Really Need Help

threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
... and the haters keep hating. Nothing new here. Originally Posted by Lust4xxxLife
Hating?? Did you just pull that out of your ass or what? All I said was it's a shame when people make babies and they can't even afford diapers.

Where is there any hate in that? That is nothing but 100% truth. It's a crying fuckin shame! It's sad, it breaks my heart, it's not fair to the kids.... it's a shame!

If it's not a shame then what do you call it?
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
Lots of thoughts on this subject...

1.) In the UK we help people out better. Call it what you want (welfare state, etc). Whether one is a hooker, IT guru, executive fallen on hard times or just the bloody milkman...there is never a situation where someone without doesn't have bloody diapers. People to borrow the words of your famous female politician, "It does indeed take a village." We also ban handguns in jolly ole but that's a different rant...

2.) Be a fucking human being man--If someone needs life's essentials to get on and you have the means to help out...bloody do it! Who gives a toss if they are morally inept? Doesn't change the fact that both they and their child, pet or mum need food. I personally always wonder during the holidays when I give a beggar a bit of change if they're going to run off and stick it in their arm, or up their nose? I still give anyway because the intent is to help, not to judge.

3.) However, as bloody liberal as I am--stop fucking reproducing if you're skint(That means "poor" for you Yanks.) If a person has certain behaviours that make daily finances a bit of a mess, might I suggest not creating additional problems to further enhance your tax status.

4.) IMHO-I find it odd some blokes will shag a bird on here but not help out when they're in need. She's good enough to take a load, but not to help when hungry? Indeed. Who's the one in need of a well taught morality lesson? As far as I'm concerned I don't care how big a slag you are--if a person needs real life essentials (immediately) there's nothing to go on about--just be charitable. Rant over. As you were.

(Hebrew-In peace)

Hating?? Did you just pull that out of your ass or what? All I said was it's a shame when people make babies and they can't even afford diapers.

Where is there any hate in that? That is nothing but 100% truth. It's a crying fuckin shame! It's sad, it breaks my heart, it's not fair to the kids.... it's a shame!

If it's not a shame then what do you call it? Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
Apart from the trolls who have slammed you and the good people who have come to your aid, keep in mind this is a Hooker Review Board, not Planned Parenthood or a Women's shelter for all to see the hardships of single motherhood in the provider realm.

You really should've posted this in the Powder Room or Infoshare first or asked individuals. You would've probably obtained more positive feedback and help(which Tara and others graciously offered) without the Troll attacks. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
Even though this is a hooker review board, it's not a board for "hand outs and help".

Seriously, if you are able to read this post, you are paying for wifi and/or a cellphone/laptop that costs a considerable amount of money each month.

Surely, if any woman had a child, the last place they would look for help is this board. There is a plethora of agencies and government programs that are easily accessible and available at the OP's discretion.

There is nothing wrong with helping someone. But I don't think help should be offered in a "handout".

Just my .02 cents.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
Let's face it luv eccie isn't a hot bed for intelligence. I dare say good choices are lacking. Thus, the reason for OP.

Even though this is a hooker review board, it's not a board for "hand outs and help".

Seriously, if you are able to read this post, you are paying for wifi and/or a cellphone/laptop that costs a considerable amount of money each month.

Surely, if any woman had a child, the last place they would look for help is this board. There is a plethora of agencies and government programs that are easily accessible and available at the OP's discretion.

There is nothing wrong with helping someone. But I don't think help should be offered in a "handout".

Just my .02 cents. Originally Posted by BrownSugarBaby
Even though this is a hooker review board, it's not a board for "hand outs and help".

Seriously, if you are able to read this post, you are paying for wifi and/or a cellphone/laptop that costs a considerable amount of money each month.

This though ... ^^^

Surely, if any woman had a child, the last place they would look for help is this board.

This though ...^^^

There is a plethora of agencies and government programs that are easily accessible and available
at the OP's discretion.

Hmmm...several links I provided , and I haven't heard ANYTHING in regards to it yet .... she only reacted positively from those jumping to the gun to offer a quick, monetary solution from members here, yet seemed angry that I offered resources...which leads me to think this chick has a helluva marketing technique and the case is just an advertising ploy (DUUUUUUH)

I'm no "Hater" (LOL), so I will congratulate her on her marketing creativity, and her schedule-filler technique ie how to survive in a recession ( Jeezy voice)

There is nothing wrong with helping someone. But I don't think help should be offered in a "handout".

Just my .02 cents. Originally Posted by BrownSugarBaby
. Originally Posted by Eva Damita
Like you once said, "The thirst is real".
Yeah.. I will back her on this-- she has been on the board under one name or another since 2011. She doesn't have 90 reviews in 1 year.. she has em in 3, which is pretty much on par with what I have @ 60 reviews in 2 years.

Yes, I know it is slow in Dallas. It is summer, it is slower every summer. As a single mom, myself-- I suggest that any time you do have a decent day or week, you put as much as you can aside so that you have money for the bad weeks. It is hard to go from single status to mommy status-- especially when you are used to having disposable income. Many aren't prepared. Originally Posted by GracePreston
I also knew some of her friends back then, I also concur.

Keep your head up girl and life is like a roller coaster, up and down.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Lots of thoughts on this subject...

1.) In the UK we help people out better. Call it what you want (welfare state, etc). Whether one is a hooker, IT guru, executive fallen on hard times or just the bloody milkman...there is never a situation where someone without doesn't have bloody diapers. People to borrow the words of your famous female politician, "It does indeed take a village." We also ban handguns in jolly ole but that's a different rant...

