Biden Administration to distribute 400 Million N95 masks for free

  • Tiny
  • 01-20-2022, 08:18 PM

Great idea! How about we go through the DMV and mine for people with more than one speeding ticket because, wait for it...... they are at higher risk for medical costs! Then we could insist that every American provide to the government..... their weight because as we all know by now, Covid loves the obese. If we didn't have so many obese people with type 2 diabetes, which of course is the fault of the person who doesn't eat right and exercise, we could all pay less.

OH, OH, you know how we could really reduce medical cost to the rest of us? Deny insurance to people who went years and years not paying medical insurance and when they get a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes at 50, they want to pay the same price ( can you imagine ) as those who signed up for insurance when they were healthy and they yell, "you can't deny me because of the poor choices I made in the past not to get insurance the day I turned 18, now 26 apparently", I have a pre-condition!

I think you are on to something here Tiny. I'll bet if we put our heads together, we could eliminate half the population or more from the insurance pool! Think of the money we could save on premiums? All un-healthy people should be denied insurance and admission to hospitals and this would be a much better place, right?

Remind us Tiny on the longevity of a KN95 mask, one day, two days? Surely not a week, right? So theoretically, we will need 400, million masks produced at the very least every week till Covid is over, right. Now that's ridiculous.
Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Hedonist, The vaccinated and boosted are less likely to catch Omicron:

And much less likely to be hospitalized:

To be clear, I don't believe in mandating what private businesses may and may not do, without good reason. Are you saying insurance companies should not be allowed to charge smokers and unvaccinated individuals more? That sounds like something straight out of Obamacare.

I agree about pre-conditions. They're not something a person can control though, like smoking.

The way I wear KN95 masks, each lasts for days. My cost is around a quarter a day. As to government funding, George W. Bush had it right. We had a decent stockpile of personal protective equipment when he left office, that was depleted during the Obama and Trump administrations. While I'm Libertarian in outlook, trifling sums of money to prepare for and persevere through epidemics are a good use of government money.

And in any event, what would have done more good than government funding for masks would have been encouraging people to use the better quality N95 and KN95 masks instead of single layer cloth masks and the like. And also encouraging them to use them in appropriate settings, like their houses when family members have COVID. That might have saved the life of a buddy of mine. But Fauci, the CDC, the Biden administration and others never really got on the bully pulpit and pushed this, until recently. And Trump discouraged it.
  • Tiny
  • 01-20-2022, 08:23 PM
Neither will your exhale. You’re just snowballing yourself!!!! Originally Posted by bambino
Gross. You don't understand how this works. She picks up the mask from the seat beside her and spits in it. You don't ejaculate in the mask and put it on your face. You throw it out your pickup window. All that about wearing N95 masks and aviator goggles and doing it reverse cowgirl was just something I made up to get people excited. Kind of like some of the more bizarre QAnon links you've posted to rile up certain of our members.
bambino's Avatar
Gross. You don't understand how this works. She picks up the mask from the seat beside her and spits in it. All that about wearing N95 masks and aviator goggles and doing it reverse cowgirl was just something I made up to get people excited. Kind of like some of the more bizarre QAnon links you've posted to rile up certain of our members. Originally Posted by Tiny
You’re really not too bright are you. This was a Scamdemic from day one. It was an Endemic. (Bioweapon) the PCR test was a joke. The “SCIENCE” is now admitting it. Omicron has pretty much rendered Covid impotent. Most “scientists” say natural immunity is better than vax immunity. But you continue to be a pin cushion.
  • Tiny
  • 01-20-2022, 08:42 PM
You’re really not too bright are you. This was a Scamdemic from day one. It was an Endemic. (Bioweapon) the PCR test was a joke. The “SCIENCE” is now admitting it. Omicron has pretty much rendered Covid impotent. Most “scientists” say natural immunity is better than vax immunity. But you continue to be a pin cushion. Originally Posted by bambino
Hospitalizations in the USA are at an all time high. That's how impotent COVID is. That said, I agree that Omicron is providing immunity to the previously uninfected who unwisely chose not to get vaccinated, generally with less pain and suffering than if the Delta variant got to them first. And I lean towards believing natural immunity is better than vax immunity, overall. Having both is better.

New variants may arise and cause more COVID 19 waves. Other viruses will cause pandemics. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
let's see how long all this takes, assuming they have the stockpile numbers they claim, it's just a matter of stocking to these outlets like the big chain pharmacies and other outlets. even the GOV should be able to do this in a short time-frame. then we'll see what the outlets do, do they put limits per person? if not they'll be out of stock in days. so what the F did all this accomplish? nothing except to prove the most bloated inept entity in the world is the US Government. bhahhaaaaaa

400 million masks for 320 million that's not even two per person. what are these idiots gonna do? keep restocking and distributing these masks forever? lol probably! not a bad scam either. we pay for them then they give 'em back for "free" (+shipping). they'll be doing this every three months for all long as they have a reason to keep spending our money. covid forever!

there is no evidence that natural immunity is remotely as effective as that offered by vaccine. Go and die under your antiscience rock, you ignorant retard
there is no evidence that natural immunity is remotely as effective as that offered by vaccine. Go and die under your antiscience rock, you ignorant retard Originally Posted by tobias1988
It is ALWAYS the left that wishes death on people...robby 3rd reich says democraps should assault Sinema because she doesn't tow the radical party line.
As you say, you ignorant retard...

