Can Providers and Hobbyists be JUST FRIENDS?

Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I'm like the opposite of you. I'm in love with many of them but don't tell them!
I suspect they figure it out - but we don't talk about it!
Plus, I always pay for their time, and get over my undying love every time. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I'm like him and you! I'm in love with all of them. And i tell them.... I have plenty of space in my heart to love them all.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I'm at a loss to understand why you feel the need to say something like that. Originally Posted by EZ.
Because I'm pretty much incapable of saying, "Suck my dick, bitch!"

My guess is you're one of those guys who has (or had) no problem getting dates, charming women, and getting laid. If so, I don't think there's any way you can understand, so I won't try.

I'll tell you this: I know I'm not alone I'm just the only one dumb enough to come on here and nibble around the edges of issues such as friendship intimacy and romanticism and how they can have a place in the hobby.

It would never occur, to me, to say something like that to my RW friends much less my friends for the hour.
It must be nice to have RW friends where that's at least a possibility.

Do you tip them extra for putting up with this BS? I'm not saying this to be hateful, but you really need to talk to somebody.
I talk to my friends for an hour. Occasionally, you will find a woman who enjoys being appreciated as more than a cocksocket and enjoys someone treating her more like a friend than a rent-a-friend. It doesn't happen often -- I had it happen once, a long time ago, and figured it would never happen again. But it did -- and, get this: The expansion of the relationships was at their instigation, not mine.

Oh, and know something else? You'd be surprised -- I know I have been -- at the number of providers who entertain clients who just want someone to talk to. That's from several providers in several cities.
I had a gentleman that I saw in California that would bring me tea and would just talk to me during out sessions. It was nice. Didn't mind it at all. He never got too personal. We would just talk about books and movies, music
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Sir Lance, you don't have to explain yourself. This is your fantasy. Some guys like to be peed on. Don't judge them and don't let anyone judge you for your own fetish.

Let the assholes that judge you left to their own prejudice.

You owe no explanation to anyone but yourself. And I commend you sir on your respect for women.
dtx/tn's Avatar
I had a gentleman that I saw in California that would bring me tea and would just talk to me during out sessions. It was nice. Didn't mind it at all. He never got too personal. We would just talk about books and movies, music Originally Posted by Slim.
And we are back on track.
  • EZ.
  • 01-18-2015, 09:58 PM
Because I'm pretty much incapable of saying, "Suck my dick, bitch!"

My guess is you're one of those guys who has (or had) no problem getting dates, charming women, and getting laid. If so, I don't think there's any way you can understand, so I won't try.

I'll tell you this: I know I'm not alone I'm just the only one dumb enough to come on here and nibble around the edges of issues such as friendship intimacy and romanticism and how they can have a place in the hobby.

It must be nice to have RW friends where that's at least a possibility.

I talk to my friends for an hour. Occasionally, you will find a woman who enjoys being appreciated as more than a cocksocket and enjoys someone treating her more like a friend than a rent-a-friend. It doesn't happen often -- I had it happen once, a long time ago, and figured it would never happen again. But it did -- and, get this: The expansion of the relationships was at their instigation, not mine.

Oh, and know something else? You'd be surprised -- I know I have been -- at the number of providers who entertain clients who just want someone to talk to. That's from several providers in several cities. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
I'll ignore the first statement.

There has has been a lot of women in my life but only one that was really significant. She was my soul mate. Anything that was important to me, she was the first person I wanted to tell. All my friends loved her. She was beautiful, well educated and had a great but dry sense of humor. She's gone and nobody has been able to fill that void. That was a long time ago.

At this point, in my life, I'm not interested in being in a relationship. At the end of your life, it isn't the toys that matter, it is the friends and I am blessed to have a lot of them. It starts by stating your name and extending your hand.

I'm certain that you think I'm the biggest ass on ECCIE. You want to have a beer sometime, I live in Arlington. I meet some of the old ASPD folks at the local strip clubs. I manage to see some of the strippers away from the club. It is much nicer when you have met them.

Providers aren't looking for someone to talk to, this is a business. They are nice to you, and me, because we pay and they want us to be regulars.

I treat all women with respect. I'm always nice to them. I can usually make them laugh but they are there because I pay them and I'm there to get my dick wet. These women have pimps, boyfriends, girlfriends, SOs and husbands and I'm not one of them.

They call it illusion of passion. Illusion is what it is and it's their job, their mission and the basis of repeat business. You will never know what is real and what isn't.

If you are looking for love, romance or a relationship, this is the absolute worst place to be.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Because I'm pretty much incapable of saying, "Suck my dick, bitch!"

My guess is you're one of those guys who has (or had) no problem getting dates, charming women, and getting laid. If so, I don't think there's any way you can understand, so I won't try.

I'll tell you this: I know I'm not alone I'm just the only one dumb enough to come on here and nibble around the edges of issues such as friendship intimacy and romanticism and how they can have a place in the hobby.

