Bidenomics still working.

How’s my ass smell golfer?
How’s my ass smell golfer? Originally Posted by 1blackman1

LMFAO I guess you really do have reading comprehension as I have addressed this previously. Now how does it feel to be handed your ass by TC on your bidenomics thread? You never addressed that. Also how does it feel having me live rent free in your head. Just a matter of time after all your disparaging posts before you point out but we all know you will be back using another one of your mandles.
Golfer or stalker whichever you prefer, how’s my ass smell?
biomed1's Avatar
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Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Guess it depends on what the meaning of is is...
Real Wages Under Joe Biden Were Down for the 26th Straight Month in May – A New US Record
by Jim Hoft Jun. 13, 2023 6:30 pm

Real wages in America under Joe Biden were down again in May.
Americans have seen their wages decrease by 2.7% under Joe Biden.

Real wages in America during the Trump years were up 7.3%.

Anyone else notice the impacts of the covid in yet another fiscal chart? Well now ya know how far they will go to keep Trump from exposing their filth and corruption.
Well looks like 1b1 will not be here to defend his bidenomics thread. Just can't figure out how anyone can think they are better off under bidenomics.
  • Tiny
  • 06-14-2023, 05:32 PM
Guess it depends on what the meaning of is is...Anyone else notice the impacts of the covid in yet another fiscal chart? Well now ya know how far they will go to keep Trump from exposing their filth and corruption. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Effects of COVID my ass. It's the effects of the $1.9 trillion in stimulus the Democrats forked over in 2021, which ignited inflation. OK, seriously, you're right WYID, COVID played a part as well, with the supply chain problems and shortages. But one look at that graph should tell you a lot about Bidenomics. At the end of 2019 the workingman had finally made up a lot of the ground he lost over decades, and now that's been wiped out by inflation.
  • Tiny
  • 06-14-2023, 05:34 PM
Well looks like 1b1 will not be here to defend his bidenomics thread. Just can't figure out how anyone can think they are better off under bidenomics. Originally Posted by golferguy55
We've totally rebutted everything in his last substantive post, more than once. Blackman's a smart guy, but he's got a weak spot when it comes to taxes and economics. It's probably the brainwashing by MSNBC. Yes, too much MSNBC can cause Stockholm Syndrome, and our friend Blackman has it. He thinks he's benefitting from trickle down! When we've got the most progressive tax system in the developed world! ROTFLMAO! I guess he won't be happy until he's paying 80% of his income in taxes.
We've totally rebutted everything in his last substantive post, more than once. Blackman's a smart guy, but he's got a weak spot when it comes to taxes and economics. It's probably the brainwashing by MSNBC. Yes, too much MSNBC can cause Stockholm Syndrome, and our friend Blackman has it. He thinks he's benefitting from trickle down! When we've got the most progressive tax system in the developed world! ROTFLMAO! I guess he won't be happy until he's paying 80% of his income in taxes. Originally Posted by Tiny

Yes Tiny 1b1 is totally clueless on economics and taxes but you would have a better chance explaining things to a brick wall than to him. He seems to be able to use Lexis for much of his research but I am not totally sold that he us an attorney. I
dealt with economics and the tax code and taxes on a daily basis before deciding to take early retirement. I can tell you TC is spot on with his posts and I can tell you bidenomics is not doing anyone any favors.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
We've totally rebutted everything in his last substantive post, more than once. Blackman's a smart guy, but he's got a weak spot when it comes to taxes and economics. It's probably the brainwashing by MSNBC. Yes, too much MSNBC can cause Stockholm Syndrome, and our friend Blackman has it. He thinks he's benefitting from trickle down! When we've got the most progressive tax system in the developed world! ROTFLMAO! I guess he won't be happy until he's paying 80% of his income in taxes. Originally Posted by Tiny

if he gets his full monty on bidenomics we'll all be taxed 85% to pay for all that green crap. and try to blame it on republicans

Yes Tiny 1b1 is totally clueless on economics and taxes but you would have a better chance explaining things to a brick wall than to him. He seems to be able to use Lexis for much of his research but I am not totally sold that he us an attorney. I
dealt with economics and the tax code and taxes on a daily basis before deciding to take early retirement. I can tell you TC is spot on with his posts and I can tell you bidenomics is not doing anyone any favors. Originally Posted by golferguy55

1b1 like wtf and others sees all things republican economic evil and democrats those wild spenders as the savior of the economy from repeated republican disasters.

i for one don't particularly agree with that.


like FDR and Obama before him, Biden tried to spend his way out and actually impeded recovery (and cutting off the money drop finally but it did it's intended spending damage) and then on cue like Obama claim he's "fixing the GOP" mess.


Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...Just can't figure out how anyone can think they are better off under bidenomics. Originally Posted by golferguy55
Hey Googlie: diseases of despair
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
And you know what that means. Yup, only 6 more months to go until your 1099-Ks start rolling in, just in time for the 2023 tax season kick off. Go Team. Technically, the article ultimately is an infomercial, but I left that part off as this ain't no advice OP. The rest however, does contain worthwhile, need to know, information - IMMHO.
IRS Agents Are Watching Your Digital Money Transactions
by Monetary Gold (Sponsored) 15 Jun 2023

If you remember, just two years ago, President Joe Biden asked Congress to authorize the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) data collection on bank accounts with more than $600 in annual transactions. But banks and depositors pushed back, and the $600 figure was raised to $10,000. Everybody was happy.

But guess what didn’t change? The reporting of all digital transactions of $600 or more. That means that digital payment platforms like Zelle, PayPal, Venmo, Square Cash, and other Digital Wallets are required to report your transactions of $600 or more to the IRS.

Your digital money activities are now being watched. This year, you may receive multiple 1099-K forms from intermediaries like PayPal and Venmo. As the good taxpayer that you are, you’re going to file IRS Form 8949 for Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets along with your 1040 tax return; and, of course, all of your transactions are going to line up with what has already been reported by PayPal, Venmo, etc.

But what if they don’t line up? Can you expect teams of two or three sweet and gentle, loving and kind, armed and unelected non-law enforcement IRS agents to visit your home?

This is all the more concerning because eventually you might only be able to conduct your daily lives using digital currency. You need only look to Greenwich, London. There’s a store here in the United States called Aldi’s. Well, Aldi’s in Greenwich, London, won’t allow you into the store without a Digital or QR Code. If you’re not a part of that system, you cannot purchase from that store.

The U.S. Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors have already issued a white paper in 2022 titled “Money and Payments: The U.S. Dollar in the Age of Digital Transformation” as a “first step” in exploring the creation of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).

A centralized digital currency has the potential to allow the federal government—including those armed IRS agents—to legally surveil U.S. citizens’ digital transactions and control bank accounts and purchases...
Have not checked with the NRA yet, but I would expect home visits would be performed with armed agent, paid for with your increasing tax dollars. Ain't that Bidenomics somp'n?!? Seems like starving the beast is a good idea.
Texas Contrarian didn't conflate anything. He's a deficit hawk, and comparing what passes for Biden's "economic policy" to Bill Clinton's is sacrilege to a deficit hawk. Originally Posted by Tiny
Yup! Big Bill and Joey may both have a "D" next to their name, but as least as regards their management of the nation's fisc, they couldn't be more polar opposite. (Of course, Bill got a major assist from a conservative congress, while Joey merely ratified much of the AOC-Bernie smorgasbord.)

He's right about trickle down too. Bipartisan changes in the tax code during the Reagan Administration resulted in the wealthy paying more tax, as they moved out of tax shelters and the like. See for example Originally Posted by Tiny

One myth that seems to never die is that Reagan implemented a "trickle-down" economics plan featuring an attempt to boost investment and thereby increase growth by drastically cutting taxes on the wealthy -- thus leaving more investment capital in their hands, stimulating follow-on activity that would boost the broader economy.

Except for the little fact that all the tax policy legislation during Ronnie's two terms actually did not reduce taxes on the wealthy!

(As you can see, a lot of big-money Republican donors were pretty unhappy about the 1986 tax reform.)

The only item in the post that GolferGuy, or I, might not have understood was the reference to trickle down during the Obama Administration. I suspect TC may be referring to Fed policy, which boosted asset values. Hopefully he'll return and shed a bit more light on that, as you kindly did on the issue of attorney client privilege in the Trump indictment. Originally Posted by Tiny

We don't have to speculate about that; Bernanke (and a few other Fed officials) stated it outright!

Back in 2010-2011, Bernanke noted in several interviews that Fed policy (both ZIRP and multiple iterations of QE) should boost asset values significantly and thereby stimulate consumption.

Thus it should have come as a surprise to no one that affluent owners of assets benefited to a vastly greater degree than wage earners lower in the income distribution.

So, notwithstanding progressives' promulgations, anything reasonably describable as a plan featuring "trickle-down" policies actually occurred during Obama's presidency, not Reagan's.

Oh, the irony!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Effects of COVID my ass. It's the effects of the $1.9 trillion in stimulus the Democrats forked over in 2021, which ignited inflation. OK, seriously, you're right WYID, COVID played a part as well, with the supply chain problems and shortages. But one look at that graph should tell you a lot about Bidenomics. At the end of 2019 the workingman had finally made up a lot of the ground he lost over decades, and now that's been wiped out by inflation. Originally Posted by Tiny
To understand Bidenomics, one has to understand the scope and magnitude of the fraud(s) involved.So let's examine a couple articles, because scope, magnitude and schtuff...
New estimate finds $420 billion in fraud and waste in COVID-19 spending
by Gabrielle M. Etzel, Healthcare Reporter | June 12, 2023 11:49 AM

An estimated $420 billion in COVID-19-related spending may have been wasted through fraud and corruption, according to a new report.

The Justice Department’s acting director for COVID-19 Fraud Enforcement, Mike Galdo, told the Associated Press that the staggering figures represented “an unprecedented amount of fraud.”

