNS would simply post the handles of the guys who are doing this then the problem would GO AWAY. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Not supplying the identities of the five alleged offenders By Now makes one wonder about the legitimacy and motive behind the extent of this claim doesn't it?


1) An attention grabbing pitch-like general complaint posted. "WOW!!!! I had no idea blah blah"
2) IMMEDIATELY followed up with pitching a whole lot of disinterested board members for business with repeated unsolicited PM's (HUGE red flag)
3) NO offender identities with proof provided even after requested (Even bigger red flag). I am assuming this based upon your comment.
4) At least two members that we know of did have sessions with her.
5) Almost NOBODY in Austin was remotely interested in her photos upon arrival. What are the odds she was booked up prior based upon those photos? Possible though.
6) Her immediate 180 degree change of focus in her posts to Elephant's haggling rather than the alleged NCNS's

OH yeah I guess I mentioned NO identities with proof supplied even after requested.

Add this up and one does not have to be a rocket scientist to draw a reasonable conclusion as to what was most likely behind this thread.

Sophia I completely agree with you that a standard practice of posting these handles in the ladies forums is an Excellent idea but along with the names should be copies of e-mails or some form of proof substantiating the bookings as well. Otherwise you've got providers right and left recklessly vilifying defenseless innocent board members in the girls room for self serving purposes.

Rather than turn the 99% good clients off by publicly threatening to post names in the mighty ladies forums simply put an end to the problem by actually DOING IT. Make it a standard requirement to Provide those names with proof before publicly griping otherwise it's all smoke n mirrors to get attention and drum up biz IMHO.
sixxbach's Avatar
If the traveling providers who experience NCNS would simply post the handles of the guys who are doing this then the problem would GO AWAY.

I almost NEVER see traveling providers posting alerts on the actual men who are causing the problem -- just generalities which are totally USELESS.

And if the "rumor" is true, the assholes behind it will be discovered once we know who the fuck they are. Heck, maybe the offenders handles should just be posted here in co-ed. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
You have some good points. Any provider is welcome to do that.

Sophia I completely agree with you that a standard practice of posting these handles in the ladies forums is an Excellent idea but along with the names should be copies of e-mails or some form of proof substantiating the bookings as well. Otherwise you've got providers recklessly vilifying innocent board members in the girls room for self serving purposes.

Rather than turn the 99% good clients off by public threatening to post names in the mighty ladies forums simply put an end to the problem by actually DOING IT. Make it a standard requirement to Provide those names with proof before publicly griping otherwise it's all smoke n mirrors to get attention and drum up biz IMHO. Originally Posted by Codybeast
That is the tricky part, providing the proof. Here is that guideline:
#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed


That is the tricky part, providing the proof. Here is that guideline:
#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed

sixx Originally Posted by sixxbach
I get that completely but then providing random handles of defenseless members without any proof in the back channels is pretty much a total farce/joke.

Nothing more than a power tool which can be recklessly abused by immature providers without consequence. Why would anyone with reasonable intelligence take that seriously including providers? Even the Salem witch trials had a phony trial at least. Perhaps we should dunk the accused in water. If he lives he is guilty.
sixxbach's Avatar
True. That is why its up to the membership to decide for themselves. I don' think that we all believe everything we read in the male only forums. I will go ahead and make the assumption that not all women believe everything they read in their own private forum either. That is what is great about these forums. You can decide for yourself...

Joel Goodson's Avatar
And if the "rumor" is true, the assholes behind it will be discovered once we know who the fuck they are. Heck, maybe the offenders handles should just be posted here in co-ed.

When I go on tour and I have a problem with a guy, I have the decency and respect for the local community to immediately report it in the ladies section of the city I'm visiting so that the local girls and fellow travelers can have a heads up. I think this is far more constructive than bashing a whole town because of bad behavior on the part of a few individuals. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia

If they have a board handle and show a regular pattern of cancellations, by all means weed them out. Now, if a gal just took some random phone call and didn't at least verify who they are on the board with a PM, well...

Getting stood up sucks no matter what side of the fence you're on. Plus, the one that bails screws it up for every other guy/gal that was wanting some company during that time.

Elephant is soooo fake!!! He wanted to pay me $80 lol and when I said $100 the pm's stopped immediately LOL dude please get over it seriously you are just trying to make yourself look good because you were so stuck on payingme $80. wow Originally Posted by gfelala
On the other point brought up by the OP, I suppose daytime TV is well worth watching for some, but why negatively call out some guy that wasn't planning to see you otherwise, but made you an honest offer, whether it met your standards or not?

