London Rayne currently has my Man Card. I plan on getting it back soon!

Thanks for your candor. What's interesting is, the OP hasn't stated who the person was. I just mentioned one, and everyone agreed. Amazing. I drew everyone out into the open-her enemies are very visible.

SEAL teams don't operate COVERTLY. Politics and Governments do so. SEAL teams do what they do in the open per their parameters. Trust me, if they could break loose at will, they WOULD. Built to fight, kill, mame and die if necessary, they operate always in the open. Just others aren't around to see the teams at work (luckily for them)!

Thanks Darlin'. You all could not have behaved better. It was always my plan from the start! Enjoy! Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)

At least you admit you have no man card.

Actually Seal Teams do operate covertly, think back to May 1st. If they didn't then everyone would know of their operations. Guess you don't come from a military family, but I do.

Your comment: "You all could not have behaved better. It was always my plan from the start!" damn, I can only think of one person who has that line down pat.......hello Naomi/Zarah. Are you her or did you just channel her?

All done, time to go make some money.
  • MrGiz
  • 02-25-2012, 07:23 PM
Someone needs to check this persons gender. . . . Originally Posted by texasjohn1965

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only person that has those same thoughts. Originally Posted by Ansley

I am so confused right now LOL. Originally Posted by alluringava
JEEEEZUS KEEEEERIST. . . I've never seen so much manic, estrogen fueled tripe from a so-called male!!
(no offense toward my genuine female playmates ) I believe "HE" is the one, confused!!

. . . London Rayne currently has my Man Card. . . . Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
I believe that explains things pretty clearly. . . nevermind!!
so you ASSumed and made a public accusation with no proof..well your creditability just dropped 30points...and so sorry but you are boring me now so continue on without me..besides I am sure you have to wipe the egg off your face now before it dries..... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
IV, let it go. We all make assumptions. I merely asked for evidence to your argument or OP. You haven't presented any. I presented clear evidence against your OP and for whom it was meant. Get over it!

I'm starting to like you.
hey I can't help it if that the information you got today went over your head.....i am done with this just go back on the porch with the puppies because you can't play with the big dogs...........all gone
IV, let it go. We all make assumptions. I merely asked for evidence to your argument or OP. You haven't presented any. I presented clear evidence against your OP and for whom it was meant. Get over it! Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
makes two of us...love his little action figures...so cute...

I'm starting to like you. Originally Posted by MsElena
Ok. And your point is what? Re-read the entire thread and stop jumping in the middle. Your offenses mean nothing. I don't have to defend my manhood. I'm playing with you like a toy, a cheap ass penny toy from the bubble gum machine. Your mind is pathetic. Good usage of emoticons to visualize your mental thoughts.



JEEEEZUS KEEEEERIST. . . I've never seen so much manic, estrogen fueled tripe from a so-called male!!
(no offense toward my genuine female playmates ) I believe "HE" is the one, confused!!

I believe that explains things pretty clearly. . . nevermind!! Originally Posted by MrGiz
hey I can't help it if that the information you got today went over your head.....i am done with this just go back on the porch with the puppies because you can't play with the big dogs...........all gone Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
Nice, now you're telling me what to do. Stick to the topic. You have NOT presented facts. Your bad English is NOT "over my head". Present facts, evidence, threads...You have none. You are a loud mouthed, bossy lady. But, I'm going to continue to toy with you. This is probably one of your best threads. Great exposure for you. ONLY because of Z. You've got to hate it. The only way for you to gain exposure is to ride Z. Interesting...
I must say this is very uncharacteristic of you IV.

Being an older woman, and knowing young people and how they think, I wouldn't think she bothered you so much. I really wouldn't have thought that anyone or anything would bother you, especially if she doesn't interfere with you PERSONALLY making money. And I have yet to see a post where she attacked you at all.

I tell her/have told her personally that she will learn more as she matures, and to have a live and let live attitude. I have on many occasions disagreed with her, but since nothing in her signature line, or that comes out of her mouth applies to me, I AM NOT MAD. Because nothing she says on the board directly affects me, I can also live my life, and let her live hers.

She's having a great time in her life. She's apparently a phenomenal companion. She's not having any money problems and begging the board for money, or has never been the subject of any negativity concerning her business. When the ladies who can't see the forest for the trees complains about being slow, having to drop rates, not knowing where to tour, she offers solutions that work for her. That's all any of us can do. If you don't like what she suggests, or if it doesn't apply to you, don't use it.

Just like the last time a group of you openly attacked another provider on this board, forcing them to find somewhere else to post, variety is the spice of life. Live and let live people. I don't think she's going anywhere, so I think you should get used to her being around.

