My New Reparations Plan

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Here it comes.

He's gonna kick your ass.

With his bare fists.


I wonder which IP blocker he uses.

Hey, BJerk! Which IP blocker do you use?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Struggle? It took less than 2 minutes.
It's that easy.
I know there is no way to tell where any given descendant fought other than tracking the individuals.
Your pompous ass declaring that as a group they did a certain thing is pompous ass bullshit.
Was Rommel in Africa during WWI?
I modify the discussion? The subject was the Australians and how they fought in WWII. Rommel was just one of many foes they had in WWII and one of the few that bested all comers. They served honorably but were beaten. Rommel was defeated by more men, more materials, more tanks and most of all, by Hitler
A problem you have is ...

..... if it's not on the internet you don't know it!!!!
You've got it backwards douche-bag. As usual.

What could you possibly know that's not on the internet? What single fact?
Other than how much dick you can swallow?
The only thing that stands out about you is the level of hubris you've attained with such a challenged mind.

The way it works is that when some douche-bag, such as yourself, flaps his lips while spreading bullshit as fact, I back check his story.
Since I already knew some degree of information on the subject that made me suspicious of the lip flapper's story, there are several benefits.

One is that I learn more about the subject. It's called life long learning dipshit. Anyone who claims they already knows everything is an obvious liar. If they did, why the fuck are they on this forum?

Another benefit is that sometimes when the prick is right, I don't make an ass of myself by being factually incorrect. If I'm to be an ass it will be by the method of my own choice. I'll always pick the court of opinion because who really gives a shit what a person, who brings up the casualties of wars and is completely wrong about them, thinks?

One of the best benefits is either watching that poster eat a shit burrito and he goes right on by on the way to the shit buffet. The all you can eat shit buffet.

Another problem: You want to modify the discussion to appear correct! Originally Posted by LexusLover
There's that word again. "Appear".
It doesn't "appear" that once again you've licked my surrogate's ass'
You have.
It doesn't "appear" you are naked in front of the class, sporting your 1" hard-on, with nothing to say..
You are (except no hard-on. you haven't had one of those in years).
It doesn't "appear" a blind child has wandered into a dodge-ball game.
You haven't. It's just me throwing balls, which you try to catch in your mouth, at the daft, dumb, blind kid. And you don't play a mean pinball.
But I'm not going to give up on you, you pompous, cocksucking, piece of shit. It's my duty to do what you can't or won't do.

And that's keep you honest.

You'll still be using the same logic you did in this post and you'll still suck dick, not because you're gay, just because you like the taste. This is still a great country regardless of what you and your trump tools say. I proudly served so that douche-bags like you could put whatever you want in your mouth.. And while it's your right to lie your fucking ass off as much as your worthless insecure self wants, try not to be so stupid about it.

Okay human wack-a-mole.
Which hole are you going to pop out of next?

Tell the Dick Sucking Klansman I said hey.

When are you going to tell us why you got kicked out of Austin?

Stop taunting the little bitch.
Menopause can be brutal. Just ask lexass licker'
LexusLover's Avatar
When are you going to tell us why you got kicked out of Austin?[/COLOR] Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Who is "us"? You and YouRong, your butt buddie?

And after you confirm that .. was YouRong the one who told you I got "kicked out of Austin"? You must be fluffing with Speedo!!!

Usually the folks in here who continuously post with large bright letters have little "bright" to contribute, and when accompanied with such words as "us" and "we" have a little whimp who can't stand on their own and have to have the appearance of a "group" agreeing with them.

The fact is few people, if any, seem to agree with your cut and paste assessment of things based on "wiki" bullshit. But you keep posting your tripe to confirm your ignorance and lack of critical thought ... on your own.
  • DSK
  • 08-25-2016, 07:38 AM
I'll deal with you first because it's waaay past somebody's bed time.

No wait. I'll tell you what little girl. You show me a single word post I've made and you don't have to suck your daddy's dick tonight. But that's just for tonight. Because though your childish anger, your cowardly fears, and your pussy tears can't be controlled by you, your lying cocksucking mouth (in this case your tiny little trump-like hands that type) has plenty of time to retract your lies before you hit the "submit" button. You chose to shit in your bed. Or in your case, if the foo shits, wear it.

