Showing your ID to a provider - yes or no

  • MrGiz
  • 10-19-2011, 07:41 PM
. . . Yes, in 3 plus years (you catch that Giz?). . . .
As for IDs, I have asked to see one once. Brand new p411 (and I mean brand new) and I was his first OK from there. I still screened him my way as well. Originally Posted by babee
I caught that, Sweets!!

As a thankful & happy member of P411, with a fair amount of "okays"... even though I haven't had to submit to I.D. submittal.... I can understand and agree with the situation, if it absolutely comes down to it!* Thankfully.... I have never been in that situation!
simpleton's Avatar
You absolutely can ask for that. Get your pics done, site up, start placing ads for services for dollars and then you can.

Thats apples to oranges, fish & fowl. 2 different things. You may want to consider if you are waaaay too paranoid for this "hobby". Maybe model trains? Bird watching? There is NO 100% foolproof. All you can do is reduce your risk. Thats it. Originally Posted by babee

Exactly right. That's what I want to do. Reduce my risk. You need to realize that what's good for the provider is not good for the customer. And vis versa. That's why p411 is such a good resource.

Before you stick me with the, you should try bird watching or model trains I had a provider turn crazy provider. She did call me and tell me my personal information. She got from my cell phone number. She thought I was making fun of her cocked eye. Her exact words were vengence was her to get. She was well reviewed on ter and a few reviews on aspd. Not one review said she was crazy or had a lazy eye. But she was and did. I have no idea what will set some people off. I can't tell who's going crazy. I don't know for a certainty what a provider does with my information once she"s done verifing me. Will she destroy the information? Will she keep it? Will she give it to another provider? The problem is not all providers are honest. They all say they destroy the information but then they get busted and client information is saved in their phone.

It's only apples to oranges because you say its apple to oranges. 2 or 3 times a year a dude learns the cold hard facts of giving personal information to a stranger the hard way. I hear it every year a few times.

And to be clear I only got that phone call from the provider after I commented on a review. Which was a couple of weeks after I saw her. So she didn't burn my information. Which was just my cell phone number.
macdeft's Avatar
this is an environment of criminal activity and why in the world anybody would volunteer their critical information here is beyond me
Yeah, it's not always the "client" that is LE.
London Rayne's Avatar
I have no way of knowing what a provider posts is honest and true information. I have no way to know which providers are on the verge of mental breakdown. I have no way to know how a provider deals with anger. Some might count to 10 and let it go. Another may throw a brick through a window. Originally Posted by simpleton
I am telling you what has been my experience and it's always the guys who have very little to lose who cry the loudest about this bs. I don't know you or how much you make, BUT you have zero reviews on here so what about you lets a lady know you're safe?

A screening site does not let me know anything unless I call those ladies, and who is to say what's ok to them would be ok to me? I can't tell you how many women think a hairy azz and a cheese d*ck is "OK" because they were forced to say so! No thanks! It takes more than a guy not robbing or killing a girl, to get me to see him. Just call me picky I guess!

My clients range all across the board and the ones who are the most successful in their "profession" are the ones most likely to up the info. because they are not career hobbyists. They may do this once every few years when out of town, so their refs are null and void.
London Rayne's Avatar
And nobody is twisting your arm to give your personal info out. Your biz = you take care of it your way. This is a by choice industry. You choose what works for you.

Yes, in 3 plus years (you catch that Giz?)across some 20 something states, the higher the profile, the higher the paygrade, the more available disposable income= the more upfront and honest.

Clients make screening hard. Seriously.

Lady: "To see me you must have one of these: 1,2,3 (or 4 if you're Naomi.)"
Client; I dont want to do 1,2,3 or 4. <- Who's problem is that? Not the lady's.

As for IDs, I have asked to see one once. Brand new p411 (and I mean brand new) and I was his first OK from there. I still screened him my way as well. Originally Posted by babee

Bingo! Thanks for confirming what I knew to be true. Simpleton does not see 10 guys a month at various pay grades to be able to do this research, but he is wrong on this one. It has everything to do with where a guy is in life, and most in that pay grade are NOT on these boards much. Most every guy I have met of the CEO caliber was a guy who only lurked and found me on eros, checked to see if I was legit, and was either a first time client or had only one ref. from maybe a year ago. These are not career hobbyists who provide their info....they would not have to if that were the case.

These guys don't just provide the info. when asked either, but actually send that crap in the FIRST email without us even having to ask. It's usually a company letter head lol. Now of course, we have to check it out because anyone can have a fake letter head, but my point is they are very forthcoming without it having to be like pulling teeth. Many of these men do in fact feel they would never be found out, and if they were they would get out of it. Maybe that's why they are so willing to provide it.

