Dealing with the hobby

Stay on topic and stop the rude comments. Originally Posted by St. Searcher
There not rude if there true ijs

Lamb Chop
Someone has a direct line to a Mod here... I RTM'd all the foul posts with the exception of one...

No replies.... Hmmm..
Sqeal like a piggy might have some pull in AK

Kinda like when that girl at the hotdog stand, hands you, your wiener with no gloves... Just guessing.
Imsecretlyaninja's Avatar
Wow, this got really out of hand
chicagoboy's Avatar
Lolahhhhh's WKs need to defend her honor even more gallantly during her bancation.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I wish I had WKs...never mind that shot gets old
Imsecretlyaninja's Avatar
I think you have a couple Danielle, I'll take up for you when needed. I consider it being a nice person and a decent human being. I wouldn't talk to anyone the way most of the people on here have talked to Lolahh recently. In the rest of the world I call it "internet tough guys" who are so empowered by the anonymity of a place like this that they lose all semblance of manners. It's just a shame
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Honestly I don't need anyone to take up for me. I'm quite sure I can handle myself. If I need defending I can let the mods handle it and not talk my way into a "banned" situation

I earned my place on this board, and I fought hard for it. I never once got banned and needed some random to take up for me or to answer questions directed at me so I could hold my innocence. It's pathetic really. I appreciate people that see my side and agree, but I also like those that don't kiss my ass because I gave them good head
I wish I had WKs...never mind that shot gets old Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
I had sex with a pornstar named Danielle and loved every minute of it does that make me WK or just real....
Imsecretlyaninja's Avatar
Honestly I don't need anyone to take up for me. I'm quite sure I can handle myself. If I need defending I can let the mods handle it and not talk my way into a "banned" situation

I earned my place on this board, and I fought hard for it. I never once got banned and needed some random to take up for me or to answer questions directed at me so I could hold my innocence. It's pathetic really. I appreciate people that see my side and agree, but I also like those that don't kiss my ass because I gave them good head Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
That's totally understandable... Is there a better reason to kiss someone's ass then them giving you good head?
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I had sex with a pornstar named Danielle and loved every minute of it does that make me WK or just real.... Originally Posted by nwaarguy
Well you don't go around defending me from the hurtful comments of being called a whore lol

So no, you're not a WK. Just a really sweet guy that I had fun with
Danielle Reid's Avatar
That's totally understandable... Is there a better reason to kiss someone's ass then them giving you good head? Originally Posted by Imsecretlyaninja
Better start kissing, might want to pay for her college fund as well