Pentagon Plans to Shrink Army to Pre-World War II Level

The biggest problem here isn't necessarily military size which I think downsizing is a bad thing I think we have been downsized enough. But the bad thing is kicking people out of the military who made or are trying to make I their life long career. It's jobs that are being lost and peoples livelihoods at stake not just a number and I hope people remember that. That is a whole lot of families that will lose their only source of income and many do not have anything to fall back on because they planned on serving their country until they retired
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
The biggest problem here isn't necessarily military size which I think downsizing is a bad thing I think we have been downsized enough. But the bad thing is kicking people out of the military who made or are trying to make I their life long career. It's jobs that are being lost and peoples livelihoods at stake not just a number and I hope people remember that. That is a whole lot of families that will lose their only source of income and many do not have anything to fall back on because they planned on serving their country until they retired Originally Posted by Scubasteve85
If they are looking for work, I hear farmers pay pickers 15-20 per hour and can't find Americans to take the job because it is too hard. A man who fought in Iraq shouldn't have trouble with it, should he?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Serving in the military is not a job, it is a calling more than anything else. I'm not talking about those people on their first and only enlistment. I'm talking about the people who make it a career or volunteer to do more tours in a war zone. They could easily go somewhere else and make more money. It is kind of like being a cop but more so. It is a need to protect what we have and by we I mean the country. It is also about protecting the weak and victims. When the government takes that away it leaves a hole. Especially when the person doing the taking has never participated in anything like that in their lives. That includes presidents, senators, and congressmen.
You passed over the ones of us who were drafted.
You passed over the ones of us who were drafted. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Thanks for your service old timer...

In 1973, the draft ended and the U.S. converted to an All-Volunteer military.
You passed over the ones of us who were drafted. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Yeh, I won't lie about it one bit. They took me "kicking and screaming".
It's good that you can see how a well funded, well manned and well equipped U.S. army kicked Saddam Hussein's ass in two Gulf Wars; thus, contributing to Israel's security. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are a complete and utter dumbass.

Again, you deliberately misread things so you can pretend to win an argument. You are, always have been, and always will be a pseudo-intellect.

I said that things have changed since 1917. I NEVER implied that Mexico would NEVER behave the same as they did in 1917. N one knows the future. Once again, you try to put words in my mouth so you can pretend to not look like an idiot.

And our military, even if reduced to 455,000 could still carve up Iraq in a couple of weeks.

And it could even beat the combined forces of Russia, China, and Iran - all of whom are YEARS behind in stealth technology, drones, naval forces, and precision munitions. It would be another massacre. They know it and we know it.

And you are also imaging a coalition that would never exist. We are China's No. 1 trading partner and they would go bankrupt without us. They can rattle their sabres all they want, but they need our money.

Russia is a kleptocracy based on extraction industries - oil and minerals. They have no depth and as soon as they got into a major war with us, all other their still-captive republics will break into open rebellion while their military was tied up fighting us. Ukraine, Crimea, Chechnya, Georgia, Belarus. There would be no end to the internal turmoil. They know it and we know it. So, no, Russian won't be joining China and Iran on any military junkets against us.

That leave Iran. They get carved up just as fast as Iraq.
JD. Exactly there are lots of men and women who this is all they know and want to do. I know all of this first hand like many people on here do the ones who have no personal experience really can't make a valid argument either way on the subject because they aren't there and haven't seen done or sacrificed like those who have been there. I thank everyone who has ever served and who is serving now it's an honor and a privilege to have people willing to sacrifice their lives for this country and others
I B Hankering's Avatar
You are a complete and utter dumbass. That would be one of your more notorious characteristics considering you voted for Odumbo -- TWICE.

Again, you deliberately misread things so you can pretend to win an argument. You're the dumbass that readily cited evidence that doesn't support your ignorant POV. You are, always have been, and always will be a pseudo-intellect. You're an insufferable, conceited little prick that's pissed off at the world because you had to move to Texas to find employment and live among people you ignorantly and wrongly believe to be your social and intellectual *inferiors*.

I said that things have changed since 1917. I NEVER implied that Mexico would NEVER behave the same as they did in 1917. Then you concede that such a re-alignment is at least possible and that the U.S. should be somewhat prepared for such a contingency. N one knows the future. Once again, you try to put words in my mouth so you can pretend to not look like an idiot. You were quoted correctly, and your argument was taken to it's idiotic conclusion; hence, you are the idiot.

