Ladies that don't see AA men.....?!

burkalini's Avatar
Getting the angry people out of the way an back on tipic.

That whole "down low" thing has been proven false. It just seems odd that for some reason, so many AA men would do same sex activities bcd. Why? That never made sense to me and since then I've found out it was just a rumor started by some loud mouth celebrity.

So it's not that.

I think it really has more to do with AA people in general being relegated to the lowest caste in American society. Meaning most providers will see AA men bcd, but out in the open it's ok and even accepted to say "no AA". Like untouchables in India. It's just a societal heritage thing.

As you can see here, unlike with other groups, the push back is minimal by doing that to the low caste, and if there is any push back, you will feel the wrath of the dominant society for merely discussing it. Originally Posted by Kage Bunshin no Jutsu
Get off your ethnic horse please. This is about choice not your feelings
burkalini's Avatar
Funny someone on here actually said it's not racist, it's her body. And you really believe that. Well that is the very definition of racist. To exclude, deny or prohibit one race from anything while all other races are ok. SMH. I really don't give a F... anyway. It used to bother me but my money is green like everyone else so I will just see someone else with MY money. I refused to beg someone to take my money. Originally Posted by midnite312004
If a woman doesn't want to fuck you then she doesn't want to fuck you. Plain and simple . The reason doesn't matter. Fuck someone else

burkalini's Avatar
Sorry to burst your BS bubble, but when race is the FIRST and ONLY reason why she won't see a guy, then it actually is racist.

You can dance around 'choice' all you want, but, the truth is, it's fucking racist.

If you (by 'you' I mean she) asks what your race is, and if you say black, and she won't go any further, then it's race.

Hmmm, maybe I should try this with an NBA chick.

Try to set up a date, and then when the issue of race pops up, i.e. she asks if I'm black, I'm going to say. I refuse to answer this question, on the grounds that it will disqualify me. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Still going that route Creed I see. Make sure you tell us how many ladies you have fucked. The only one that cares is you. It doesn't matter if she doesn't want to fuck you since you tell how many you have fucked. Apparently it isn't an issue for you because of your prowess as you so boldly let us know. Quite crying
Randall Creed's Avatar
Ahhh, my old pal, Burkilini. How's it going, dude. How ya holding up?

Not sure where your point is going there, but...ok. Apparently, you got a couple pals out there to agree with you. That's good and all, I guess.

I just made a point about not caring, and you somehow go back into past...and...trying to bring up old...something, something...or whatever. I guess some people just strive for conflict.
winn dixie's Avatar
Providers can see who they want to interact with.
Just like mongers choose to see who they find attractive. Is that racism too? No its preference!
Randall Creed's Avatar
Lol. A preference is strawberry ice cream over cookies and cream. Today I PREFER strawberry. Next week, I may want cookies and cream.

I like how you all try to warp definitions of things to fit your ridiculous narratives. This seem to have started when a guy stuck a cigar in a woman's pussy and said it wasn't sexual.

Balancing it on top of her head would not have been sexual. But stroking her clit with it...ummm....come on, now.

But your'e doing great (destroying the dictionary). Keep at it.
winn dixie's Avatar
^^^^^^ Some people find entitlement and the perpetual victim card so easy to play!
Thicker skin should be prescribed here!
Randall Creed's Avatar
You morons ignore everything I say, huh.

You bust in with your own ridiculous narratives, regurgitating the same shit over and over.

Shit, I shouldn't even keep responding to you fuckers, because you'll respond to this with something just as stupid as the last stupid post you responded with.

Entitlement? Wtf entitlement?

Entitled toooooo.....fair opportunities? A level playing field? Not to be judged by the color of my fucking skin?

Why do we have to keep talking about the same shit over and over?

If you think things are so fair right now, LET'S TRADE PLACES.
winn dixie's Avatar
You morons ignore everything I say, huh.

You bust in with your own ridiculous narratives, regurgitating the same shit over and over.

Shit, I shouldn't even keep responding to you fuckers, because you'll respond to this with something just as stupid as the last stupid post you responded with.

Entitlement? Wtf entitlement?

Entitled toooooo.....fair opportunities? A level playing field? Not to be judged by the color of my fucking skin?

Why do we have to keep talking about the same shit over and over?

If you think things are so fair right now, LET'S TRADE PLACES. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
Pot kettle! I think what you're spewing has been said so much folks like yourself buy into it! Trade places? Lets keep things realistic and factual! Why the name calling and hostility? Cant handle the TRUTH hitting home?
Yes entitlement and the victim card are so over played the country is woke now!
This really is a self alert on yourself. Showing how hostile you get when told NO! The ladies are watching!

offshoredrilling's Avatar
ah can you two get a room please n thank you
winn dixie's Avatar
Lol. A preference is strawberry ice cream over cookies and cream. Today I PREFER strawberry. Next week, I may want cookies and cream.

I like how you all try to warp definitions of things to fit your ridiculous narratives. This seem to have started when a guy stuck a cigar in a woman's pussy and said it wasn't sexual.

Balancing it on top of her head would not have been sexual. But stroking her clit with it...ummm....come on, now.

But your'e doing great (destroying the dictionary). Keep at it. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
lolling A narrative? Kinda like the "noose" thats been seen since last fall? It turned out to be a pull cord! Over react much.
Alyssa XOXO's Avatar
ah can you two get a room please n thank you Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Nope, winn dixie has Preferences. His Dick, His Decision...
Randall Creed's Avatar
I'm going to nut on those tits one of these days.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Nope, winn dixie has Preferences. His Dick, His Decision... Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
or is that

Nope, winn dixie has Preferences. His ASS, His Decision... Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
So it's racist. Big fucking deal. Blacks are the most racist of all races.