Now beat it (figuratively speaking of course). Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You are delusional and an absurdly poor writer.

Look up the term "sentence fragment" then hang your faggotty little head in shame.

You proclaim victory in post after post, even after you don't even see how many people just laugh at you, bait you, then watch you spin out of control.

I'm done with you for now, loser.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
JL is getting close to critical mass.

Expect another spate of threats, lies and insults from this fucking poseur.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who is "us"? You and YouRong, your butt buddie?

And after you confirm that .. was YouRong the one who told you I got "kicked out of Austin"? You must be fluffing with Speedo!!!

Usually the folks in here who continuously post with large bright letters have little "bright" to contribute, and when accompanied with such words as "us" and "we" have a little whimp who can't stand on their own and have to have the appearance of a "group" agreeing with them.

The fact is few people, if any, seem to agree with your cut and paste assessment of things based on "wiki" bullshit. But you keep posting your tripe to confirm your ignorance and lack of critical thought ... on your own. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Why DID you get kicked out of Austin, LLephantMan?

Let me guess: You were caught publicly urinating in Clarksville and then told the cops you were actually robbed at gunpoint in Tarrytown.

LexusLover's Avatar
You are delusional and an absurdly poor writer.

You proclaim victory in post after post, even after you don't even see how many people just laugh at you, bait you, then watch you spin out of control.

I'm done with you for now, loser. Originally Posted by DSK
He, and the Austin crew (which includes the "Austin area") have to proclaim "victory" themselves ... no one in their right mind would declare them victorious as the wiggle around, recraft sentences, and misquote what others say just to post their revision of what they said in order "appear" correct .....

.. the internet queens ... .all of them.
  • DSK
  • 08-25-2016, 02:33 PM
He, and the Austin crew (which includes the "Austin area") have to proclaim "victory" themselves ... no one in their right mind would declare them victorious as the wiggle around, recraft sentences, and misquote what others say just to post their revision of what they said in order "appear" correct .....

.. the internet queens ... .all of them. Originally Posted by LexusLover
I believe you have accurately described them, though they cannot admit it to themselves since they would then realize their very existence here on earth is completely meaningless, and a burden to those of us who contribute.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
I knew exactly which hole you were going to come out of.

Your own ass (like that was tough to predict).

Who is "us"? You and YouRong, your butt buddie?
Bud! You're the cat's ass! Everyone wants to know your back story. Don't sell that oft pummeled ass short.
And after you confirm that .. was YouRong the one who told you I got "kicked out of Austin"? You must be fluffing with Speedo!!!
No one told me that. It's obvious you wouldn't have left unless you had to. Now it makes sense why you dislike him so much. And ungrateful cocksucker that you are and even though he's never told your tale of shame, you know he won't be restrained much longer.
Usually the folks in here who continuously post with large bright letters have little "bright" to contribute, and when accompanied with such words as "us" and "we" have a little whimp who can't stand on their own and have to have the appearance of a "group" agreeing with them.
Who are you kidding? I corrected you and your attempt slip your ignorance in as fact. It was simple. So is your response. Once again you have nothing but moronic bluster.
Oh, and that racist Dick Sucking Klansman who says you are his inspiration and favorite poster on here. Another reason she won't be in Austin for ACL....even though that's where he told his boy friend she'd you'll be inspiring each other.
The fact is few people, if any, seem to agree with your cut and paste assessment of things based on "wiki" bullshit. But you keep posting your tripe to confirm your ignorance and lack of critical thought ... on your own. Originally Posted by LexusLover
We all know you have nothing on topic to say. We. As in everybody who can read. I take it as a given you crybabies don't like me. So have at me.
You attack me because you can't attack my facts. When pissant little bitches gun for me it proves my facts.
I dare you to prove me factually wrong. Come on bitch!! Do it!!

And if you by fluke manage to do it? I'll admit it, apologize for it, and move on.