Omicron: Is ′natural immunity′ better than a vaccine ...
Jan 14, 2022 · Science Omicron: Is 'natural immunity' better than a vaccine? As omicron outbreaks take over, many people are asking: Could the immunity you get from a COVID infection

[PDF]Comparing Natural and Vaccine Immunity - Michigan
Jan 28, 2015 · It is true that natural infection almost always causes better immunity than vaccines. Because after a single natural infection, you often get immunity (like with measles or chickenpox) whereas you generally need 2 or more doses of a vaccine

CDC: Natural Immunity Offered Stronger Protection Against ...
Jan 20, 2022 · Following the Israel study, prominent scientists argued that the fact that natural immunity offered more protection than vaccines made mandatory vaccination unscientific
... Crikey! ... Wouldja look at that!

#### Salty
HedonistForever's Avatar
Hedonist, The vaccinated and boosted are less likely to catch Omicron: But many still do and the truly healthy people are less likely to be severely effected by Omicron without vaccines and will have natural immunity when they do catch it.. Why this once size fits all approach? That is antithetical to American values, it's why Feudalism is such a great idea.

And much less likely to be hospitalized: I hear one is much less likely to be hospitalized if the Biden administration hadn't been so slow with therapeutics which we now have but nobody can get. Before we continue with this draconian bullshit, how about we get these therapeutics to doctors so they can give them to the people who need them and keep them out of hospitals.

To be clear, I don't believe in mandating what private businesses may and may not do, without good reason. Are you saying insurance companies should not be allowed to charge smokers and unvaccinated individuals more? That sounds like something straight out of Obamacare.

I was trying for sardonic and facetious. I see it didn't work.

I agree about pre-conditions. They're not something a person can control though, like smoking. You can't control type 2 diabetes?

That will be news to many doctors who every day tell patients, myself included, how to prevent type 2 diabetes. I have an obsession with deserts. For most of my life, I have had desert after every evening meal and throw down a couple of pieces of dark chocolate after lunch most days. Then I was told I was pre-diabetic with a A1C of 5.8. I decided to stop all deserts ( gave up cola and sugar years ago ) and went to a 5.2 in 4 months. My doctor said he had never seen a patient do that before. Long story short, I was convinced I could bring that number down anytime I wanted and went right back to my old habits. Last A1C was 6.7 and my doctor was so alarmed he suggested I see a dietician. I said "doc, it isn't that I don't know what to eat and not eat, it's because the reason to stop just wasn't all that important to me". Now it is. This is preventable along with all the bad habits that bring on high blood pressure and a multitude of illness made by bad life choices but for the most part, we as Americans allow these choices to be made without a Czar telling us we "must" eat better, exercise more. It is information to be used by your choice, not the government.

I find it strange that a Libertarian like yourself would even consider the stance you have taken on this and an inability to see the slippery slope argument before you. If you give the government this authority ( I agree that businesses have this authority to tie your behavior to your job ) what else would you allow them to do? Why not ban chocolate cake? Do you know how many deaths we could prevent by banning chocolate cake, salt, sugar drinks? Why doesn't the government just ban it all like New York tried to do with big gulps? See how well that went over huh?

Right now GB has seen the light and will no longer mandate mask wearing. Omicron appears to have put a significant dent in Covid deaths and instead of celebrating this, some, apparently you included, want to continue this government persecution of Americans who make a different choice about their health. That's fine, you get one vote just like I do and I'll be voting for less government intrusion something it sounded like you were once for before you became Covid obsessed.

And in case I wasn't clear, many pre-coditions are the result of choice. So yeah, let's let the insurance companies set different rates for Americans at any cost they want, deny anybody they want for anything they want. What do I care? Besides a fluctuation A1C, I'm as healthy as a 74 year could be so I'm not going to be charged more.

I can just hear our new government telling Americans, "you've been warned about your bad habits that lead to health risks and more cost for the rest of us healthy people". Now you will report weekly to your community Captain and if you can't get your bad habits under control, we'll do it for you.

Not the kind of American I'm looking for.

The way I wear KN95 masks, each lasts for days. My cost is around a quarter a day.

So hundreds of millions of masks will be needed per week like I just said and you think the government will be paying quarters for these masks? Come on man.

As to government funding, George W. Bush had it right. We had a decent stockpile of personal protective equipment when he left office, that was depleted during the Obama and Trump administrations. While I'm Libertarian in outlook, trifling sums of money to prepare for and persevere through epidemics are a good use of government money.