Why does anyone care what one provider thinks of herself? If you don't like her persona, attitude, or face, don't interact. Avoiding the people you don't like isn't hard to do as an adult with any level of common sense. You even have the comfort of doing so behind a screen. Now, I don't know the girl personally, but I looked at the pics, and she's hot as hell...She might just have a reason to think she's ALLLL that..Hell, I'd pay for THAT. Twice. She's got something going on that is obviously in high demand. The point is... Whats it to you? Or anyone for that matter? (except her and her clientele)

Talking crap about how other people who are "soooooo into themselves" is 1: only proving they have some kind of influence on you, why else would you be spending your time dwelling on them? 2: making you seem trivial and childish (especially when you try to disguise it as a rhetorical comment, when it's obviously malicious towards one person) 3: feeding into that very persons ego. 4: Did I mention making you look foolish?

All of this infantile behavior is ridiculous, I'm a bit ashamed to be a part of a sub culture that takes so much time to talk and start shit with each other. This is supposed to be a relaxing and pleasurable industry. Don't you females realize that you could further your business by being cordial and respectful to each other? Don't you realize that being scandalous and enticing issues only blemishes your reputation all around? For goodness sake, live and let live. This entire thread is disgusting.

Let me be the one to give you a reality check Ms. Irish Vixen.. Lets be clear though, the female in question within this thread is irrelevant at this point. From what you have demonstrated here, you are just an angry, bitter, and old cougar. You're pissy because this hot, toned, and young hottie, who presumably exudes a certain confidence and arrogance upset you in some way. Now you're sitting at home, bitching and moaning about her character and personality flaws while she is banking on all the free publicity. I'll be the one to tell it to you strait sugar, you're tired high school antics, rudeness, and gross display of lesser intellect has gained you plenty of attention.. Not sure it's the type you want though. Your in your 30's for God's sake, grow the hell up already.
I can see that 2 warnings from a moderator of this forum does not seem to be enough to keep the insults out and the thread on track.

Some of you will be hearing further from me.

Final warning!

The Colonel
well you sure put me in my place now didn't you...you have been a member since the 11th of this month...well i am shaking at your comments. Yes ma'am you know me so well and I bow to your wisdom and wise words. I will make sure I check my attitude right this moment just because of you. Well you may live your life knowing that because of you there is atleast one person you have impacted and changed. THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH...
Why does anyone care what one provider thinks of herself? If you don't like her persona, attitude, or face, don't interact. Avoiding the people you don't like isn't hard to do as an adult with any level of common sense. You even have the comfort of doing so behind a screen. Now, I don't know the girl personally, but I looked at the pics, and she's hot as hell...She might just have a reason to think she's ALLLL that..Hell, I'd pay for THAT. Twice. She's got something going on that is obviously in high demand. The point is... Whats it to you? Or anyone for that matter? (except her and her clientele)

Talking crap about how other people who are "soooooo into themselves" is 1: only proving they have some kind of influence on you, why else would you be spending your time dwelling on them? 2: making you seem trivial and childish (especially when you try to disguise it as a rhetorical comment, when it's obviously malicious towards one person) 3: feeding into that very persons ego. 4: Did I mention making you look foolish?

All of this infantile behavior is ridiculous, I'm a bit ashamed to be a part of a sub culture that takes so much time to talk and start shit with each other. This is supposed to be a relaxing and pleasurable industry. Don't you females realize that you could further your business by being cordial and respectful to each other? Don't you realize that being scandalous and enticing issues only blemishes your reputation all around? For goodness sake, live and let live. This entire thread is disgusting.

Let me be the one to give you a reality check Ms. Irish Vixen.. Lets be clear though, the female in question within this thread is irrelevant at this point. From what you have demonstrated here, you are just an angry, bitter, and old cougar. You're pissy because this hot, toned, and young hottie, who presumably exudes a certain confidence and arrogance upset you in some way. Now you're sitting at home, bitching and moaning about her character and personality flaws while she is banking on all the free publicity. I'll be the one to tell it to you strait sugar, you're tired high school antics, rudeness, and gross display of lesser intellect has gained you plenty of attention.. Not sure it's the type you want though. Your in your 30's for God's sake, grow the hell up already. Originally Posted by Calista_Syn
I appolagize to the moderators for openly ignoring your no insults warning, my intent was not to disrespect your authority or presence. I will gladly take my demarits for voicing my tender opinions on this matter. Some things require an address to be more forceful and transparent than others; and my bull shit meter was full.
Hey Col Z...how have you been...
I can see that 2 warnings from a moderator of this forum does not seem to be enough to keep the insults out and the thread on track.

Some of you will be hearing further from me.

Final warning!

The Colonel Originally Posted by Col. Zodiak
well you sure put me in my place now didn't you...you have been a member since the 11th of this month...well i am shaking at your comments. Yes ma'am you know me so well and I bow to your wisdom and wise words. I will make sure I check my attitude right this moment just because of you. Well you may live your life knowing that because of you there is atleast one person you have impacted and changed. THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH... Originally Posted by Irish Vixen
No thanks necessary sweet heart.

You let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.