When people are allowed to say idiotic things unchallenged

discreetgent's Avatar
Bebe, i loooooove you!!!!!!! You are AWESOME!! Originally Posted by ninasastri
First there is London and sa_artman and now this; what is this world coming to?
London Rayne's Avatar
All this time I thought this thread was started to elicit some intellectual debate on the topic and not to go after specific individuals. Thank you, London, for clarifying it for me; much obliged. Originally Posted by discreetgent
I really don't know what the thread was intended for nor what individuals you speak of....I was stating an opinion directed only at the freedom of speech movement lol. If this is directed at one person in particular, well I guess I didn't bother to notice. I do however notice that every time anything is said about certain individuals, the white knight posse has to speak for them as if they don't have a mind of their own.

There are many people on this board that annoy the hell out of me, and I don't care to deal with them. I am sure for others it is the same way. I have just opted to use the ignore button rather than bicker back and forth all the time....life is much more peaceful this way.
I B Hankering's Avatar
hi there,
you make good points, but may i suggest that there is - still - a difference between a "belief" and a "science".
. . . with science you can state facts. and bring points of validity. . .
so having opinions is not the same as stating scientific facts. you are free to believe anything (hell i believe i will have a threesome with brad pitt and george clooney one day :-) what kind of arguments do you want to state against that?? he he....)

Plus: fascism is a belief system too? If i point out that some people are supposed to be minorities and screwing racists is ok, then that s a belief too. You can encounter that with genetics science by pointing out that the view of "races" is invalid since there is not so much genetic variability amongst humans to qualify one person as a diffferent race :-)... so science can actually help to broaden minds :-)....rather than beliefs. Originally Posted by ninasastri
Please don't take this personally, but the real problem with that notion is that the so called “facts” and "science" often change.

Many on this board are quick to decry the shortcomings of theistic religion (as opposed to atheistic religion—which is, somehow, much more pure): especially Christianity. Many are quick to label Christian (or Muslim) teachings as superstition and readily point to the fact that the Church (in this instance both the Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox) once maintained that the earth was at the center of the universe. It was heresy to believe otherwise. I’m sure that notion gives non-believing Humanist a good belly laugh. It’s ridiculous, they say, to believe in such things—“science” has taught us better.

On closer inspection, however, one will realize that the Church did not invent the notion of a geocentric universe: scientists did. The Church’s notions of how the physical universe functioned were adopted from the works of Plato and Aristotle—two of the ancient world’s preeminent philosopher-scientists. Some of their scientific findings were held as scientific gospel for almost two thousand years. But go ahead; blame theistic religion for all of man’s failures and shortcomings. Science is mankind’s only hope and beacon of truth: let Auschwitz and Hiroshima be exhibits “A and B” to this noble experiment. Phrenology and eugenics were also quite popular “sciences” at the turn of the 20th Century; that is up until the end of WWII. What will the world, if it still exists, think of our “science” in two thousand years?

Meanwhile, here are some more “scientific” (hence, purportedly immutable) facts to consider:

According to Aristotle, the heavenly bodies are the most perfect realities, (or "substances"), whose motions are ruled by principles other than those of bodies in the sublunary sphere. The latter are composed of one or all of the four classical elements (earth, water, air, fire) and are perishable; but the matter the heavens are made of is imperishable aether, so they are not subject to generation and corruption. Hence their motions are eternal and perfect, and the perfect motion is the circular one, which, unlike the earthly up-and down-ward locomotions, can last eternally selfsame. As substances, celestial bodies have matter (aether) and a form: it seems that Aristotle did regard them as living beings with a rational soul as their form (see also Metaphysics, bk. XII)

The Aristotelian explanation of gravity is that all bodies move toward their natural place. For the element earth, that place is the center of the (geocentric) universe, next comes the natural place of water (in a concentric shell around that of earth). The natural place of air is likewise a concentric shell surrounding the place of water. Sea level is between those two. Finally, the natural place of fire is higher than that of air but below the innermost celestial sphere, (the one carrying the Moon). Even at locations well above sea level, such as a mountain top, an object made mostly of the former two elements tends to fall and objects made mostly of the latter two tend to rise. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aristotelian_physics

In astronomy, the geocentric model (also known as "geocentrism", or the Ptolemaic view of the whole universe), is the superseded theory, that the Earth is the center of the universe, and that all other objects orbit around it. This geocentric model served as the predominant cosmological system in many ancient civilizations such as ancient Greece. As such, most Ancient Greek philosophers assumed that the Sun, Moon, stars, and naked eye planets circled the Earth, including the noteworthy systems of Aristotle (see Aristotelian physics) and Ptolemy.
First there is London and sa_artman and now this; what is this world coming to? Originally Posted by discreetgent
I think it all stems back to the appointment of a certain denizen of D&T, who has a fondness for a husky and his mistress out in San Francisco, to mod status. As PJ noted, the time/space compendium has been thrown way out of kilter.
discreetgent's Avatar
I think it all stems back to the appointment of a certain denizen of D&T, who has a fondness for a husky and his mistress out in San Francisco, to mod status. As PJ noted, the time/space compendium has been thrown way out of kilter. Originally Posted by SR Only
God damn it SR, you ignorant slutEdward is a Malamute not a God damn Husky. I am highly offended by this miscarriage of information.How dare you attempt to speculate the breed of my dog without first earning your Masters in Veterinary Science. Now I demand an apology, and an admission of guilt before all of the poor gullible people of D&T are polluted with this false information, and go around thinking that a 120 pound dog is actually the worlds largest Husky.
discreetgent's Avatar
Looks like Becky values truth more than politeness heh

(at least she called you a slut)
Looks like Becky values truth more than politeness heh

(at least she called you a slut) Originally Posted by discreetgent
Watch out all, I am the f%^&ing truth police, and I have clearly had too much coffe this morning. I even have documentation to support all my facts.

