Yeah. That kinda dulls my interest here to the current situation.
Originally Posted by Precious_b
That's because the Republican leadership is for all intents and purposes the same as the Democrats. It IS a uniparty.
My opinion is the same for this as it is for UKR, not our monkeys, not our circus. Israel can do what it likes. We should neither condemn nor support. It can be argued we have marginally more interests in keeping Israel afloat as it focuses ME aggression there rather than here... but as 9/11 illustrated, that's no guarantee.
Were it me, I'd start on the North end of the Gaza strip and bulldoze it to the Sinai. I've been there.... it's doable.
The only way to stop this is for one group to break the other... to kill enough civilians and armed forces, so that the will to fight is gone. (see CSA @1865 or Japan @1945 for examples) Probably 30-40% killed might do it... but these aare religious fundamentalists... it might take 60-70%
No journalists, no cameras... Just napalm, direct fire, and heavy artillery. Send them to the virgins.
But we live in a "civilized" world now and so the Israelis won't and the conflict will go on for a few more generations at the very least.
Looks like Bibi agrees.
For those of you unaware...
theres a good read here regarding the analog in the US. 9/11 we suffered 3K dead... scale up what just happened in Israel to the US and you'd have 25K dead with another 3K kidnapped and held hostage... What do you think teh US would do in response to an attack of that size? IF we didn't go nuclear I'd be shocked.