Fancy's Irish Palace of Pleasure has gone the way of Atlantis -- underwater!

Yikes. Parts of Houston are just an issue right now...sadly, looks like we'll have round three on Saturday. Building a city on a swamp is not ideal...sheesh.

Originally Posted by Liliana Vess
I have a mobile home for rent in MOORE OKLAHOMA....that's yours if you need it.......its nice and safe as long as there are no tornados.....but your calll
Fancyinheels's Avatar
As the world turns with Fancy: Yes, it's true, with thanks to Yummy Marie for notifying the board; I've been struck by 2 separate weather disasters within 2 weeks in 2 completely different counties. The odds of this must be astronomical, but I've always been an odd ducky.

First, a grateful shout-out to the workers of SHECO, the Sam Houston Electric Company Coop, for working tirelessly to get the juice back on in my neck of the deep, dark, spooky woods in an astonishingly short period of time despite widespread damage. Woke to the blessings of power this morning.

Next, a safety note: Watch the news, and when bad weather is imminent, plug your phone in at night for recharge but LEAVE IT ON and make sure you subscribe to a weather warning system. In the pre-dawn hour of Wednesday morning, I was asleep at the Irish Chihuahua Refuge, aka my home out in the rural reaches of Montgomery County, when I was roused by my cell buzzing with an alert. I went to check it with sleepy dogs in tow, and was consequently sitting at my desk in another room when the storm hit with a roar moments later. The top of a pine tree was driven through my roof like someone poking a popsicle stick through a styrofoam cup, landing IN my bed. Had the wee woofs and I been there, we would have been a Fancy-chihuahua shishkabob!

Funny thing is that I don't even have ANY pines on my property or nearby. Gosh knows how long it had been sailing the air currents. The National Weather Service now claims the destruction in my area was all straight-line winds. Well, they haven't seen my backyard. Some of the big oaks are shattered corkscrew fashion, falling in all different directions. Although a tornado may not have touched ground, there was funnel action. Sad that I lost about half the trees on my forested acre, but I'm happily thankful that my little dogs and I didn't do Oz-like Dorothy and Toto impressions. I'm a Wicked WENCH, not a wicked witch!

An oak also slammed into the back of the house, impact knocking frames off the walls, plates out of my cabinets, knick knacks off shelves. I was hit by a piece of flying debris in the shoulder and have a bruise, and cut my toe on some broken glass, but am otherwise okay. Chihuahuas are traumatized and ANY noise up on the roof sends them scurrying into hidey holes now, poor things.

My cozy cottage sustained substantial damage, exterior beam crunched, sheetrock cracks, multiple holes in the roof with daylight showing, chimney knocked clean off. The trees have been removed (the glorious sound of chainsaws abound), and I've wrapped that rascal; my home is LITERALLY wearing a giant condom, some sort of rubberized tarp with elastic edges that hopefully will protect the interior from the storms predicted for THIS weekend. Ye gods!

I am staying here at the moment, sleeping in my guest bedroom. Most of the house is structurally sound. Been clearing the huge mess inside and out. (Haven't even returned to my Houston apartment to finish cleaning THAT up yet.) Have already located a reputable, licensed, bonded contractor (beware of SCAMS, out-of-state con artists in unmarked trucks rolling through, coming to your front door to offer a "deal" which turn into a "steal" of your money), and repairs may start today, weather permitting, but I'm reluctant to begin that project unless it can be completed before the next round of inclemency. So far, water damage at my home has been minimal, and I'd like to keep it that way.

My insurer, State Farm, and I are having a bitter disagreement, and suffice it to say that I'm, to put it technically, "Screwed, blued, and tattooed" in all respects at the moment. My entire savings will go toward fixing the house, so NO possibility now that Fancy will get another private incall apartment anytime soon.

Another word of advice: Go over your current insurance policies TODAY, home, business, auto, rental, and make absolutely certain that the specific words "rising water" are included, and that "wind and hail damage" are not excluded. You may be surprised what type of coverage you DON'T have in this tornado, flood, and hurricane-prone state.

Heavy sigh. On top of all this, my longstanding, erotically encyclopedic website crashed, isn't recoverable, and I'll have to build a new one from scratch when I have the spare time. (Hysterical laugh.) Like Don Lukbak pointed out earlier in this thread, a ton o' bad luck has been dumped on me this month (the leprechauns evidently pissed off Mother Nature), so hopefully the rest of my life will be a breeze, but not the same kind that blew my house.