All that douche-baggery and yet so stupid.
It's "COPY" and paste you non-educated motherfucker.
You're too lazy to look anything up. "Oh why bother?" you say. "I'll just type whatever comes to mind. I love the attention I get when Munchie points out what a lying piece of shit I am." you squeal out in delight.

I'm just too lazy to retype the info I find that proves you to be a liar and a blow hard.
Funny how you can never refute my "Wiki Bullshit". Even funnier is that some how me pushing your face into the lying shit pie is "ignorant", the real stupid guy said.

You did exactly what you bitch at me about.
You copy and paste too. It's about the only time I don't check your lying ass for accuracy. You did manage to imply "we" and "us" without saying those words while enlisting the principle of multiple people but you're going to have to release those back channel emails that show others..., besides the Dick Sucking Klansman that is, agree with you.

But that couldn't be more of a moot point. Who gives a fuck what you 24 hour on eccie folk think? I'm who I am. There is no room for lying in job, my personal life (you know, that thing you don't have), or on this board. Don't like what I say bitch?
Put me on ignore.
I will continue to correct you as need be.

But there is light at the end of the tunnel. Want me to stop chastising you?

Stop fucking lying.

Now shut the fuck up and go lick your wounds.

And fine, you can lick Dick Sucking Klansman's balls.
But not in the house.

Look at you. Twisting in the wind looking for any advantage, any way to shed your liar's mantel, any way you can look less peevish and only asshole-ish.

All because you're not man enough to admit a mistake.
That's why I'll always be better than you.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
He, and the Austin crew (which includes the "Austin area") have to proclaim "victory" themselves ... no one in their right mind would declare them victorious as the wiggle around, recraft sentences, and misquote what others say just to post their revision of what they said in order "appear" correct .....

.. the internet queens ... .all of them. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're all talk. You haven't disproved anything but your own integrity.

And since the closest you can come to admitting you've been caught lying again is to say "appears correct", I'll accept that as you acknowledging you have pled "nolo contendere". Since a loser is established, I can stop talking about winning.

So can we get back to how little you know about the Australian army?

Watching you swap spit with the Dick Sucking Klansman is grossing me out.
Who knows where his mouth has been.

Great choice of BFF douche-bag.

The site racist. Your credibility has gone through the roof!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
You are delusional and an absurdly poor writer.

Look up the term "sentence fragment" then hang your faggotty little head in shame.

You proclaim victory in post after post, even after you don't even see how many people just laugh at you, bait you, then watch you spin out of control. They laugh because you don't know when to STFU, take your lumps, and run home to mommy
You're another Man wanna be. You won't ever be a man as long as you're insecure enough to keep from manning up and learn from your (many) mistakes. It doesn't matter to me. I'm just glad you don't have kids to continue your subhuman linage'
Posted by you;
You need to deal with your anger, homosexual, and racist tendencies. If you don't want to treat black people fairly, then just take responsibility for your actions, unlike the dumbfuck who wrote your sig line to give himself, and faggots like you, an excuse to break the law.

I'll be down for Austin City Limits, I'd be happy to meet up and smash your face in a fair fight.

To you and Assup:



Look you cocksucking pig, you're the one that hurls insults at every poster and post single word moronic posts you cocksucking pig. You're also a decrepit, lazy, racist, unhealthy, cocksucking pig. You've always been that way.

I'm done with you for now, loser. Originally Posted by DSK
For now? I'll tell you when we're done, douche-bag.

As soon as you're done cleaning all the dallas cop car's back seats out you have to help lexass licker in Houston.

You guys make a fine team for hosing the cum out of cop cars

Again not challenging my facts. I'll settle for that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Get in a bully's face and he shrinks like Baboono's tiny weenie on weigh-in day at Jenny fucking Craig.

JL Is a liar and hasn't shown up twice now to kick my ass with his bare fists.

LLEphantMan hasn't been seen by anyone anywhere. Even during the early ASPD days, nobody could figure out if he was very old, very young or quite possibly a resident of a state institution.

Nothing has changed.

But I applaud you calling a spade a spade.