The main guys whining about this are the guys on these boards who make a decent salary, but not much else. Of course there are exceptions, but the majority are always the low ballers screaming about someone wanting to blackmail them lol. Again I ask...for what?
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Regular ID no ..... military yes.
simpleton's Avatar
Seriously - I think London may be right if I'm understanding what she said, the more a guy wants to hide his identity the less he has to really loose if he were outed. Me - if I were outed, I would be dead! Am I worried about it - no, because there are crazies in this world and if one did say I jumped her bones, I would just say she's done too much of the banned substances.

Oh - and my windows are Lexan! Originally Posted by Louigi
How would you explain away the fact the she knew you and your personal information? Why would you put yourself at risk to go through that shit storm? My problem is I can't tell who is honest and who isn't by their posts. I don't know what issues if any that provider may have. I don't want to find out the hard way.
simpleton's Avatar
I am telling you what has been my experience and it's always the guys who have very little to lose who cry the loudest about this bs. I don't know you or how much you make, BUT you have zero reviews on here so what about you lets a lady know you're safe?
. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Every dude you see that is married has a lot to lose regardless of income.

I understand why you would want my personal information. It makes sense that you would want it. But it doesn't make sense to me to give you my personal information. I'm not worried about some provider blackmailing me. What concerns me is I have no control over what you do with my personal information once you get it. Do you really burn the information? Or do you keep it just in case it might come in handy down the road?(this happens all the time)
(when I say you I mean any provider I would give it too. Not you specifically.)
I don't want to be that dude that some provider's switch gets flip and turns crazy. I have no idea what the percentage of chicks here have emotional issues but it seems some do.

London you may be very safe to give personal information to but not all the chicks here are like you. It would be foolish to give personal information out to some. Sense I have no idea what may set some provider off I choose to keep my personal information private. And just because some ceo gives his personal information doesn't mean it's a good idea.
burkalini's Avatar
This is one question that probably has no good answer. You have to understand why a provider wants it. They are cautious and want to protect themselves. You have to understand why Hobbyist don't want to provide it. They are cautious and want to protect themselves. Two sided street.
I find the guys who truly do have a lot of money and a thriving career are the very ones who up the info. Why? I guess because they think they are invincible. I have never had a problem getting real info. from men who are "truly" successful. Imagine that.

It boggles my mind that some men assume we are all just broke azz hookers who need something from them after they leave lol. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I agree 1000%. All of my clients that are incredibly successful gave up the info with out asking. Love it when they say "You can just Google me". And it's more than a FB or LinkedIn profile... Lol They are infrequent hobbyists and don't even know boards exist. My ATF, the one who I do the happy dance when ever he pops up in town, came from CL back before its demise. It's all about diversifying your advertisement venues. Cast a broad net and catch a lot of fish.

As far as me wanting something from you after you leave? Ummm no. You pay me to leave and I take the envelope so that you won't bother me afterwards... Lol Gratefully, my clients are very, very, very respectful of the boundaries. Low maintenance, which is how it should be. Of course the law of attraction applies as well. If you keep running into crazies, drama etc, you should look at the common denominator, which is YOU.
Everyone at some point or another is CRAZY...
some guy bringing up the fact about someone being 'crazy' or 'could be' goes back to the question... why does a man have to get a hooker for attention ?
some guys would think a man is CRAZY to ever hire a escort and has no soical skills for attracting a mere "lay".
As London has mentioned and I agree, all the negative BS is put off on the HOOKA...
They think is not worth their time nor do we deserve such info for we are skanks and to hell with OUR SAFETY.

Back to the part of prominant men giving out info, it's due to the part of arrogance and POLITICS. Politics comes with power of the ppl and their wealth to write off their wrong and turn the other eye. They know too many ppl in high places to get their azz out of a sling.
Joe Blow the avearge blue collar worker that's not that educated on such things and reeks fear of the unknown, has insecurity of what others THINK.
His stupidity is made very clear by getting caught or him suggesting it.

Thats why I do incalls only- he is coming to me and I have no idea where he lives and what he is driving. Many ppl move and don't update their ID or phone numbers.
  • MrGiz
  • 10-21-2011, 01:17 AM
Sometimes.... it's just good luck, that allows a guy to fail screening!!
simpleton's Avatar

A screening site does not let me know anything unless I call those ladies, and who is to say what's ok to them would be ok to me? I can't tell you how many women think a hairy azz and a cheese d*ck is "OK" because they were forced to say so! No thanks! It takes more than a guy not robbing or killing a girl, to get me to see him. Just call me picky I guess!
. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Are you telling me you can tell if a dude has a hairy ass or cheese dick by their personal information or id?
Still Looking's Avatar
this is an environment of criminal activity and why in the world anybody would volunteer their critical information here is beyond me Originally Posted by macdeft
Exactly! Even the single guy who could give a shit, why would anyone one want to give out that kind of information?