Independent analysis conducted by the AP reveals that over $280 billion of COVID-19 relief was stolen through common identity theft scams and fraudulent loan applications, and another $123 billion was wasted through mismanagement and misappropriation.

Over $5.2 trillion was allocated for COVID-19-related relief under both the Trump and Biden administrations, according to the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee. Approximately $1.15 trillion of this relief was paid directly to individual recipients either through stimulus checks or through benefits programs such as rental assistance or the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program...
So a few hundo-million here and around $5 Trillion there. Pretty soon we could be talking about some serious Bidenomics money. But wait, there's more. Much, much more..
EU Parliament COVID-19 Summit: “Covid-19 was an Act of Biological Warfare Perpetrated on the Human Race. It was a Financial Heist. Nature was Hijacked. Science was Hijacked”
by Jim Hoft May. 26, 2023 11:30 am

The EU Parliament held the International COVID-19 Summit III in Brussels, Belgium earlier this month.

In a recent address to the European Parliament, a US businessman specializing in patent auditing David Martin claimed that COVID-19 was not a natural occurrence but a calculated act of “biological warfare and a financial heist. Nature was hijacked, science was hijacked.”

In his presentation in front of the EU parliament, Martin argued that the pandemic we said happened in the last few years did not overnight, citing sources in the public domain.

According to him, the coronavirus was first identified in 1965 and serves as a model pathogen. In addition, they learned that coronaviruses can be modified...
While the article focuses on the origins and how's mostly, "It was a Financial Heist." on a global scale. The $5 Trillion is just peanuts in the grand scheme of the things. We can plow through the covid origins more in another thread - and should. Hint: it's a crime against Humanity, but also fiscal integrity.

What I have mentioned before, especially with all the Green New Deal, aka Socialism and redistribution of wealth going on, most countries were broke fiscally prior to the covid. The covid gave them an "opportunity" to remodel it all, fiscally.

I don't know how familiar you are with the basic Communist Manifesto, but a key ingredient is "Controlling the means of Production". That is the Green New Deal underpinnings and they needed the covid to pull it off. Was it the Biden specifically? Oh hell NO! John Fetterman is sharper then O'Biden these days. It's the work-tard Socialists propping up Weekend at O'Bidens pulling those string - both here and globally. Think about all the "Winners" and "Loosers" in the whole shut down crap shooting, i.e. "essential" businesses etc.

Think about the covid from the lens of fiscal redistribution, annihilation more likely. From that lens, you can begin to understand Bidenomics.

P.S. If you want to drill deeper on the covid fiscal fraud in the US:
Hey Googlie: covid waste and fraud $420 billion
There is pretty fair article from Fortune for example, even MSN covered it.
  • Tiny
  • 06-20-2023, 02:13 PM
To understand Bidenomics, one has to understand the scope and magnitude of the fraud(s) involved.So let's examine a couple articles, because scope, magnitude and schtuff...So a few hundo-million here and around $5 Trillion there. Pretty soon we could be talking about some serious Bidenomics money. But wait, there's more. Much, much more..While the article focuses on the origins and how's mostly, "It was a Financial Heist." on a global scale. The $5 Trillion is just peanuts in the grand scheme of the things. We can plow through the covid origins more in another thread - and should. Hint: it's a crime against Humanity, but also fiscal integrity.

What I have mentioned before, especially with all the Green New Deal, aka Socialism and redistribution of wealth going on, most countries were broke fiscally prior to the covid. The covid gave them an "opportunity" to remodel it all, fiscally.

I don't know how familiar you are with the basic Communist Manifesto, but a key ingredient is "Controlling the means of Production". That is the Green New Deal underpinnings and they needed the covid to pull it off. Was it the Biden specifically? Oh hell NO! John Fetterman is sharper then O'Biden these days. It's the work-tard Socialists propping up Weekend at O'Bidens pulling those string - both here and globally. Think about all the "Winners" and "Loosers" in the whole shut down crap shooting, i.e. "essential" businesses etc.

Think about the covid from the lens of fiscal redistribution, annihilation more likely. From that lens, you can begin to understand Bidenomics.

P.S. If you want to drill deeper on the covid fiscal fraud in the US:
Hey Googlie: covid waste and fraud $420 billion
There is pretty fair article from Fortune for example, even MSN covered it. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
I agree with the majority or most of what you wrote WYID. As you'd expect, I don't agree with the idea this was a "calculated act of “biological warfare and a financial heist. Nature was hijacked, science was hijacked."

I liked this:

What I have mentioned before, especially with all the Green New Deal, aka Socialism and redistribution of wealth going on, most countries were broke fiscally prior to the covid. The covid gave them an "opportunity" to remodel it all, fiscally.

Yes, the pandemic gave progressives throughout the world an excuse to spend like there's no tomorrow.

Yeah, we threw way too much money at the problem. And there was a lot of fraud. Republicans have to share the blame, although by the end of 2020, the Senate Republicans were starting to hold the line on the profligate spending. And the 1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan was passed without a single Republican vote.

From personal experience, people were applying right and left for Paycheck Protection loans who didn't qualify and who didn't have any intention of paying them back.