The thought police have arrived...

What did you mean by this, LittleLiberalEva? You are attacking people who oppose the criminalization of climate change dissent. You must support criminalization of speech, or you wouldn't be calling them McCarthyites. What is it, LittleLiberalEva? Should climate change dissent be against the law? Yes or no? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Has a 10 year old hacked your account Tonto? Did you lose sight of the Op? If you were as smart as you claim, then all these stupid questions would not be necessary.
It amazes me how detached from reality some people have become when it comes to Obama. He literally says one thing, repeatedly, and they can convince themselves that he has said the opposite. I can't imagine what it must be like to live in a world like that.
I B Hankering's Avatar
It amazes me how detached from reality some people have become when it comes to Obama. He literally says one thing, repeatedly, and they can convince themselves that he has said the opposite. I can't imagine what it must be like to live in a world like that. Originally Posted by eatfibo
You'd be the lib-retard jackass with your head so far up Odumbo's ass that you imagine that his intent in saying what he said was exactly the opposite of why he said it, eatbibeau.
  • DSK
  • 04-12-2016, 11:29 AM

I can't say for sure because I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not sure exactly what they have been charged with. It probably also depends on when they said it and what else they are accused of hiding and also on how they were steered to talk about things by management.

But the reality is that Exxon is currently under criminal fraud investigation for hiding information from their investors about the risk of climate change, the fact that they have issued a subpoena to a climate change study group that has been largely funded by Exxon, for information on their dealings with Exxon, is nothing out of the ordinary and is almost certainly not an attack on free speech. The people who believe this are just doing so because they were told to do so. Originally Posted by eatfibo
I can assure you the alleged "victims" are similar to those who patronize prostitutes - we don't want the government butting into to this climate change issue to our detriment as shareholders. We were most certainly aware of the "risk" of climate change and the problem is not Exxon management, but environmental radicals bent upon destroying the oil and gas industry, and the willing bullies abusing their AG offices, and trampling on free speech rights.
  • DSK
  • 04-12-2016, 11:31 AM
Has a 10 year old hacked your account Tonto? Did you lose sight of the Op? If you were as smart as you claim, then all these stupid questions would not be necessary. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Disparaging his first nation heritage with the pejorative and hurtful name of "Tonto" is similar to calling a black person the n-word, and should be subject to severe sanctions from this well managed SHMB.
It amazes me how detached from reality some people have become when it comes to Obama. He literally says one thing, repeatedly, and they can convince themselves that he has said the opposite. I can't imagine what it must be like to live in a world like that. Originally Posted by eatfibo
Oh, give me a break. You fucking Liberals do the same thing with Trump.

lustylad's Avatar
According to the very first paragraph in your link, it says " President Barack Obama has described al Qaeda as having been “decimated” .... Nothing about them actually having been defeated. Originally Posted by eatfibo

When I first read IB's post (#35), my initial reaction was to think now surely fido won't be stupid enough to come back and insist "decimated" doesn't mean "defeated"... Lol - I obviously under-estimated fido's dogged instincts whenever he gets his ass handed to him to grab onto any absurd argument he can!!!

Because Fido is a textbook troll!

You're an equivocating SOB, eatbibeau. "Decimate" and "defeated" have the same synonyms, eatbibeau. And "on the run" means "in retreat", and "retreats" in military parlance follow "defeats", eatbibeau.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
lustylad's Avatar
I can't say for sure because I'm not a lawyer, and I'm not sure exactly what they have been charged with. Originally Posted by eatfibo
Then why don't you post a link so people can figure out what the fuck you're talking about?
I can assure you the alleged "victims" are similar to those who patronize prostitutes - we don't want the government butting into to this climate change issue to our detriment as shareholders. Originally Posted by DSK
Good for you. It doesn't change the fact that, if they did this, what they did was illegal.

Oh, give me a break. You fucking Liberals do the same thing with Trump. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Oh, absolutely. I saw plenty of ridiculousness even with Bush when he was in office. But, I have to say, those who freak out about Obama have brought it to a whole new level. Seriously, look at this thread right here as a perfect example. You've now got multiple people trying to claim that, despite explicitly saying the opposite numerous times, Obama said Al Qaeda is defeated.

People don't care what Obama actually does or says, only what they wish he had done or said.
Then why don't you post a link so people can figure out what the fuck you're talking about? Originally Posted by lustylad
Take your own advice, show some intellectual curiosity and seek out a source that is not as obviously ridiculously biased as the OP's submission. That's what I did because, you know, I actually have some intellectual curiosity and am smart enough to realize when a source is complete trash and that I should always seek out multiple sources of information.
lustylad's Avatar
It doesn't change the fact that, if they did this, what they did was illegal. Originally Posted by eatfibo
Lemme get this straight.... you're not a lawyer, you don't even know what they're charged with (or by whom), but you're sure if they did whatever it is you don't know about, then it has to be illegal.... did I get that right?

Thanks for all the shits and giggles, fido... you're in good form today!

Oh, and by the way, it's spelled Exxon-Mobil... Mobile is a city in Alabama.
Oh, and by the way, it's spelled Exxon-Mobil... Mobile is a city in Alabama. Originally Posted by lustylad
Thanks for the correction, the only useful thing to come out of that post.

Feel free to show that intellectual curiosity you are always going on about. Or not, just continue to insult me. I know, that's easier than actually putting any thought or effort into your positions.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It amazes me how detached from reality some people have become when it comes to Obama. He literally says one thing, repeatedly, and they can convince themselves that he has said the opposite. I can't imagine what it must be like to live in a world like that. Originally Posted by eatfibo

Are you telling us that you're in recovery?

Are you attacking the messenger? What's wrong with the source of my post? How about the Huffington Post. No liberals are they;
So now I understand that you believe everything because a liberal source has put the story out there. How amazed am I that someone is so detached from reality that the source of the verified news tells them whether or not to believe a story.
lustylad's Avatar
Take your own advice, show some intellectual curiosity and seek out a source that is not as obviously ridiculously biased as the OP's submission. That's what I did because, you know, I actually have some intellectual curiosity and am smart enough to realize when a source is complete trash and that I should always seek out multiple sources of information. Originally Posted by eatfibo
Exxon Mobil gets sued all the time and nobody knows which lawsuit you're talking about. I can't do your focusing for you, fido.

So what you're saying is - you're simply a troll who comes here to waste our time (and give us shits and giggles), not engage in serious discussion. Got it.
lustylad's Avatar
Feel free to show that intellectual curiosity you are always going on about. Or not, just continue to insult me. I know, that's easier than actually putting any thought or effort into your positions. Originally Posted by eatfibo
Hahaha... pushing your buttons now, fido?

I showed enough curiosity to ask you to post a link... you're the one who is too fucking lazy to do this or even put a lick of effort into supporting your "position" (if you have one, other than that Exxon-Mobil is guilty of something).

Are you skeered I might nit-pick you, fido the troll?

Speaking of nit-picking, why don't you tell us again what's the difference between decimate and destroy?