To all the married men that hobby

  • Radio
  • 06-22-2011, 02:24 AM
I really don't have anything to say that hasn't already been said, but my SO went from constantly getting me off in every way possible for years with me never considering cheating to now turning me down several nights in a row and maybe once a week (if I'm lucky) letting me mount her in MISH while she lays there clearly not into it.

For whatever reasons (likely me gaining weight, tired of doing the same guy, and built up resentment over little things that couples fight over) she has completely lost interest in sex with me and only occasionally gives in but refuses to do more fun positions and bjs like she used to. As far as sexual attraction goes, it is still very strong for her, but I just don't get it near enough and she doesn't try anymore.

I feel like this sexual frustration I have in my relationship builds up and up and up until I'm about to go crazy and then I go see a provider and it relieves the frustration, I feel guilty for a few weeks, then a few weeks after the guilt fades I start getting a pressure build up again. Once a month with a provider can keep me sane, but I would be happier if she suddenly wanted me to fuck her brains out again every night like we used to.
In the Doghouse's Avatar
With all these guys all saying the same thing, I think the truth of the matter has already come out. Over time many if not most wives lose interest in sex with their husband. If the guy still loves his wife he'll hobby, because a mistress is much more complicated and apt to ruin the marriage.

If what some here are suspecting about Harmony was true, maybe she can come back in a few years and let us all know what made her lose interest, lol. Since she hasn't been back on eccie for a week now, I'm guessing ya'll were right.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Lol she hasn't been back because she was banned...
When I was married I had a policy that what I don’t know about won’t hurt me. Go out and have sex with someone was fine, but developing a relationship with that someone is a deal breaker. In other words, have sex with her just don’t care about her, and I don’t want to know about it. Just be discrete, there would be hell to pay if one of my friends or family members found out.
U guys sure r presumptious, i never said i knew everything, i ALWAYS take advice, i know im young but like deevad said, u dnt have to be old to have alot of experiences, i will b understanding of everyones view point, i just wnt agree, u guys r my motivation to prove u wrong
starflash's Avatar
Morning sweetie..........Good to see you again.........
Oh yes, i may not b a provider anymore but i will still stay on the board, is a very interesting place to talk about stuff, and i always enjoy a good laugh
ness's Avatar
  • ness
  • 06-26-2011, 12:54 AM
U guys sure r presumptious, i never said i knew everything, i ALWAYS take advice, i know im young but like deevad said, u dnt have to be old to have alot of experiences, i will b understanding of everyones view point, i just wnt agree, u guys r my motivation to prove u wrong Originally Posted by Harmony<3
What happens if he is the problem and not you? Do you have the wherewithal to see things as they are and not as you want to see them? Do you have the life experience to know the difference? If you do see issues will you break it off or give him chance after chance cause of his silver tongue, and or because of your desire to not be a statistic, or hell to prove us wrong? Just a bit more food for thought....
What happens if he is the problem and not you? Do you have the wherewithal to see things as they are and not as you want to see them? Do you have the life experience to know the difference? If you do see issues will you break it off or give him chance after chance cause of his silver tongue, and or because of your desire to not be a statistic, or hell to prove us wrong? Just a bit more food for thought.... Originally Posted by ness
I know in every relationship there will b stepping stones to over come, i know we will have arguments but like u guys said if i keep open communication we will b able to overcome these things. Just cuz bad things happen and.we may argue doesnt mean ill give up. If u love someone you work at it. But if theres a time where i need to draw the line then i will do that and make the appropriate choice, untill that day ill remain opptomistic
Jumbo_mumbo's Avatar
This by Far the best single, honest answer and I'm on the same shoes.

First of all, who in their right mind would look for intel on fidelity on an escort board, only a 20 year old. With that said, a little about me,
I am a 35 year old male that has been married for 15 years. My wife still turns heads and is game for sex whenever and whereever. Does she always give a, is she always in the, but she does always give it to me when I want it, which is four or five times a week. There are times (not many) when I am not in the mood but she is and Ill take one for the team also. We have a great business and two wonderful kids, so all in all life is wonderful. I am a hypocrite as we are active in church and I hobby. I have not always hobbied, I was totally faithful for the first 8 years of our marriage. One day I found TER and a man can only look at 20 year old hard bodies for so long before giving in. My problem is plenty of resources$$ and spare time. I do love my wife and family and I have resolved to quit many times, but eventually the call of the WET unknown becomes to strong and I make the appointment, and have a great time, and feel bad about myself...repeat and so on. I have several male friends (all business men) and most hobby. The ones who "dont" probably can just keep a secret better. I will be honest, the only thing that keeps me from hobbying more is the fear of disease. I always use protection for CFS, but I enjoy DATY almost as much as the receipent. BBBJ is always a hit also. Lets be honest men, after years of BBFS with the wife, it takes these activities to make us happy with CFS, and no one is crazy enough in the world today to hobby BBFS. To answer your question hun, yes there are men out there who are faithful, but if you have an alpha who is motivated...outgoing......succ essful....charming(he got you to like him)...then it is my sad opinion that there is nothing you can do to keep the inevitable from happening. Its like I read on another members post "I stray to stay" Originally Posted by ne14a692007
Thanks for all the input . I will keep an open mind
Squirrel88's Avatar
I am just now getting back into the hobby. I have been around since 2003. I got married in 2007 and now getting a divorce. I did not hobby while I was married, but I am looking forward into getting back into it now!
I am just now getting back into the hobby. I have been around since 2003. I got married in 2007 and now getting a divorce. I did not hobby while I was married, but I am looking forward into getting back into it now! Originally Posted by Squirrel88
Congrats! Happy hobbying!!!
Valerie nailed it for me.
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 06-27-2011, 06:11 PM
I am just now getting back into the hobby. I have been around since 2003. I got married in 2007 and now getting a divorce. I did not hobby while I was married, but I am looking forward into getting back into it now! Originally Posted by Squirrel88
So sorry for your loss, sir. But, we're glad you're back!!!