And our military, even if reduced to 455,000 could still carve up Iraq in a couple of weeks. You have absolutely no verifiable evidence to support your conjecture.

And it could even beat the combined forces of Russia, China, and Iran - all of whom are YEARS behind in stealth technology, drones, naval forces, and precision munitions. Merely stating your opinion doesn't make it so, and there are others with a better grasp on reality than you that don't hold your opinion:

China's Stealth Chengdu J-20 Jet Fighter Rivals American F-22
Mar-01-2014 14:49

(SALEM) - A new Chinese fighter jet with stealth capabilities, the Chengdu J-20, was observed conducting a successful test flight Saturday at noon.

Stealth-killing advances include VHF and UHF radars being developed by Russia and China, and a “passive-detection” system devised by Czech researchers. The latter “uses radar, television, cellular phone and other available signals of opportunity reflected off stealthy aircraft to find and track them,” explains Barry Watts, a former member of the Pentagon’s crystal-ball-gazing Office of Net Assessment and current analyst with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments in Washington.

“[O]ngoing advances in radar detection and tracking will, in the near future, obviate the ability of all-aspect, low-observable aircraft such as the B-2, F-22 and F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, aka JSF, to survive inside denied airspace,” Watts writes, referring to America’s stealth bombers and fighter jets.

“The [People’s Republic of China] with respect to stealth capability, they are behind us, but they will develop and they will get better, and we certainly can’t rest on our position,” according to Air Force Gen. Herbert Carlisle, commander of U.S. Pacific Air Forces.>

Top Official Admits F-35 Stealth Fighter Secrets Stolen
Yesterday, at a subcommittee hearing attended by just half a dozen Senators, the Pentagon’s top weapons buyer made a blunt admission: The military’s most expensive program, the stealthy F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, has been hacked and the stolen data used by America’s adversaries. Under Secretary Frank Kendall didn’t say by whom, but the answer is almost certainly China, a cyber superpower whose People’s Liberation Army Air Force has recently rolled out some suspiciously sophisticated stealth fighter prototypes of its own.

China Doubling Its Aircraft Carrier Fleet

It would be another massacre. That's nothing but your inane conjecture. They know it and we know it. Once again your *opinion* fails the test of history: a relatively weaker Japan attacked the U.S. on December 7, 1941.

And you are also imaging a coalition that would never exist. Your Kool Aid glasses must really rosy to the point of being completely opaque, because that coalition already exists and has existed since the 80s!

"As confrontation between the United States and Iran escalates, the country is finding itself further pushed into an alliance with China and Russia." (wiki)

We are China's No. 1 trading partner and they would go bankrupt without us. Your inane opinion does not constitute fact.

They can rattle their sabres all they want, but they need our money.

Russia is a kleptocracy based on extraction industries - oil and minerals. They have no depth and as soon as they got into a major war with us, all other their still-captive republics will break into open rebellion while their military was tied up fighting us. Once again your inane opinion does not constitute fact. Ukraine, Crimea, Chechnya, Georgia, Belarus. There would be no end to the internal turmoil. Pure conjecture on your part. They know it and we know it. More conjecture on your part. So, no, Russian won't be joining China and Iran on any military junkets against us. Russia and China were aligned against the U.S. in Korea and Vietnam, and Iran has been aligned with Russia since the Shah was overthrown.

That leave Iran. They get carved up just as fast as Iraq. Still more conjecture on your part.
Originally Posted by ExNYer

You passed over the ones of us who were drafted. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Thanks for your service old timer... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
You are a complete and utter dumbass.

Again, you deliberately misread things so you can pretend to win an argument. You are, always have been, and always will be a pseudo-intellect.

I said that things have changed since 1917. I NEVER implied that Mexico would NEVER behave the same as they did in 1917. N one knows the future. Once again, you try to put words in my mouth so you can pretend to not look like an idiot.

And our military, even if reduced to 455,000 could still carve up Iraq in a couple of weeks.

And it could even beat the combined forces of Russia, China, and Iran - all of whom are YEARS behind in stealth technology, drones, naval forces, and precision munitions. It would be another massacre. They know it and we know it.

And you are also imaging a coalition that would never exist. We are China's No. 1 trading partner and they would go bankrupt without us. They can rattle their sabres all they want, but they need our money.

Russia is a kleptocracy based on extraction industries - oil and minerals. They have no depth and as soon as they got into a major war with us, all other their still-captive republics will break into open rebellion while their military was tied up fighting us. Ukraine, Crimea, Chechnya, Georgia, Belarus. There would be no end to the internal turmoil. They know it and we know it. So, no, Russian won't be joining China and Iran on any military junkets against us.

