
Still Looking's Avatar
It’s all about the money! The minute its not, it’s a BIG problem!
Naomi, I greatly appreciate you writing such an indepth response.

I recognize eccie is a melting pot and I also recognize that every provider has their own unique perspective and reasons on why they do what they do. I also recognize that the general public consensus to sex workers is that they are all poorly educated, drugged out, diseased, and frequently victims of child abuse/molestation. The consensus is that a woman who is educated, drug/disease free, and not a victim of past trauma would never willingly choose to go into this lifestyle. That choosing to be a sex worker is only done because a woman is either addicted to drugs, forced into it, or is so damaged that they view it as a normalcy.

I used to hear that the women in my old haunt who were providers were well educated, drug free, not abused/molested, and made the active choice to become a sex worker. I used to hear from these women they did it for the money, and greatly enjoyed what they did. I was also advised there were "levels" or "tiers" of escorts. Those that use boards, screen, avoid BP, and provide more upscale locations were the kind usually not addicted or forced. Those that used BP, did not screen, and provided sketchy incalls were more likely to be addicted and/or forced into providing.

Recently, I've been hearing more of the same old propaganda from the media. That all providers meet the stereotype discussed and that the men who see these ladies are just as bad because they know they are feeding addictions/etc.

Now, I consider myself a smart individual. I don't take everything for granted, I check sources and facts on news stories I hear. And I do my own research. That involves me checking with as wide a part of the discussed group to see where they fall. Blaming all for the sins of the few is never a good way to go. But neither is refusing to recheck your facts. This is what leads me to here.

I asked my question to see who would provide an honest answer, and what their reasons would be. Partly to compare to the picture that the public paints, partly to see if anybody would reply, and partly of my own curiosity.
  • Laz
  • 10-10-2011, 11:12 AM
It’s all about the money! The minute its not, it’s a BIG problem! Originally Posted by Still Looking
All jobs are about the money. The interesting question is why they choose this profession over another.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
All jobs are about the money. The interesting question is why they choose this profession over another. Originally Posted by Laz
That so true Laz....
The saying "when you find a job you love..You will never have to work a day in your life" applies to me
I love the companionship with out the BS and drama that relationships often bring.
added bonus is I can be with guys at work without fear of a sexual harassment suit lol
Some very good points and perspectives, Naomi and Daratu!

I think one of the things that most pleasantly surprised me about the hobby is that there is this whole culture onto itself that is full of intelligent, thoughtful and very together people. That while some who fit the stereotypes do exist, that there are so many more who do not fit into the public's perception or the media's twisted perception at all.

Some of the providers I've met have been absolutely amazing people and clearly not all of us hobbyists are just here to use and degrade women, but are just looking to make a temporary connection with a beautiful woman, whose company we enjoy. Some good conversation, a little companionship and of course some great sex. What is unhealthy about wanting that and what is unhealthy about wanting to provide that? As long as their is mutual respect and courtesy, hobbying can really be a great thing. Many of you here are living examples of that and I thank you for it!
London Rayne's Avatar
Better keep her mouth full or you will regret it. Originally Posted by pyramider
Nice buttmunch!

I will touch on what Naomi said a bit...

You see, when guys on review boards don't care for you they ALWAYS have to throw in the drugged out, too stupid to do anything else, type bs. I really think it's a shock to them to find there are in fact women here that outsmart them and make more money to boot. Most everyone I am personally involved with either has a degree (some two or three), a family, or another job besides this. We don't party all the time, go out drugging every week, or have casual sex outside of this. Most of us are very conservative in our lives and even our views on sex as a whole contradict this world we play in. For others, it's just the opposite. Some live, eat, breathe, and think about sex and not much else.

Providing gives me a ton of free time to do what I want to do...period. I am always on my phone posting on Eccie so it's obvious I am far from a high volume provider...when do I work that much lol. I think the biggest mistake is thinking this can last forever, that your looks will never fade, you will never grow old, etc. This business is not a lifetime career no matter how some would like to think it is. Eventually, your rates will get lower and lower and you will be expected to provide more and more to keep up with the young girl entering the business.

As I said earlier, if you devote 5 years here there is no reason you should not own at least one home and have a considerable amount of savings put aside and/or other investements. My parents always taught me to have many avenues of wealth, and that's just what I have. I have rental property, tax lien certificates, a few IRAs, a cover busienss which is non-profit...all making me income when I barely have to do anything but sit here.

Would I take a pay cut here if it were legal? No, I would not. I see no reason to lower my rates at this stage of the game. Too many places where my rates are still considered low for me to do that.

Would I do this forever? No, because it highly affects my personal relationships and causes trust issues. I don't feel any honor or pride in what I do.
Nice buttmunch!

I will touch on what Naomi said a bit...