Speaking of blowing, you can't keep a sassy Irish lassie down, but you can ask her to GO down. I hope to be able to make outcalls by next week. I will be re-tailoring my business model and my rate structure for the new reality soon, so interested gentlemen, please watch my Showcase for details.

My sincere appreciation for the many well wishes, offers of help, and completely unsolicited donations to what what one fellow is calling the "Fancy Recovery Fund." Again, I'm astounded and amazed. Nothing else I can say under the circumstances but THANK YOU.

As the meow man indicated, moving to the top of a mesa in southern Arizona is looking pretty good right about now, high above flash floods, cactus as shade, no freezes, no tornadoes. May have to teach the chihuahuas how to combat rattlesnakes and tarantulas, and what to do with a feather duster after a sandstorm.

Stay safe this weekend, everyone. More damned rain predicted!
Oralist's Avatar
Flood insurance is a completely separate policy issued through FEMA. Homeowner's insurance does not cover rising water damage. If you live in a flood plain or close to a major creek or river, get flood insurance. It's relatively inexpensive and, I believe, there is no deductible. My previous home flooded during Ike. I received a check that more than covered the repair costs. I sold that home and now live where it is high and dry, with no major creeks, bayous or rivers to produce flood waters.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
I told my former agent (who retired last year so I can't even yell at him) to write me polices that covered "...everything from A to Z, from alien invasion to zombie apocalypse, tornado to tsunami, burglary to blazes," but evidently the word "everything" is highly subject to interpretation by insurance companies, who may or may not advise you correctly on what you need. Buyer beware, and just like the Hobby, it is ultimately up to the consumer to protect his/herself. Do the research, and learn from the mistakes of others.

I lost a home in 1994 due to a flood and didn't have the necessary coverage, so was aware of the separate "rising water" FEMA policy. (And I moved to the highest point of my neighborhood, on a small hill, after that incident. If my cottage floods now, we are ALL going to be waiting on the Ark.) I thought my Houston apartment rental insurance policy was sufficient, trusted the agent who wrote it, so my fault (aka stupidity) for not going over it with a magnifying glass.

However, I did NOT realize that many homeowner insurance policies in Texas now call for separate "hail and wind damage" riders. New one to me. WTF does your average policy cover? Not much, and often with high deductibles.
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
FEMA could lend a hand to storm/flood victims.
Once again, if that drive into the medical center starts looking like a more attractive option, you've got an Incall with me
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
Once again, if that drive into the medical center starts looking like a more attractive option, you've got an Incall with me Originally Posted by YummyMarie
Traffic at the medical center is disastrous.
I'm on the outskirts, so lucky for me, traffic has never been an issue, even with the rodeo and OTC. But you are right, that deeper in, traffic is horrific, although not nearly as bad as the galleria.
TheCat'sMeow's Avatar
I'm on the outskirts, so lucky for me, traffic has never been an issue, even with the rodeo and OTC. But you are right, that deeper in, traffic is horrific, although not nearly as bad as the galleria. Originally Posted by YummyMarie
I am surprised that any John or man can perform once he gets passed the Galleria.

The men don't have to perform; that task should be on the provider, with the former being optional.

Fancy, I'm glad you are at least getting back to the latex lifestyle in some way, shape, or (bad joke, I know). Please keep us up to date. I'm crossing my fingers that the next cell that comes through will be harmless.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Damn Fancy I'm sorry to hear you were hit with yet another crisis. You're lucky to be alive with the tree crashing through your roof!

Hopefully you'll be able to get some normalcy soon.
BIGSEXY7852's Avatar
Once again, if that drive into the medical center starts looking like a more attractive option, you've got an Incall with me Originally Posted by YummyMarie
I don't know you, but you must be an awesome lady to offer this. I am impressed happy to know people like still exist.
Damn Fancy I'm sorry to hear you were hit with yet another crisis. You're lucky to be alive with the tree crashing through your roof!

Hopefully you'll be able to get some normalcy soon. Originally Posted by SpiceItUp
I second this. How terrifying!!!! I am really glad you and the pups are all in one piece. You're in my prayers. *hugs*
damn Lass. Totally sucks.

It sounds like par for the course with State Farm. In my experience with them, they will try and weasel out of everything. Remember talking to a friend of mine once that said SF didn't cover "wind driven rain". Really?

State Farm is not a good neighbor. They are the douchebag neighbor.
Sorry to hear about your misfortunes, Fancy! Hope you bounce back!