Tarrifs (Open at your white nationalist heart's risk)

lustylad's Avatar
Hey jaxson, wander on down to the fire station. Your buds need a chess partner.
lustylad's Avatar
I find it unjust to impose a tariff on a product for no other reason than to force another country to comply with OUR policies, meanwhile hurting almost everyone in this country financially. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So you think it's "just" for them to have tariffs on many of our products while we have none on theirs?

Can you say "level playing field"?
lustylad's Avatar
Spain (was) still a fascist state in 1945. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Good point. Spain didn't become democratic until the late 1970s after Franco died.

The rest of your post is gibberish. Nobody regards China as a fascist state. It's a one-party totalitarian state that pays lip service to Marx and Mao. Commies can't be fascists.
If you could learn how to dial it back, stop exaggerating, refrain from mindless generalizations, and keep things in proper historical perspective, we might actually be able to agree on a few points. Originally Posted by lustylad
I asked you what your definition of a fascist was because, clearly, you and I define it differently.

1) The Romanian and Polish Governments are currently hated by the Eurocrat fascist.

2) Commmunism is a subset of what I would consider fascism. Nazis were/are a subset of fascism. Communism and Naziism were made from the same molds(Continental Europe). Hitler ordered his recruiters to try to get communist as members because he understood the underlying theology was exactly the same.

3) Fascist around the world have the following characteristics:

a) Destruction of individualism.
b) Use of hate for political means.
c) Central control of culture development.
d) Central control of the economy
e) Direct government benefit to the controlling power group. Notably, the restriction of the benefits to those not in the power group. This gets more coercive as the government grows in importance to the economy.
f) The belief that the controlling power group has the inalienable right to control others, both inside and outside their own country.
g) The belief that anything is justified to make the controlling power group sustainable, and that the loss of control by the controlling power group would be worth the destruction of individuals(1, 10, 100, 1000,...).
h) Individual adherence to the power group policy is required. Dogma is sacrosanct. Failure to adhere is treason. The Dogma is defined by the elite.

These descriptors are discussed in several books about fascism. I would suggest you read some.

These descriptors also describe many of the current continental European governments, and certainly describes the Eurofascist in Brussels.

Your description of the voluntary "help" provided by the continental Europeans is at direct odds with my discussions concerning their net effect with military personnel at all levels. The British chose(and did) help us tremendously. The others did not.

The Spanish destroyer in the Persian Gulf just departed the task force. They gave a specific reason. I'd suggest your look it up.

What risks were being taken by pilots dropping bombs on ISIS with american fighters providing CAP?

You don't have to like my opinions. Mine are based on extensive interaction with Europeans, both on a personal level, and business level. The reason I write here is because I can expose such things without retribution. We have gotten to the state of evolution of fascism that it would be career suicide to have such discussion with most of the folks.

I think the Europeans ought to embrace who they are, and be what they are going to be. We ought to trade with them, exchange travelers, and be nice to each other. My disagreement is that they have a propensity to force their stupidity on others(us). Their stupidity caused 100,000,000++ violent deaths in the last century, and they are the cause of much of the instability in the world.

We ought to be who we are, and be smart about who we trust. Europeans have demonstrated repeatedly that they are not trustworthy.

I would do almost anything to expose the hatred, bigotry, and fascism of the people represented by wtf, themystic, etc. You all argue by name calling. I argue by using accurate, descriptive, harsh but factually correct, labels for behavior, concepts and ideas. It is important to put this stupidity in historical context, because it is the same stupidity being repeated.

The current argument tactic by all sides is to name call using socially derogatory, inflammatory, inaccurate labels, and to threaten people's livelihood, life, and friends to get the enemy to shut up.

My way is better.

I guess my point is that you can take your advice and go fuck yourself. Block me. Others have. If I say what I know to be judgements based on fact, I have done nothing wrong, and it is their loss.

I have a simple question on democracy. Are the Democratic primaries democracy in action, or are they like Communist "democracy"?

WTF, et.al. and the Europeans are in complete alignment on why Bush JR instigated the invasion of Iraq.
To get this back on topic, are you all saying Europe would partner with the U.S. to contain Chinese behavior that is antithetical to free and reasonable trade?

Or are you just going to name call?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Good point. Spain didn't become democratic until the late 1970s after Franco died.

The rest of your post is gibberish. Nobody regards China as a fascist state. It's a one-party totalitarian state that pays lip service to Marx and Mao. Commies can't be fascists. Originally Posted by lustylad

my post isn't gibberish. If you think I'm a fruit cake on this, that's your business.

apparently kehar agrees with me or rather I agree with him. this is based on my perception of the inner workings of the European countries that I've read over the years.