2.) Be a fucking human being man--If someone needs life's essentials to get on and you have the means to help out...bloody do it! Who gives a toss if they are morally inept? Doesn't change the fact that both they and their child, pet or mum need food. I personally always wonder during the holidays when I give a beggar a bit of change if they're going to run off and stick it in their arm, or up their nose? I still give anyway because the intent is to help, not to judge.

3.) However, as bloody liberal as I am--stop fucking reproducing if you're skint(That means "poor" for you Yanks.) If a person has certain behaviours that make daily finances a bit of a mess, might I suggest not creating additional problems to further enhance your tax status.

4.) IMHO-I find it odd some blokes will shag a bird on here but not help out when they're in need. She's good enough to take a load, but not to help when hungry? Indeed. Who's the one in need of a well taught morality lesson? As far as I'm concerned I don't care how big a slag you are--if a person needs real life essentials (immediately) there's nothing to go on about--just be charitable. Rant over. As you were.

(Hebrew-In peace)
DBD Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
Such an impressive post.

It's been awhile since a member has shown up and is able to so eloquently express himself but also, is able to stay close to the cause.

Thank you,
Super Sonic's Avatar
In the UK we help people out better. Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
It's called Socialism. Never fear, Obama is working on that for you.

stop fucking reproducing if you're skint(That means "poor" for you Yanks.) Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
Since you're posting in a Dallas thread, that's pretty much the vast majority of us, but thanks for saving me the Google.

If a person has certain behaviours that make daily finances a bit of a mess, might I suggest not creating additional problems to further enhance your tax status. Originally Posted by Don't Be Daft!
You Limey's sure spell "behaviors" funny.

Just messing about with you, mate! I'm English by decent myself, surname and all, and love an authentic Britt dialect/accent. Yet, it definitely has more impact coming from someone like Elizabeth Hurley. Just sayin'.

Back to the point at hand: There's a very dark side to this board. It seems to attract the morally bankrupt, and some of the agendas and coldness displayed here amazes me. To my point, the pimpish 3rd grade level postings from that illustrious "Man of God" Headmaster. I'm not sure who he thinks he's fooling.

I think Tara showed she has a big heart, and I don't see how she got played if she purchased the essentials for the child and didn't hand over cash. We can all be shitty and petty while hiding behind the anonymity of our screen names, but kudos to Tara for actually stepping up. It can never hurt your karma helping someone out when you are able. As DBD said, it's the intent.
It's that deep-south, red state (I'm still "a-political"), bible-waving bullshit where people care more about a fertilized egg than a starving kid across the street.

Fuck all that shit. If someone needs help, help if you want or STFU. Why kick them or reprimand them when they're worried about their kids eating or covering their kid's ass?

People are people. They go thru shit. If it was my kid, I'd do what I had to do to put good on the table.
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
Actually, mate I spelled it wrong...hard to post whilst on my mobile. *Miss my Blackberry. iPhone keyboards are rubbish.

We spell it "behaviour" much the same way we spell "colour". Some things I refuse to change and that's the King's bloody English.

And, thank you mate for pointing out my political views. I know I'm a democratic socialist (Labour) lol. Been so for years. I made it pretty well known in my OP.

It's not a political issue to not help someone out that quite obviously cannot do for themselves. Only a proper cuntflap would refuse to help those in need if they had the means.

Time for an ice cold pint me thinks.

It's called Socialism. Never fear, Obama is working on that for you.

Since you're posting in a Dallas thread, that's pretty much the vast majority of us, but thanks for saving me the Google.

You Limey's sure spell "behaviors" funny.

Just messing about with you, mate! I'm English by decent myself, surname and all, and love an authentic Britt dialect/accent. Yet, it definitely has more impact coming from someone like Elizabeth Hurley. Just sayin'.

Back to the point at hand: There's a very dark side to this board. It seems to attract the morally bankrupt, and some of the agendas and coldness displayed here amazes me. To my point, the pimpish 3rd grade level postings from that illustrious "Man of God" Headmaster. I'm not sure who he thinks he's fooling.

I think Tara showed she has a big heart, and I don't see how she got played if she purchased the essentials for the child and didn't hand over cash. We can all be shitty and petty while hiding behind the anonymity of our screen names, but kudos to Tara for actually stepping up. It can never hurt your karma helping someone out when you are able. As DBD said, it's the intent. Originally Posted by Super Sonic
America is one of the most "socialist" countries on the planet...Public schools, central bankings, social security, the laundry list of "alphabet soup" regulatory agencies (EPA, DEA, DHRS, etc), progressive income tax, communications regulations via the FCC.

And no democrat or republican president or party has sought to change any of that.

For people to go on and on about socialism, you'd think they'd read Karl Marx and other to know something about it.
pyramider's Avatar
You gotta to be kidding ...
America is one of the most "socialist" countries on the planet...Public schools, central bankings, social security, the laundry list of "alphabet soup" regulatory agencies (EPA, DEA, DHRS, etc), progressive income tax, communications regulations via the FCC.

And no democrat or republican president or party has sought to change any of that.

For people to go on and on about socialism, you'd think they'd read Karl Marx and other to know something about it. Originally Posted by str8.2.bbbj
Go try to get your internet fixed in Italy and enjoy waiting for over a month. Or how about traveling anywhere in Europe on the Eurorail pass and getting stuck in some random BFE city because the train conductors randomly decide to go on strike whenever the mood hits.

That is socialism at work, friend. A lot of people not doing shit because there is no financial incentive to get it done. America still has a healthy sense of private sector competition and that is a sure sign of capitalism at work.

( Don't get me wrong. I fucking love Europe. )
It's not a judgement of good or bad. It's an observation as to how ppl throw words and sound bites around without knowing what they mean.