It must be nice to have RW friends where that's at least a possibility.

I talk to my friends for an hour. Occasionally, you will find a woman who enjoys being appreciated as more than a cocksocket and enjoys someone treating her more like a friend than a rent-a-friend. It doesn't happen often -- I had it happen once, a long time ago, and figured it would never happen again. But it did -- and, get this: The expansion of the relationships was at their instigation, not mine.

Oh, and know something else? You'd be surprised -- I know I have been -- at the number of providers who entertain clients who just want someone to talk to. That's from several providers in several cities. Originally Posted by Sir Lancehernot
Once you have gone through another 30 different hookers, you might start to get a different perspective. I'm sure they appreciate aspects of what you do for them, but there are a lot of lonely women out there, too. They will fuck for free, believe me.
My suggestion is you hire a personal trainer, and take martial arts. Drink three Monster Extremes each day, or whatever, and get out there and flip somebody off when they cut in front of you, and yell at some mother fucker who gives you bad service. Mow your own yard, get drunk, and get in someone's face. Go hunting and fishing, hike in the woods. You'll feel better.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Sir Lance, you don't have to explain yourself. This is your fantasy. Some guys like to be peed on. Don't judge them and don't let anyone judge you for your own fetish.

Let the assholes that judge you left to their own prejudice.

You owe no explanation to anyone but yourself. And I commend you sir on your respect for women. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
All true, but their is a girl out there for everyone. It hurts to get turned down, but you do it enough and it ain't so bad. Eventually, you find a girl who will say yes just because she is bored and unloved, and you will gain confidence.
  • EZ.
  • 01-18-2015, 10:32 PM
Sir Lance, you don't have to explain yourself. This is your fantasy. Some guys like to be peed on. Don't judge them and don't let anyone judge you for your own fetish.

Let the assholes that judge you left to their own prejudice.

You owe no explanation to anyone but yourself. And I commend you sir on your respect for women. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
I have to assume that you directed this to me. It is hard to take it seriously from a guy that have an avatar of tinker bell and without any shame refers to himself as a white knight who sounds like a twit.
  • EZ.
  • 01-18-2015, 10:53 PM
All true, but their is a girl out there for everyone. It hurts to get turned down, but you do it enough and it ain't so bad. Eventually, you find a girl who will say yes just because she is bored and unloved, and you will gain confidence. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
JL, I dated a girl, in college, that was twice in the Nieman Marcaus Christmas catalog. I thought she must get hit on 20 times a day but she said Never.
My friends said I can't believe that you are dating this girl (in heels, she toward over me). My friends would say, I can't believe that you see a girl that is that much taller. When I would ask if they would date her they would say "that is different". God hates a coward.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
JL, I dated a girl, in college, that was twice in the Nieman Marcaus Christmas catalog. I thought she must get hit on 20 times a day but she said Never.
My friends said I can't believe that you are dating this girl (in heels, she toward over me). My friends would say, I can't believe that you see a girl that is that much taller. When I would ask if they would date her they would say "that is different". God hates a coward. Originally Posted by EZ.
I've heard that often about pretty girls not getting hit on, hard as it is to believe. However, I've often run across the same concept when doing things everybody else makes the same assumption about, an "overcrowded market", and if you keep at it, you can succeed.
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
I've heard that often about pretty girls not getting hit on, hard as it is to believe. However, I've often run across the same concept when doing things everybody else makes the same assumption about, an "overcrowded market", and if you keep at it, you can succeed. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I agree with you JL. One never knows if he/she will suceed if he/she never tries.
Sir Lance, you don't have to explain yourself. This is your fantasy. Some guys like to be peed on. Don't judge them and don't let anyone judge you for your own fetish.

Let the assholes that judge you left to their own prejudice.

You owe no explanation to anyone but yourself. And I commend you sir on your respect for women. Originally Posted by Luke Skywalker
Absolutely right!

It always amazes me that among us (here in a world where we are ALL "outside the norm/expected behavior"), that there is so much prejudice! and such closed minds!

I recall some post-whore hobbyists on the old board who just could not STAND anybody enjoying a session in a way/with a person they wouldn't.

They kept trying to promote some "rule of 100" and follow around reviews with "Why would you see someone that age?" "Why would you pay so much?" and "Why would you book three hours?" not, of course, really asking, but too closed-minded to IMAGINE that anyone could have a different mind-set from them.

Maybe with enough experience some people's minds will open up and their hearts will soften.
Charlie Brown's Avatar
I treat many providers like friends.

Works for me.

Now, when and if a provider says something that means we're off the clock, it seems to always get strange.

Fucking friends - a small but interesting group.
Yes, providers are the hobbyists friends, until the money runs out or any friend consultations are off the clock, then for some reason, the phone goes to voicemail, the PMs do not get returned and personal appearances are non existent.