That leave Iran. They get carved up just as fast as Iraq. Originally Posted by ExNYer
ExNyer - I agree that as long as we fight conventionally, we have significant advantages, but I'm worried about them delivering ICBM's and accepting mutually assured destruction. If Putin knows he is going down, he just might let the missiles fly, and then we are royally fucked!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
JD. Exactly there are lots of men and women who this is all they know and want to do. I know all of this first hand like many people on here do the ones who have no personal experience really can't make a valid argument either way on the subject because they aren't there and haven't seen done or sacrificed like those who have been there. I thank everyone who has ever served and who is serving now it's an honor and a privilege to have people willing to sacrifice their lives for this country and others Originally Posted by Scubasteve85
So, with that line of thinking, maybe we should have military control over civilian life, and put the generals in charge, because they are the only ones qualified to make policy regarding the military?
I'm ok with that, because they never would have integrated faggots into the ranks, ruining the moral fiber of our military, and sowing the seeds of its eventual demise, and dishonoring the service of the 99% of straight men who served before them. (Yes, they had some faggots before, but the kept themselves well hidden and didn't suck each other off in the shower without penalty.)
So, with that line of thinking, maybe we should have military control over civilian life, and put the generals in charge, because they are the only ones qualified to make policy regarding the military?
I'm ok with that, because they never would have integrated faggots into the ranks, ruining the moral fiber of our military, and sowing the seeds of its eventual demise, and dishonoring the service of the 99% of straight men who served before them. (Yes, they had some faggots before, but the kept themselves well hidden and didn't suck each other off in the shower without penalty.) Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer

You sound like someone who wished he could have sucked a dick in the shower. Or did you do some brig time?
I was never saying that Jewish.... I was just saying that shrinking the military because people think it's to big and wastes to much money is something to not be taken lightly because of military families sacrifices. Also the fact that here are a lot of people in the military who chose to make it a career and if they are kicked out due to budget cuts may not have the means to support themselves or their families
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You are a complete and utter dumbass.

Again, you deliberately misread things so you can pretend to win an argument. You are, always have been, and always will be a pseudo-intellect.

I said that things have changed since 1917. I NEVER implied that Mexico would NEVER behave the same as they did in 1917. N one knows the future. Once again, you try to put words in my mouth so you can pretend to not look like an idiot.

And our military, even if reduced to 455,000 could still carve up Iraq in a couple of weeks.

And it could even beat the combined forces of Russia, China, and Iran - all of whom are YEARS behind in stealth technology, drones, naval forces, and precision munitions. It would be another massacre. They know it and we know it.

And you are also imaging a coalition that would never exist. We are China's No. 1 trading partner and they would go bankrupt without us. They can rattle their sabres all they want, but they need our money.

Russia is a kleptocracy based on extraction industries - oil and minerals. They have no depth and as soon as they got into a major war with us, all other their still-captive republics will break into open rebellion while their military was tied up fighting us. Ukraine, Crimea, Chechnya, Georgia, Belarus. There would be no end to the internal turmoil. They know it and we know it. So, no, Russian won't be joining China and Iran on any military junkets against us.

That leave Iran. They get carved up just as fast as Iraq. Originally Posted by ExNYer

450,000 troops in the US you know how many of those soldiers are rear echelon (primarily non combatants)? No, you don't figure a third will have to be left behind or on the trip to the battlefield. As you say, we could carve up Iraq again. Why do you even bring up Iraq when this has nothing to do with them? Anyway, it will cost more this time. You're one of the coalition that is always talking about the costs of war but then you ignore the cost that comes from downsizing. Today, if Iraq were still the same, it would cost more lives on our side to fight the war. Imagine fighting Russia, Iran, China, and North Korea at the same time. It is very likely to happen. If we committed the bulk of our forces to defending the Ukraine it would be a very good time for China to go after a couple of Japanese islands or parts of the Philippines. Iran could decided to go into Afghanistan to eliminate the US/NATO troops in there before closing the straits of Hormuz. Since we have a psychopath running North Korea he might go after South Korea since we are so engaged. I guess the clueless coalition is very willing to suffer 50% casualites or to just stand by while our friends are eviscerated.

As a Civil War general said, "the best defense is a good offense" and for that offense we need the capability and not the hope of a kinder, gentler world.