Chinese maybe communist in name them being a one party state, but their underlying economic system is based on fascism using capitalism.

many of the companies are state owned.
The Romanian and Polish Governments are currently hated by the Eurocrat fascist. Originally Posted by kehaar

Maybe because these two governments aren't even respecting the human rights of their own white citizens....
imajustme's Avatar
Well, maybe if they quit derailing Trump, we can have American manufacturing and jobs...like the old days before all the Chinese piece of shit trinkets hit the shelves.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So you think it's "just" for them to have tariffs on many of our products while we have none on theirs?

Can you say "level playing field"? Originally Posted by lustylad
Tariffs are wrong if you are looking for a level playing field.

The U.S. has a 25% tariff on foreign-made light trucks. 2.5% on cars. E.U. has a 10% tariff on U.S.-made cars. But Americans buy twice as many trucks as cars. So what's fair?

We started the trade war with China. Every citizen in this country and China is paying for it. The difference is that in this country, unlike China, we elect our leaders and if the trade war continues it will be those leaders who will end up suffering the most. But if Trump can end the trade war and the U.S. REALLY benefits from it, it will definitely be a plus for him.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Well, maybe if they quit derailing Trump, we can have American manufacturing and jobs...like the old days before all the Chinese piece of shit trinkets hit the shelves. Originally Posted by imajustme
If whoever you are referring to quit "derailing" Trump, what manufacturing jobs do you see returning to the U.S.?
  • oeb11
  • 05-15-2019, 08:53 AM
BTW - SR - after your post denying the DPST love for throwing the Nazi-Hitler bomb at Right Folk - see AndyMarksman's post above. !!!!

Thank You!
I B Hankering's Avatar
BTW - SR - after your post denying the DPST love for throwing the Nazi-Hitler bomb at Right Folk - see AndyMarksman's post above. !!!!

Thank You! Originally Posted by oeb11
I did not watch and listen to that video until you remarked on it, and I understand the point you're trying to make with SR. But the jackass in that video is either a liar and a charlatan, or he's the stupidest MF on the planet. And this post is really directed at him.

"200,000 to 300,000 Jews that he killed"? Really?

Hitler killed twenty times that number of Jews and most of them -- more than 95% -- were not German Jews. The vast majority were Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, etc., Jews that Hitler had killed to pave the way for his German Reich -- his Lebensraum for German colonists on foreign (not German -- just like Owen's argued) soil advancing his plan for an Aryan world. Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad, Cairo, Tobruk, etc., were never known as German ethnic centers.

Hitler's plans were for world conquest. Hitler was an imperialist. Stalin was also an imperialist, and he died just before he initiated his own Jewish pogrom which was on the drawing board.

  • Tiny
  • 05-15-2019, 10:55 AM
So you think it's "just" for them to have tariffs on many of our products while we have none on theirs?

Can you say "level playing field"? Originally Posted by lustylad
Questions and answers - You already know the answers.

Q: Which country is the greatest economic success story of our lifetimes?
A: Singapore

Q: What tariff does Singapore levy on imports?
A: 0%

Q: What was one of the first steps Pinochet took in creating the Chilean economic miracle?
A: Killing 2000 Commies. Just kidding. The University of Chicago economists he recruited cut tariffs way back and negotiated free trade agreements

Q: Would the world and the USA be better off with no tariffs?
A: Yes, each country could use its comparative advantages to produce more goods and services more efficiently, and we all benefit

Q: Have free market policies, including lower tariffs and lower other taxes than most countries, helped make the USA the most prosperous large country in the world?
A: Yes

The USA has a lot more heft than Singapore or Chile, and it should use it to negotiate trade deals that lower tariffs and other barriers to trade and investment. If that's what happens, and China and other countries open up protected industries to foreign competition, that's good for everyone, and Trump will deserve the credit. I don't think that's what's going to happen.
  • oeb11
  • 05-15-2019, 11:00 AM
Tiny - You have good points.

Free Trade must be mutual - the Chinese are taking advantage of favorable trade - including theft of IP (intellectual property), and demanding IP as a condition for doing business in a Totalitarian State.

Free trade on both sides with respect for IP not likely with the Chinese.

Even worse for US to continue to tolerate their theft.
Not a good situation, and confronting a country notorious for preservation of "Face" at all costs - likely not helping much.
I did not watch and listen to that video until you remarked on it, and I understand the point you're trying to make with SR. But the jackass in that video is either a liar and a charlatan, or he's the stupidest MF on the planet. And this post is really directed at him. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Can not handle the truth again, but you're so used to it anyway. You wouldn't dare to debate with his ass in person because yours will get bitted every time, all the time.