PROVIDER?? Do you currently have a REAL JOB or are in COLLEGE

I have have been in Business for over 30 years.
Worked for others and owned my own.
Succeeded, failed , succeed, and so on.
I have never understood what a General Business Degree got you , or taught you.
The best thing to have in business is an IDEA.
Then you have to be uneducated enough to believe it can be implemented.
I got a "BA" way back when because I enjoyed Liberal Arts. Girls were hotter, and hornier and much more abundant. Classes where interesting - history- anthropology- Poly Sci- Philosophy - Acting - Psych
Did I mention the girls. Originally Posted by harkontume

I agree a good idea can get you a long way! (*video)

I wish more providers had an education because
Verifying references and communication would be so much easier!!!

*Did I mention the girls* lol gotta love It