If it is spent wisely maybe but when have you known our government to spent wisely and carefully.

Criminals have stolen nearly $100 billion in Covid relief funds, Secret Service says

How billions in pandemic aid was swindled by con artist and and criminal syndicates.

And in any event, what would have done more good than government funding for masks would have been encouraging people to use the better quality N95 and KN95 masks instead of single layer cloth masks and the like. And also encouraging them to use them in appropriate settings, like their houses when family members have COVID. That might have saved the life of a buddy of mine. But Fauci, the CDC, the Biden administration and others never really got on the bully pulpit and pushed this, until recently. And Trump discouraged it. Originally Posted by Tiny

The list of what could have been done better will be epic when the history of this is written.
winn dixie's Avatar
there is no evidence that natural immunity is remotely as effective as that offered by vaccine. Go and die under your antiscience rock, you ignorant retard Originally Posted by tobias1988
Please be respectful with your posts. Thank You sir
LexusLover's Avatar
Hospitalizations in the USA are at an all time high. That's how impotent COVID is. Originally Posted by Tiny
What do "hospitalizations" have to do with Covid?

Try to provide some medical/scientific analysis based on FACTS.

I have a political-monetary answer for you, which IS THE REALITY.
LexusLover's Avatar
there is no evidence that natural immunity is remotely as effective as that offered by vaccine. .... you ignorant retard Originally Posted by tobias1988
You must be from California and get your "science" from CNN!

#!: There are too many idiots who actually believe that getting the vaccine/booster protocol keeps them from getting or transmitting Covid.
#2: All THE FACTS currently show (even the Brits figured it out) that OmniCrumble gives one a sore throat and does not spread to other parts of the body, which is treated like most all sore throats.

When you put your life in the hands of a demented fool like the one you help get elected, it shows.

I guess you still believe Covid19 was from bat shit? Right? When you flee California, please don't come to Texas.
LexusLover's Avatar
Hey clown, Trump never said the challenge here is that you have to find the EXACT quote and it has to be EXACTLY like what you said. Failure to do some means that I'm correct again and your wrong...again. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
No quote yet?
there is no evidence that natural immunity is remotely as effective as that offered by vaccine. Go and die under your antiscience rock, you ignorant retard Originally Posted by tobias1988
The only downside to natural immunity is there is a possibility that you might die acquiring it,

I am one of the fortunate ones. I had Covid, have had both vaccines, and was just boosted a month ago. I was blessed with a very strong immune response to this particular virus.

So if you have only had the vaccine as a means of building antibodies, then you are possibly a danger to those at risk.
There should be a category at the of the Covid pyramid for us that have it all. The survivors. The jabbed. It is an exclusive club.
LexusLover's Avatar
There should be a category at the of the Covid pyramid for us that have it all. The survivors. The jabbed. It is an exclusive club. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Perhaps I am not understanding your point and the above quote ..

... but the only "exclusive club" of which I am aware with regard to Covid are those who actually DIED OF COVID ... and the % of the U.S. population is about 0.2% "REPORTED"!

I say "REPORTED," because the "reporting" of hospitalizations and deaths has been distorted by the economic benefits of a hospital caring for someone "infected" with Covid and gets an extra "pop" if that person actually dies, which means and includes those persons brought into the hospital/facility with some other issue(s), e.g. broken leg and/or gunshot wounds and/or heart condition and/or brain/blood condition, and tests positive for Covid. They are then isolated, statistically counted as a "Covid" hospitalization, and if they die ... a Covid death, even though they died from the condition for whcih they were brought into the hospital.

When a government is attempting to create an agenda to justify controlling its population then the stats and information reported is tailored to support the agenda ... that's what is happening currently in the ramp up to the 2022 elections ... to justify "mailing" ballots to create another EXCEPTION to requiring people to demonstrate who they are and they have a right to vote in the election for which they are casting a ballot. That is exactly what happened in 2020.

One day ... long after we are dead ... someone or more intelligent people will investigate the causes of death placed in "death certificates" for those claimed to be Covid deaths and the stats tossed around these days will drop dramatically to a level that puts into question whether to even call this bullshit an "epidemic"! People will feel they were DECEIVED ... and they will be correct.

As for your boastful status: I'm in the group of 99.8% of the U.S. population who haven't died of Covid19 ... AND I have not been vaccinated, tested, and/or treated for symptoms ... and I go out shopping and entertaining myself at least 2-3 times a week ...

... if not more.

Footnote: I am familiar with navigating around in a manner that will minimize exposure to substances that tend to transmit bad shit and I also read and listen to information from qualified scientists and physicians who are NOT POLITICS and/or PAID BY POLITICS to present "information" that is not fact based and represents nothing more than OPINIONS to support their own personal needs ... financially or politically or both. Unfortunately, I know too many people who actually believe getting a vaccination is the silver bullet against "covid"! Some have gotten sick. IMO for the very reason for their ignorance....they believed the government bullshit.