
dearhunter's Avatar
Tebow forgive them......they know not what they do.

Poor sarunga....he really does try.....maybe he should have sent that PM
Lazrback's Avatar
His penitence should be to fuck a fat sperm whale.....ijs Originally Posted by dearhunter
And for that, you're buying... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Fuck Originally Posted by dearhunter
On the bright side dh, doesn't that mean you get to pick his penitence recipient..
dearhunter's Avatar
Have you ever been swarmed by a pod of fat sperm whales.....I thinck not.....ijs
Sisyphus's Avatar
Me thinks this new mod's smarter than the average bear. Ijs Originally Posted by TexasGator
Hide your pick-a-nic baskets, Ranger Smith...
bullet0's Avatar

It has been brought to my attention that as of late I have acted in a callous and insensitive manner concerning a certain segment of the population here on this board. I have been shown several past instances of his behavior and agree that some of my comments could have been taken the wrong way, and in other cases were directly meant to offend in any way they could be taken.

I deeply regret these actions here recently, and while my thread about weight loss is a very relevant topic and contains some very useful information, the overall tone in which it was presented tended to obscure the usefulness of the topic. I now see that my comments have been derogatory toward a certain segment of the provider population and to those ladies, I say "I'm sorry."

I will continue to believe what I want, like what I want, and speak what I want, but I'll temper my remarks so that others do not take offense. Thank you for your time. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Who are you and what have you done with Wakeup???
dearhunter's Avatar
"as of late"......heh
bullet0's Avatar
"as of late"......heh Originally Posted by dearhunter
Perhaps whoever brought it to his attention has been under a rock and only noticed it "as of late",

Or was just released by the aliens...

It has been brought to my attention that as of late I have acted in a callous and insensitive manner concerning a certain segment of the population here on this board. I have been shown several past instances of his behavior and agree that some of my comments could have been taken the wrong way, and in other cases were directly meant to offend in any way they could be taken.

I deeply regret these actions here recently, and while my thread about weight loss is a very relevant topic and contains some very useful information, the overall tone in which it was presented tended to obscure the usefulness of the topic. I now see that my comments have been derogatory toward a certain segment of the provider population and to those ladies, I say "I'm sorry."

I will continue to believe what I want, like what I want, and speak what I want, but I'll temper my remarks so that others do not take offense. Thank you for your time. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Oh WakeUp! Don't let these chic's do this man!!!!!
I am one of the fat chic's, & I say this publicly.....You fuck'n rock man, & we know this!
I think that you are quite entertaining!
Wakeup's Avatar
It's pretty fun to watch people believe what they want to believe...no matter the evidence to the contrary...they make their own truth...
Are you sick??? What the hell is going on around here...sensitivity towards another ones emotions and concern about it...the Mayan Calendar may be right...the end of the world is coming.

Just playing look continue to be you if your not you then you take away from what we have collected here. If someones feelings get hurt then take it as a compliment because they actually care what you are saying.
Wakeup's Avatar

See? People still believing it...
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar

It has been brought to my attention that as of late I have acted in a callous and insensitive manner concerning a certain segment of the population here on this board. I have been shown several past instances of his behavior and agree that some of my comments could have been taken the wrong way, and in other cases were directly meant to offend in any way they could be taken.

I deeply regret these actions here recently, and while my thread about weight loss is a very relevant topic and contains some very useful information, the overall tone in which it was presented tended to obscure the usefulness of the topic. I now see that my comments have been derogatory toward a certain segment of the provider population and to those ladies, I say "I'm sorry."

I will continue to believe what I want, like what I want, and speak what I want, but I'll temper my remarks so that others do not take offense. Thank you for your time. Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Wow! Now the whole board knows what a stand-up man you are! It takes a lot of guts to apologize like that and I truly admire your courage.
Wakeup's Avatar
And the gift just keeps giving...
TexasGator's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
Holy Tebow!!!