Sisyphus's Avatar
Watch out all, I am the f%^&ing truth police, and I have clearly had too much coffe this morning. I even have documentation to support all my facts.

http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/abc.htm Originally Posted by Becky

If that's anything like the Dream Police....I'm down with it!

The dream police, they come to me in my bed...

Wag on, gal!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-02-2011, 09:26 AM
What about tolerance vs intolerance. We, in this society, are allowed to believe in whatever we want. Whether we believe in monotheism or polytheism or nothing at all, we have an obligation to allow the individual to believe how they choose as long as it doesn't interfere with another persons' viewpoints. Originally Posted by DFW5Traveler
You are getting confused with what my intent was in starting this thread.

Some people are confused with what science is. My hope was to enlighten what I consider to be very bright people in general , on a subject that they are (what is the word Becky recommends me using?) coming up with 5 on the question of 2+2.

For instance, Jenny McCarthy believes that there is a link between autism and childhood vaccines. (The study she used to use has been disproven.)

The science does not bear that out. Ok ''So what'', you say, ''Jenny McCarthy does not immunize her child.'' The problem with that thinking in this regard is that if enough people do not immunize their children it puts others at risk. What if half the population did not believe in polio shots back in the day?


'----While nationwide over 90 percent of children old enough to receive vaccines get them, the number of exemptions worries many health officials and experts. They say that vaccines have saved countless lives, and that personal-belief exemptions are potentially dangerous and bad public policy because they are not based on sound science.
“If you have clusters of exemptions, you increase the risk of exposing everyone in the community,” said Dr. Omer, who has extensively studied disease outbreaks and vaccines.....

....The very success of immunizations has turned out to be an Achilles’ heel,” said Dr. Mark Sawyer, a pediatrician and infectious disease specialist at Rady Children’s Hospital in San Diego. “Most of these parents have never seen measles, and don’t realize it could be a bad disease so they turn their concerns to unfounded risks. They do not perceive risk of the disease but perceive risk of the vaccine.”----
If that's anything like the Dream Police....I'm down with it!

The dream police, they come to me in my bed...

Wag on, gal! Originally Posted by Sisyphus
Yes, I get tortured by them as well. Especially when I decide to take a 10 day nap.

The dream police, they come to me in my bed.
The dream police, they're coming to arrest me, oh no.

You know that talk is cheap, and those rumors ain't nice.
And when I fall asleep I don't think I'll survive the night, the night.

'Cause they're waiting for me.
They're looking for me.
Ev'ry single night they're driving me insane.
Those men inside my brain.

The dream police, they live inside of my head.
(Live inside of my head.)
The dream police, they come to me in my bed.
(Come to me in my bed.)
The dream police, they're coming to arrest me, oh no.

Well, I can't tell lies, 'cause they're listening to me.
And when I fall asleep, bet they're spying on me tonight, tonight.

'Cause they're waiting for me.
They're looking for me.
Ev'ry single night they're driving me insane.
Those men inside my brain.

I try to sleep, they're wide awake, they won't let me alone.
They don't get paid or take vacations, or let me alone.
They spy on me, I try to hide, they won't let me alone.
They persecute me, they're the judge and jury all in one.

'Cause they're waiting for me.
They're looking for me.
Ev'ry single night they're driving me insane.
Those men inside my brain.

The dream police police police
The dream police,police police
The dream police,police police
I B Hankering's Avatar
For instance, Jenny McCarthy believes that there is a link between autism and childhood vaccines. (The study she used to use has been disproven.)

The science does not bear that out. Ok ''So what'', you say, ''Jenny McCarthy does not immunize her child.'' The problem with that thinking in this regard is that if enough people do not immunize their children it puts others at risk. Originally Posted by WTF

Now I know the purpose of the thread. (I don't watch Oprah - or any other talk show.) I just know McCarthy is a super-fine woman I've been lusting after since she debuted on MTV many years back, and that, until recently, I very much envied Jim Carey.

BTW, I almost used this recent revelation (the disproven vaccination-autism connection) as an example of "scientific" dogma (that Jenny is quoting) and how "science fact" can change. LOL

You might like this news:

Study suggests link between birth spacing, autism:
In preliminary findings, children born less than two years after a sibling were at greater risk.
By Carla K. Johnson
Associated Press

http://www.philly.com/philly/news/nation_world/20110110_Study_suggests_link_b etween_birth_spacing__autism.h tml.

God damn it SR, you ignorant slutEdward is a Malamute not a God damn Husky. I am highly offended by this miscarriage of information.How dare you attempt to speculate the breed of my dog without first earning your Masters in Veterinary Science. Now I demand an apology, and an admission of guilt before all of the poor gullible people of D&T are polluted with this false information, and go around thinking that a 120 pound dog is actually the worlds largest Husky. Originally Posted by Becky
It's not nice to "F" with a mod. I'm going get my green ray gun and decoder ring. Then I am going to put you over my knee and administer punishment to you young lady!

And I have now studied:

And please do not beg for mercy (just beg for more).

Best to you and Edward, Becky! I hadn't seen you post for a few days. It had me worried.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-02-2011, 09:53 AM
Yes, I get tortured by them as well. Especially when I decide to take a 10 day nap.

The dream police, they come to me in my bed. Originally Posted by Becky
Cheap Trick was great. Same era as the Cars. Great bands.