Ending it :(

I'm not entirely sure it would be advisable to hold your breath waiting for me to tailor my posts just so that you understand them.

It's not a delicate situation to me...just like that threAD that was posted earlier. It's only "delicate" if you choose to make it so, because with a hooker board, "delicate" really doesn't apply much... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Perhaps not to you, but open your mind a bit and realize it may be delicate to others....
From his signature: because I'm Wakeup, and I have no problem being the elephant out front shitting all over your parade.

He makes no bones about speaking his mind. I doubt he is regreting what or how he said what he did. One thing I do respect about him is you know exactly where you stand with him at all times. This is a good thing. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I know, and I like wakeup for that reason, as I am quite straight forward as well...but sometimes it's better (well for me at least) if I word things a bit different, so I don't come across so harsh, as I have a tendency to do so..

I think Val was being "cheeky"....right?!?! Did I use it correctly?? I'm finally learning English after all these years.....bloody hell. Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
You're right Ed! Well done love
Wakeup's Avatar
Perhaps not to you, but open your mind a bit and realize it may be delicate to others.... Originally Posted by Valerie
I'm still confused. I realize that people take things differently than I do. But why should I edit my posts to make them more agreeable to people who are taking things in a way I disagree with? You see my point? I'm not in the habit of doing things I don't want to do for no other reason than to make things easier for them to swallow...
Naomi4u's Avatar
I had to end a serious relationship over 1.5 years ago. Got into a stupid rebound relationship a month after I broke up with him...it was so stupid. Don't do it! Give yourself a few months by yourself, friends, families, work, hobbies, new puppy, etc before you're ready to start dating again. I have moved on and I'm with a great guy now. I have no more feelings for the guy I left. The memory is gone. I saved all the bad e-mails he sent me as reminders of why I left him. Originally Posted by samantha thom
Good advice. I also save all the nasty text messages so when they come crawling back I remind myself why to say "Hell no!"
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Perhaps not to you, but open your mind a bit and realize it may be delicate to others.... Originally Posted by Valerie
I'm still confused. I realize that people take things differently than I do. But why should I edit my posts to make them more agreeable to people who are taking things in a way I disagree with? You see my point? I'm not in the habit of doing things I don't want to do for no other reason than to make things easier for them to swallow... Originally Posted by Wakeuр

Sounds like someone else's point on a very different matter........ Why SHOULD he have to explain himself when what he says is perfectly understandable? And why SHOULD he have to fluff it up so that it is nicer to read for whomever is reading it? It is a public forum, and his way of expressing what he sees as truth when it is no where near a point of him attacking/insulting/bad mouthing anyone? Sometimes the truth hurts...... Not his fault he doesn't have a filter that changes truth to BS and agreeablity........

Take him for exactly what he is, and what he says makes more and more sense......

I'm still confused. I realize that people take things differently than I do. But why should I edit my posts to make them more agreeable to people who are taking things in a way I disagree with? You see my point? I'm not in the habit of doing things I don't want to do for no other reason than to make things easier for them to swallow... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
I see your point....and in all fairness you shouldn't have to edit your posts to appease others, but perhaps just don't comment on it if it's something you care less about?

At least that's what I've stopped doing....
Sounds like someone else's point on a very different matter........ Why SHOULD he have to explain himself when what he says is perfectly understandable? And why SHOULD he have to fluff it up so that it is nicer to read for whomever is reading it? It is a public forum, and his way of expressing what he sees as truth when it is no where near a point of him attacking/insulting/bad mouthing anyone? Sometimes the truth hurts...... Not his fault he doesn't have a filter that changes truth to BS and agreeablity........

Take him for exactly what he is, and what he says makes more and more sense......

JaD Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
I do take Wakeup for exactly what he is....The thread I was referring to, the OP was asking for advice and how to deal with a hard situation....So by all means everyone can contribute, however I don't really think what he said was contributing in any way....it was just a bit random and out there, wasn't giving the OP advice (whether good or bad)...so in those cases, why bother even posting??
There is no comparison. lol.

I'm very proud of Charlie btw. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
See Charlie....we're all proud of you!
I'm very proud of Charlie btw. Originally Posted by Naomi4u
See Charlie....we're all proud of you! Originally Posted by Valerie
Damn!!! Failed again.
Damn!!! Failed again. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Whatever!!...yes you can be a pain in the ass, but so can I!....But I know deep down inside you're just a sweet little teddy bear
Whatever!!...yes you can be a pain in the ass, but so can I!....But I know deep down inside you're just a sweet little teddy bear Originally Posted by Valerie

TY. There may be hope yet.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Damn!!! Failed again. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Damn!!! Failed again. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Keep trying Chuck, but I think the ladies have you figured out! My game is to them guessing.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Val while I agree in spirit with what you are saying the fact is that while it may not have been helpful to the OP on that thread it was a contribution overall IMHO......

Now if we are going to split hairs over that I can understand, but wouldn't it be just as or more useful as the rampant emoticons and other flirty banter that goes on in EVERY other thread in this forum? So is it the same to expect those others to "simply not post"? Not being argumentative (much) just stating observations.

Wakeup's Avatar
I do take Wakeup for exactly what he is....The thread I was referring to, the OP was asking for advice and how to deal with a hard situation....So by all means everyone can contribute, however I don't really think what he said was contributing in any way....it was just a bit random and out there, wasn't giving the OP advice (whether good or bad)...so in those cases, why bother even posting?? Originally Posted by Valerie
I really wish I'd had time to get back to that thread before it was closed, after all, it was all about me and I missed a golden opportunity to comment because I was too busy at work.

Since you brought it up, one thing that amazed me though was after the initial "Wakeup, you're an asshole" comments got shot out, how many people agreed that it was a threAD...no matter how I called it...and the subsequent commentary about threADs in general was outstanding. I think that makes my post a good contribution...even CC, knee-jerk blasting me, collected himself, and admitted it was an AD and then removed that portion of the OP...

Again, that particular instance you mention was a valid contribution as well...people were just unready to hear me call it out at first. A thread can be contributed to in a myriad of ways, not just by answering the questions or quoting the OP...