You see, when guys on review boards don't care for you they ALWAYS have to throw in the drugged out, too stupid to do anything else, type bs. I really think it's a shock to them to find there are in fact women here that outsmart them and make more money to boot. Most everyone I am personally involved with either has a degree (some two or three), a family, or another job besides this. We don't party all the time, go out drugging every week, or have casual sex outside of this. Most of us are very conservative in our lives and even our views on sex as a whole contradict this world we play in. For others, it's just the opposite. Some live, eat, breathe, and think about sex and not much else.

Providing gives me a ton of free time to do what I want to do...period. I am always on my phone posting on Eccie so it's obvious I am far from a high volume provider...when do I work that much lol. I think the biggest mistake is thinking this can last forever, that your looks will never fade, you will never grow old, etc. This business is not a lifetime career no matter how some would like to think it is. Eventually, your rates will get lower and lower and you will be expected to provide more and more to keep up with the young girl entering the business.

As I said earlier, if you devote 5 years here there is no reason you should not own at least one home and have a considerable amount of savings put aside and/or other investements. My parents always taught me to have many avenues of wealth, and that's just what I have. I have rental property, tax lien certificates, a few IRAs, a cover busienss which is non-profit...all making me income when I barely have to do anything but sit here.

Would I take a pay cut here if it were legal? No, I would not. I see no reason to lower my rates at this stage of the game. Too many places where my rates are still considered low for me to do that.

Would I do this forever? No, because it highly affects my personal relationships and causes trust issues. I don't feel any honor or pride in what I do. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Very well said. I agree with everything.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Very well said. I agree with everything. Originally Posted by Shayla
+1 well said
@biomech: Exactly. While a group is often judged by the flaws of a few, that few may not be an accurate representation.

Would I do this forever? No, because it highly affects my personal relationships and causes trust issues. I don't feel any honor or pride in what I do. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Thank you for this bit London. I greatly appreciate it. While I totally understand the reasoning and impact it has on personal life, I can't help but find it a bit sad that you don't feel honour or pride in what you do (but that is just my belief system.) Just curious, but is this due to a religious background? Or is it more of a personal thing?
  • Laz
  • 10-10-2011, 06:09 PM
I don't feel any honor or pride in what I do. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I agree with everything you said to this point. This is not inventing a wonder drug or creating world peace but you state on a regular basis how you work hard to give someone a few hours of happiness. I am sure there are many other ladies out there that work hard just like you. You should take pride in that.

Making me feel special even if it is only for a few hours matters to me. Not many people work hard to do that and you have done it for free with me so far. You have had private coversations where you made me feel good that a hot young lady felt I was worth her time. I know that you don't think that or giving a guy a blow job matters but I will state again I think you are wrong. It is not the physical act you should focus on it is the feeling of value you give someone by caring about them. People do jobs every day with less direct impact and they rightfully take pride in doing those jobs well. So should you and any lady that strives to do her job well.
London Rayne's Avatar
At the OP...A bit of both. Be sure to quote me correctly in that book, and I want royalty rights biaatch.

Thanks Laz...but I could very well do that part for free. Guys don't pay me to just make their day with my charming wit ya know. I am sleeping with other women's husbands...not a nice mirror to look in.
  • Laz
  • 10-10-2011, 06:23 PM
At the OP...A bit of both. Be sure to quote me correctly in that book, and I want royalty rights biaatch.

Thanks Laz...but I could very well do that part for free. Guys don't pay me to just make their day with my charming wit ya know. I am sleeping with other women's husbands...not a nice mirror to look in. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Gotta admit that marriage issue is a sticky point I keep overlooking because I am not in that situation. Guess that means you need to come sleep with me
Still Looking's Avatar
All jobs are about the money. The interesting question is why they choose this profession over another. Originally Posted by Laz
It's all about the easy, fast tax free money! Do you know of a job where a lady can pick and choose her hours and make this kind of money? Love to hear about it. So would many a provider!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Good god. What is all this about tax free money??? This isn't tax free money! The providers that don't pay taxes end up in orange jumpsuits. Give them a few years - It catches up with ya.
It's all about the easy, fast tax free money! Do you know of a job where a lady can pick and choose her hours and make this kind of money? Love to hear about it. So would many a provider! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Alright... I'm a licensed escort and I'll be honest, I only claim about 20-25% of what I make. The license is 3000 for the year.
The reasons being that if you're licensed it offers you no benefits, no GPS or security or anything. All it does is allow you to be an escort (out-call only, as incall is a common bawty house and that is illegal here) without getting hassled by LE and not break any bylaws.
The only reason why I got it was so I could claim my taxes and have accountability to mortgage my condo. If I claimed it all, I would be paying out of the ass with no benefits or anything and to me, that's not worth it. I claimed just enough to be able to get a mortgage from the bank.
Sorry to sway off topic, I just wanted to give my two cents on that.