You're mad at the time wasters, remember?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar

Sorry. Your argument doesn't make sense. When I cancel on my therapist with less than 24 hour's notice, I am required to pay the full session fee. Why, BECAUSE this is her business and she held a spot for me that could have gone to another paying client. I am not suggesting that providers start implementing cancellation fees, but there are many professionals that do.

Also, I think there is a huge difference between calling at the last minute to cancel because something came up versus a complete no call no show.

. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
Cancellation fees are very rare in this world, limited to professionals such as doctors, dentists, therapists, and a few others. Lawyers -- no. Car mechanics -- no. Restaurants -- no. Hard to come up with any other profession where cancellation fees apply. When I have a appointment with my doctor/dentist/therapist, I can put it down as personal time off from my work. For most other appointments, it is on my time. And the people providing the service understand this and know conflicts come up that make keeping the appointment impossible. On the other hand, if I set an appointment with a lawyer, a car mechanic, or any other service provider, their cancelling appointments might cost them my business. I guess I just look at things differently between the responsibilities of the provider and receiver of a service.

On the other hand, I fully agree with you that a no call/no show is totally irresponsible.
Posted by S Sophia
"Sorry. Your argument doesn't make sense. When I cancel on my therapist with less than 24 hour's notice, I am required to pay the full session fee. Why, BECAUSE this is her business and she held a spot for me that could have gone to another paying client. I am not suggesting that providers start implementing cancellation fees, but there are many professionals that do".

Actually that makes no rational sense because I can guarantee you that if providers like therapists started charging cancel fees their entire income would cease immediately aside from the impromptu spur of the moment quick fix calls.

Doctors, dentists, therapists and even mechanics are all Essential Service Providers. Hobbying is a 100% disposable income luxury. I don't get how the two could even be compared on a rational level.

Yeah hobby time is reserved. So is a table at a hard to book 5 star restaurant. Both are a great treat but neither is a necessity. Both are simply exchanging a luxury for a Real necessity ($$). If a provider cancels her appt. which happens just as commonly, does the client get a freebie because he took limited time off of work? Nope.

When a provider starts comparing the reserved time of her service to that of a licensed physician I say that's when it's time to yell "Whoa Nelly"! Stop that horse, sit back, open that canteen, look around and take a big swig of reality.

However on the other side of that fence the money I hand the provider is equally as important and needed as the money I hand my doctor.
Provider service? I love it and really really REALLY enjoy it but if I ever get to the point where I actually Need it?.... That's when it's time to quit hobbying and get a life.
nuglet's Avatar
Well, some of us guys are "professionals" too. So if I schedule and the gal is a nsnc, doesn't that imply SHE OWES ME?!? After all, it was my time, we had an appt, she didn't show or cancel..
So should there be a pot that we all put $ into (gals and guys alike), and after the appointment is kept, or missed, one of us gets paid, no matter what?
Interesting idea, although completely maniacal.
rekcaSxT's Avatar
I needed this today.

Sorry to read that Austin was a bust. Better luck in Amarillo.
jimmers's Avatar
Unless you are truly exceptional (looks and or bcd reputation) or have incredible reviews in your home city, Austin is probably not a good city to come into at a $250 price point. Austin is extremely fortunate to have quite a few exceptional providers at the $200-$250 price points and to come in to Austin and expect us to book outside our local providers is probably not the best idea unless you have a sterling reputation.

That being said, NCNS is very rampant in Austin it seems. It also seems to be stemming from both sides provider and hobbyist. I have never NCNS, but have made several requests to just drop them when I never heard back from the provider or heard back 2 weeks later....

Sorry your trip was not successful, but posting in this public of manner has opened you up for attacks as well. Basically you have burned your bridges here and when you do go to travel to other cities, you are now subject to searches that will find this trail. I fear you will now be defending yourself against this image the Austin men have of you as someone who might be creating a bit of drama.

No hobbyist runs to any drama queens. I think this posting (appears to bitching, justified or not) will not benefit you other than letting you emotionally vent your frustrations. I'm sorry Austin did not work out for you; good luck elsewhere.
My apologies to the fine gents of Austin: I shouldn't have used terse language on the forum and for that, I am sorry.
Well I love you Austin and Im staying for a little while hehe
PandaBear's Avatar
Awesome sxyjade101! That is exactly what this thread needed. :-)

For a moment there as I read this thread into its sixth page I thought I was back on ASPD. Wow.